All Things Wrong

Chapter 2548: Summon behemoth

New Rand Diva City, the name sounds very foreign, but in fact the city is just a very small small earth city, the city's buildings look basically rock and mud, really a little price The feeling, especially the city is still bearing the name of the city of the Master, always feels the name is not true. .

Of course, this is actually caused by Li Huailin. When Li Huailin formed the mainland alliance a few months ago, Li Huailin personally came here to negotiate because of the unusual cooperation of the Masters Association. Of course, the result of the negotiations was that the president of the Masters Association was killed by the bricks of Li Huailin, and the entire city of Old Randyva was buried by Li Huailin. So in fact, the city of Randivo has disappeared from the map, but there is no way, the remaining masters of this group can not have no place to go.

So under the leadership of the remaining external elders of the Masters Association, a new city was born next to the city of Randiwa, which is now the city of New Randy Diva. Since the city has just started construction, the current situation can be built very well now.

The speed of construction is very fast. It is necessary to know that the speed of construction of this city can only be described as surprisingly compared to the new palace where Li Huailin was built for a few months or a foundation. The reason is naturally because of the involvement of the magician, it is very easy for so many magicians to work together to build a blank in the city. Of course, these noble magicians can't do the work done by this kind of hard work, but after all, this is their city, of course, there is no way to go.

For this new city, Li Huailin certainly has no idea. Now the Magic Association has joined the Continental League. Li Huailin certainly does not need to find them. However, Li Huailin really came here often, for the reason... of course, because of the ancient giant Beagles on the top of the city.

Yes, the city of Randiwa was destroyed directly by both Argos and Li Huailin. After destroying the city, Li Huailin temporarily let Argos stay here because Li Huailin often also looks for Argo. With the laser skills, the transmission point of the new Randy Diva city is nearby, and it is very convenient to transfer it directly, so there is no need to waste a transmission mark on this guy.

Really, Argos is really obedient. At least he is more obedient than Li Huailin’s previous recruitment. In a few months, Argos has always stayed in this place and completely did not run around. And this thing is also a huge zombie beast that Li Huailin resurrected with the Excalibur, so it seems that there is no need to eat anything. In short, every time Li Huailin comes here, it is in the same place, and Li Huailin does not have to spend more time.

Of course, this time to find Argos is not to get the laser skills, Li Huailin said before the big brother, of course, in order to find Argos to deal with the opposite Leviathan-class combat machine. Yes, although he did not officially see the Leviathan class, but before listening to Decker said that the Leviathan class seems to have been transformed after the ancient behemoth was parasitized. Li Huailin said that I also have this stuff. He thought of Argos, because Algos was originally an ancient behemoth, and now it has been transformed by him. It seems to be the same attribute. The goods should be able to fight.

Yes, Li Huailin is now going to fight the Mahuola. I said that Li Huailin wanted to join the Lama Hula, and of course it was not a mode of cooperation, but a conquest. Of course, to conquer them, of course, they must first convinced the other party, so Li Huailin did not directly drive Dekel to run, saying that he was afraid of the other side to chase, so he was worried that he could not run away, and it was completely nonsense. Li Huailin was really I want to say this with the other person. Of course, on the other hand, Li Huailin is quite eager to watch the monsters. Is it better than watching movies?

The location of the new Randy Diva city is in the middle of the mainland, as is the city of Brasov. The actual distance between the two cities is not very far, at least the distance in the air is like this. If the ground is gone, it is necessary to turn over several mountains. Li Huailin also studied the map. Although the flight speed of Argos is not very top-notch, it should not take long to fly, but there is a call to call the Jade Emperor, so there should be no major events, so it must be Have time.

Of course, it is a bit late now, and Li Huailin is a bit sleepy, so I want to do something a little faster. Jin Guang flashed, Li Huailin flew into the air on the Xiaomi, and sure enough to wear the clouds, Li Huailin saw the Argos floating in the air. Of course, Li Huailin came here to get the skills, so fly directly to this height and put a sharing skill on Argos. After all, Li Huailin found that Argos seems to have only one skill, it seems that it will not change. But this time, Li Huailin is going to call Argos, so I have to rely on it more closely.

Flying all the way to the top of Argos, Li Huailin stood on the nose of Argos and looked at the current situation. Algos’ eyes were closed, as if... sleeping. Yes, Li Huailin also felt that the other person's body was shaking up and down, and then whispered with a strange ghost.

"Hey, whale big brother!" Li Huailin shouted directly at Argos, "Wake up!"

Li Huailin shouted loudly, but it seemed to be nothing to Argos. Even after several shouts, Argos still had no reaction here, and he was still sleeping.

"It’s a hell." Li Huailin lifted the amount and thought about it. He took out the light from his own parcel and then stabbed it directly at the nose of Argos.

"噗嗤", the sharp sword front directly broke the skin of Argos, the whole sword was buried in the nose of Argos, but the problem is... This guy has not yet woken up. Li Huailin is a glimpse, is this OK? However, this guy is originally a zombie beast. The glory does not actually hurt it. The aura of blood return is estimated to make the other person sleep more comfortable.

"There is no way, only the final means can be used." Li Huailin looked at the situation, and then a hand with a virtual grip, golden light flashed, Xiaomi suddenly appeared in front of Li Huailin, and the tip of its tail is of course just right Li Huailin’s hand.

"Hey?" Xiaomi certainly didn't know what was going on here. Just wanted to ask the master what happened. Suddenly the whole dragon was pulled up by Li Huailin, and the air was rotated 360 degrees. Li Huailin directly let Xiaomi go. The face of Argos smashed past.

"Flying dragon flash!"


With a scream, Xiaomi slammed into the head of Argos. The "啪" was shot on the face of Argos, and then a scream was directly dropped from the air. If Xiaomi can complain, he must have said that he is a dog. What kind of thing is this guy sleeping? Fortunately, Xiaomi’s IQ is still limited, and now it has fallen.

The impact of this is still very large, and the huge body of Argos was shaken a bit, and then a huge buzzing sound, yes, Argos finally woke up.

The unknown gem on his head flashed. Argos seemed to be aware of his attack. He was ready to fight back, but when he was about to shoot, Argos saw Li Huailin standing on his nose. Then... suddenly there was no action.

"Do you think I have seen it?" Although there is no language exchange, Li Huailin still understands the eyes of Argos. This is not because Li Huailin has been arrested, but because Li Huailin is given Forget it, look at his eyes and know that the other person is a little impression of himself, but can't remember who it is, and is remembering it.

"Is Laozi your master? Are you remembering my resurrection?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say that Li Huailin was very low in this goods, and Li Huailin came here just before that skill, and did not go with Argo. When Sis met, he didn't expect it to forget himself at this point. Li Huailin also lifted the Excalibur and looked at Argos. I don't know if the other person can think of it.

"Oh..." Suddenly a strange long beep was issued by Argos. The sound was so loud that Li Huailin couldn’t stand it anymore. It’s estimated that if the system helps to adjust it, the general human light will vibrate. I was shocked to death. And Argos did not know what it meant by this voice. Li Huailin did not know whether the other party had thought of himself.

"In short, this time I have something to look for, there is a troublesome guy who wants you to deal with it." Li Huailin said directly to Argos.

Algos had no response at all. One person and one beast looked at each other for a while. Li Huailin helped the amount: "In general, go here, I can understand it."

"Hey..." Argos suddenly screamed, this time a lot higher than the tone, but of course I still don't know what it means, but Li Huailin waited a bit, and the Argos here began to move. And indeed it is moving in the direction of Li Huailin.

"Call, finally it is done, this thing is worry-free, but the question is whether IQ is too low." Li Huailin lifted the amount, "accelerate acceleration, speed up!"

Here, Li Huailin is carrying Argos to the battlefield, and on the other side of Brasov, summoning Jade Emperor and Heaven have encountered some trouble. In front of them is a row of squadrons. The current number is about fifteen. Yes, just a little while in the sky.

The number of enemies has increased. The most troublesome problem is that they are now facing a very troublesome debu, an endless paralysis state.

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