All Things Wrong

Chapter 2504: Priest

The people who came in this time obviously looked more dependent on the two. The other person wore a brown and gray robes, almost covering the entire face, but from the body can also judge that the other is a male, and quite muscular. It can be seen from some of the exposed hair that the other party's age should not be small. In a sense, this is more in line with the gods in their eyes.

It may also be because of the age, the other side is slightly bowed, but the gas field is satisfied. The soldier just said that this person had injured one of his men. Of course, Leido also listened to the report slightly, that is, this person suddenly appeared near the inner city, so the soldier went up and asked, the injured soldier. I was prepared to look at it in the past. The result was that the other party seemed to be far away from the launch, and then the other party asked to see Raydo. The soldiers came over and reported.

There are indications that this person is more like a god, and Raydo is of course serious. The soldiers are still bringing people, and Raydo waved his hand and let them all go down, then confronted the humanity in front of him: "Who are you? Why do you want to see me?"

"I came here, in fact, to apologize to you." The other party spoke up, and the voice sounded really young, a little hoarse.

"Apologize?" Reddo said a little. "I shouldn't know you, why apologize to me? What did you do?"

"The Emperor Ledo, do you know the decree of the **** of the gods yesterday?" asked the other.

"Yes, I know." Redo nodded, and he thought about the other party. He really said this thing. It seems that this guy in front of him is a god.

"I am the messenger of the gods." The gods here seem to directly say the judgment of Redo's heart. Like Li Huailin said, God does not worry about his identity being exposed, and it is generous. Just admitted in front of Redo.

"You are a god-giving adult?" Although Redo had already had a judgment in his heart, he was still a little surprised to ask, "Really?"

"This is a fact." God replied, "Since you know it, it would be easier. The gods of the gods want to select some of the agents, so they set up a trial, in order to select some powerful ones. People help the gods to complete some tasks. But because the position chosen by the gods is a bit close to the direction of the main city of your undead, so this trial seems to have affected some of your undead..."

"Hey?" Redo looked a little bit, as if he couldn't understand. Of course, he already understood what the other party was going to say, but he didn't know it.

"You should have received the report now, and there is another force on the battlefield," asked the god.

"This... yes." Redo thought about it. "There is another mysterious force on the battlefield. Although the number is small, the combat power is very strong. We are also guilty of this matter. I don't know. Where did the rebels find the troops? God made the adults tell you about this..."

"Yes, in fact, this unit is the one who participated in the trial of the substitute." God immediately told the adults to take it.

"What?" Redo looked surprised. "How is this possible? They are fighting the rebels to attack our main city. Why? Is this the command of God to make adults?"

"Of course not." The **** here said immediately. "I just gave some trials to these prepared agents based on the orders of the gods and adults, and selected some of them who were capable of serving the gods. I don’t know anything about your main city. You should know that the gods of the gods will not interfere in the internal affairs of your lower bounds."

"I know this," said Ledo. "But in fact these testers are really attacking my city. Why is this? Is it true that the purpose of the gods is to destroy our undead?"

"Of course not." God said, "The gods of the gods are only for the sake of picking the substitutes. As for why these trials attack the city, I am not very clear about the old man. It is also possible that what was received. Provocative people like..."

"Provocative?" Redo looked like a question, but his heart was sneer. Yes, this provocative person is of course Randwell. It is obvious that this **** is pushing all the responsibilities to Randwell. It is a bad thing for Randwell, and of course he does not. I will admit that I have a private deal with Randwell.

"I don't know very much about the specific situation, but the trials do cause trouble to your country to a certain extent, so I also apologize to you on behalf of the individual." God made a false apology here. But it is only on behalf of the individual, he can not apologize to the Leo on behalf of the Protoss.

"God makes the adults, since this is a misunderstanding, can you let these trials leave?" Although Leido knows what is going on here, he continues to follow the topic.

"In fact, the trial mission that the gods told me is to let these trials find me." God said, "But now I can't take the initiative to let them find me. After all, the command of the gods is to let them find I, if I take the initiative, it is the meaning of the trial of the gods of the gods."

"This...that is to say, this group of people is going to enter the city to see you, so will they participate in the siege?" Leido said immediately. "If I put them into the city like this, the other party will stop." Attacked?"

"According to the orders of the gods, I can't be found by them so easily." The gods here said, "So I came here just to express my apologies to the emperor, and the trials made by the gods." Do not dare to defy."

Redo is listening to the meaning of God, which means that he can't find this group so easily, so he won't stay here waiting for them to find, that is, even if Ledo can put those people Come in, God will let him also leave, of course, put in the gang to see if the gods will definitely look around, and they may be eager to turn this side into the sky. Now, the rebel forces outside are still attacking the city. It is not even more chaotic to find such people with confidence. It is normal to see how Rayo dares to do this.

"It's not that simple." Leido also sighed, of course, is also prepared in the heart, on the surface is still anxious to say, "God makes adults, you can not care about us, now this group of people but the joint rebel In attacking my city, once the city is really broken by them, the people in the city will suffer..."

"Well... you said something a bit reasonable. I didn't expect this trial to actually cause such a reaction. Your undead people really suffered from innocent disasters this time." The **** here nodded. " However, I have no right to interfere in the trials made by the gods, so I can't do anything..."

"What?" Ledo was very surprised.

"..." God made this side bow down slightly, as if thinking for a while, then suddenly said, "Yes, the undead emperor, I thought of a more effective way."

"What is it, God makes adults, please say." Redo said immediately.

"I have no way to disobey the gods of the gods, but if there is an accident, you can explain this to the gods, but the things that are happening are not yet up to the standard that can be reported... I think one more reason can be added. For example, if the believers of the gods are attacked by the trials, then they can explain this to the gods and change the content of the trial a little." God said.

"The believers of the gods are attacked?" Reddo squatted a little, and then immediately said, "But our undead people do not seem to believe in the gods... and so on. What do you mean by adults?"

"Yeah, Emperor Ledo." The **** here saw the other side seem to understand his own meaning, and said directly, "Why don't you call this opportunity a believer of the gods, if you are blessed by the gods of the gods, The undead will be even stronger, and it is also a good thing for the emperor."

"..." Lei Duo did not react on the surface, but the heart has begun to sneer, and the Protoss’ plan is exactly the same as that of Li Huailin’s analysis. The reason here is good, the actual content and threat are no different, especially at this time. To say this, it is simply to push the knife holder around the neck to force them to follow suit.

It is estimated that the face of Lei Duo is lightened. The gods here also said: "Of course, this is only my personal suggestion. Now the undead are not the believers of the gods. I am very difficult to report this because God. There is no reason for adults to be sheltered... In short, you should understand this truth."

"I know." Redo nodded. "So only if I become a believer in God can I let the Protoss protect me. If not, then..."

"The emperor, you should have nothing to say when I am." God said immediately. "This is just my personal advice."

"Oh, personal advice." Redo sneered a little, "I am not afraid that God has planned the adults."

"If the emperor wants to think this way, it is the heart of the villain." The **** here said, "Although the undead empire is also very powerful, for the gods and gods, everyone in the lower world is only the dust of the end, you Yes, your people are, and me too. The gods of the gods will not do anything for your undead. Of course, I am the messenger of the gods." (To be continued.)

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