All Things Wrong

Chapter 2505: discuss

Redondo had to admit that the other party was really shameless to get home. It was obviously a threat to take the initiative to say that he did not seem to do anything. It was indeed very irritating. Even so, Redo thinks about it. It seems that he really has no way to take the Protoss. After all, people are big and big, really do you, what do you do?

I thought that here, Leido couldn’t help but looked at Li Huailin. Yes, Li Huailin didn’t show up yet, still in the next room. Redo also remembered what Li Huailin had told him. He continued to ask: "God makes the adults, that is to say, as long as the Protoss beliefs are promoted in our country?"

God made a smile here, and then said: "The Emperor Ledo, the so-called belief is not such a simple thing, especially the undead people did not have a tradition of belief in the gods before, but if they are promoted, they may not get any benefit. Let's go."

The meaning of God makes Ledo understand, of course, because Ledo is also playing with his eyes. I just said that it is just a promotion. To put it simply, it is not forcing the civilians to believe in the Protoss. In fact, most of the civilians of the undead are certainly not going to accept the Protoss. When the Protoss finds the door, they can use them to force themselves. The people changed their prophecies and so on to smother each other.

The gods obviously saw the meaning of Redo, so it is also obvious that he can't do this. Of course, there was no movement on the side of Redo. He nodded casually. "What does God want the adults to do for me? If I really force me to make a command to believe in the Protoss, I guess I will not be the undead soon. The emperor of the tribe, you should understand this too."

"Yes." God nodded. "But sometimes the loyalty to the gods does not necessarily require faith. There are other ways to prove it."

"Oh? Adults please say." Both of them know that the other party is talking about the conditions, but they have not said anything, and they are also very euphemistic.

"This time the gods of the gods convene these agents, there are also some things that need to be handled by the substitutes." God said, "The emperor of Redondo, I think this is a good time to show loyalty to the Protoss."

"That is... let us do this for the gods of the gods?" asked Ledo.

"Yes, if you really do, I believe that the gods will understand the loyalty of the adults." God said immediately.

"It turns out that." Sure enough, I still have to let myself do things like this. This should be what Li Huailin wants to explore. Rondo nodded and then asked, "I don't know what God God wants us to do? How much power does it need to be dispatched? Is it about the recent old people?"

"The old people... are indeed some ignorant people." Speaking of this god, it was a bit uncomfortable to say, "But now there are some guys who are more ignorant than the old ones..."

"Who are they?" Redo asked immediately.

"These things will be explained to the activists for a while, and I don't want to say the second time." God said.

God’s meaning seems to be the meaning that I don’t want to say now. Leido wants to say: “God makes the grown-up, you know that this is a very important thing for our entire undead. I really want to know the Protoss now. Who is the target, or else I can't make a decision. I know that the goal that your Protoss should deal with should not be simple, or else it should not find us, so I need to make an assessment."

"Are you afraid of getting into a person you can't deal with?" God smiled. "Reassured, these ignorant people have basically no threat to the gods, just because their identity is special. If the adults are not very good at shooting, they will hand it over to you."

“Identity is special?” asked Ledo.

"Yeah, because they are only people in the lower bounds." God said, "You know, the gods generally do not interfere with the lower bounds..."

"Only the people of the lower bounds, why do the gods do not release a **** to let us all unite to deal with it? Is it true that the gods are talking about the elves?" asked Ledo.

"This guy's means is not ordinary," said the god. "And the gods of the gods certainly have their reasons, even I don't dare to guess the gods. In short, the people to deal with are just some people in the lower bounds, you should understand standing. Which side."

"Some of the people in the lower bounds..." said Leido. "In this case, the number should be quite a lot. How many? How many troops to dispatch? I want to know."

"You have a lot of problems, and the number of opponents is really quite a lot, but... you know that if you join, who is behind the back, so do you really worry about this?" Said, "I don't think this is a difficult decision."

"I... I need to think a little. This is not a decision I can make alone." The other party obviously does not want to say too much, and Ledo also said directly, "We have a little discussion here."

“Discuss?” God made a slight smile. “Okay, I can wait.”

"Then ask God to wait a little while in the lounge next to me, I will give you a reply as soon as possible." Redo also said.

"Oh?" God also surprised him. It is estimated that he was a little surprised that Redo dared to let himself go out, but he did not say anything. It seems that he had confidence in the final answer of Redo, so there is no care. Turning around a little, the gods here also went straight to the next room to follow the instructions of the next person.

However, after God left the room, the room did not immediately discuss it enthusiastically. Everyone looked at the room next door. It was the room where Li Huailin was. Li Huailin just touched his chin and walked out. I went to the position where I was sitting in the place where I was sitting, but I didn’t mean to speak. It seemed to be thinking about something.

"Adults, the purpose of the Protoss seems to be to let us participate in a war of the lower bounds." Since Li Huailin did not speak, Ledo, who was a little anxious, took the initiative to go up and said, "This is really a bit strange."

"Well..." Li Huailin nodded. "It’s really a bit confusing."

"I don't know who is the war. If it is the elves, now the elves are almost out of order. They can't stop the attack of the five squad. The current demise is a matter of time. So the Protoss should not have to let us send troops again." Redo said, "So this enemy..."

"The enemy is me." Li Huailin said coldly.

"Ha?" Redo is a direct glimpse. "What do you say?"

"I said that the gang of ignorant people who had just been dealt with by the Protoss that God had said should be me." Li Huailin said.

"Hey?" Reddo didn't react, or was too surprised.

"On another continent, my troops have already started to work on the Protoss. In the past few days, a large number of temples have been demolished..." Li Huailin said.

"What?" Leido really just heard Li Huailin talk about this, really shocked. Although Li Huailin had previously said that he was an enemy of the Protoss, but he did not expect that he had already started the Protoss, and also directly dismantled the temple, which of course angered the Protoss, only...

"Hey? But... Why didn't the Protoss drop the gods?" Redo asked suddenly.

"Yeah, why." Li Huailin said very strangely. Yes, there is no hidden meaning for the gods in the hands of the Protoss. Although Li Huailin has not publicly told the Protoss that I am going to get you, but Li Huailin’s demolition of the temple these days is really the kind of madness. In theory, the Protoss should also be aware of something wrong. Under a little investigation, it should be said that it is not necessary to investigate. It should be known that it is behind the scenes. Therefore, according to Li Huailin’s view, the Protoss’ response should be to directly publish the gods. Declare yourself as a **** enemy and then summon all the powers that can be summoned to yourself.

But now the Protoss action is really weird. First of all, the **** that the person who just said to deal with should refer to himself. The other party also wants to summon the troops to attack themselves, but... why not open? There are more people who confessed to be open to the enemy. It seems that it is sneaky to call the army to attack themselves. This is really strange. Is it necessary for the Protoss to hide?

Therefore, Li Huailin really can't figure it out. Recently, the Protoss always came to this strange trick. Although it seems that the current situation is still beneficial to Li Huailin, after all, the other party can make it out as long as they don’t disclose that they are enemies. A little thing comes, but the problem is that Li Huailin always feels that there is something wrong with Li Hualin. Li Huailin thinks that the other party is not as good as it is.

Really, Li Huailin now wants to go to the next room and then pick up the **** to make a meal, then ask him what he is doing, but he also knows that the gods can be sent directly to the temple. There is no restriction at all, at least for now, it is impossible to limit the other party, so it is possible for the other party to run directly. It’s hard to find a little bit of information, and it’s a shame to let go now.

"Adult, then we are now..." Redo asked a little anxiously.

"In short, I will first determine the other party's plan." Li Huailin thought about it. "You join the other side's camp first, let me first figure out what the guys are doing." (To be continued...)

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