All Things Wrong

Chapter 2569: Refuse

"Ha?" Li Huailin and Decker are another glimpse, because listening to Anwar means that the reason why this big 6 sinks into the sea is related to their use of artifacts. This is really a bit horrible. What artifacts use to sink a big 6 directly, so much that the price is really not affordable.

"I understand." Anwar nodded a little. "This thing is an artifact that has been handed down from our family since ancient times. When I inherited the Queen's position, the former Queen Lophos told me that I had no choice but to go. Don't use artifacts unless the race is at risk...but I don't know there will be such serious consequences."

"When St. Ruttus found me, I didn't obey the warnings for a while, so it caused such serious consequences. After the incident, both of me and both of them were very self-blaming... Seriously, now we are a family. The current situation may also be due to the relationship of retribution.” Queen Anwar bowed his head as he spoke and sighed.

It seems that the disappearance of this big 6 is indeed related to the use of the classware of the Bancros. Although I don’t know the specific situation, the cost of using the artifact is really a bit big. If this is the case, the Bancros will die. There seems to be another reason. This is not only a relationship that can invade the temple. With such a big killer, the king of God wants to kill them. Li Huailin really understands it because he wants to kill them.

The scene was a little silent, and everyone was thinking about the situation. The information that is mainly accepted at once is a bit large, and it takes a little time to analyze it.

A little, the Anwar here is the first to open: "This god, what are you planning now?"

"I..." Decker said that he really didn't know what to do. Now he is also a headache in this situation. Is this... the **** of his family wants to rebel? For him, this is a blue sky. Not long ago, he was still discussing with other coroners about the ignorance of the natural female sacred Lojom, the insurgents, who dared to challenge the authority of the king of God. I don’t know what it is, but now it’s my turn? What should I do?

It is true that the relationship between Decker and St. Luthes is really very good. Although the two are the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, they have all been on the battlefield together, and the time of understanding has really been a long time. St. Rutes is really very caring for Decker, very trusting, how to bring him here if he doesn't trust him, how can such important information be revealed to him. On the other hand, the **** of the other side, Decker knows that he is the boss of the boss, but I have never seen it several times. Every time, I basically look at it from afar. There is no such thing as a separate meeting. After all, He is just a servant. So in the heart, Decker is of course biased towards St. Ruths.

But the problem is that he also knows the power of the king of God. He used to stand in the camp of the king of God. Well, of course, knowing that it is not a wise choice to be against the king of God, it suddenly became a dilemma. Of course, he also knows that this is impossible to say neutral. He doesn't help anything on both sides. After all, he is a servant of St. Ruthus. Then your boss rebelled. You said that I don't know anything about me. Who will listen to your explanation? There are only two choices at the moment, and they are directly opposed to St. Ruthus, or they will immediately go to the king of God to show their intentions, and St. Lutes will turn his face.

It’s a bit of a sudden that Decker didn’t even think about what to do. This choice is too difficult. However, the purpose of Li Huailin next to it is very clear. The rebellious rebellion of St. Ruthus is not very meaningful to Li Huailin. It sounds good news, but the problem is to think carefully about the current situation. A little troublesome.

Yes, if St. Lutus rebelled and Decker around him chose to join the St. Ruttus camp, then according to the current situation, they are not in a hurry to the realm. Yes, if St. Ruttus is a traitor, isn’t this old group of chaos now considered to be their ally in some sense? After all, everyone's goal is the king of God. The purpose of their eager return to the temple was to report the Protoss about the old family. Now, is it so eager to go back? Let the old people continue to make trouble for the rebellious St. Ruths.

Of course, Li Huailin does not want this kind of thing to be born. The purpose of his coming is to know the way to invade the realm of the gods. As for the rebellion of St. Ruthus, Li Huailin felt that there was no drama. After all, Li Huailin himself was also the holder of the temple. Therefore, Li Huailin, who has the authority of the **** king, also knows that even the reason why God’s king has not responded may be waiting for these. thing. Yes, the king of God may be brewing a wave, and all the people who have opinions with him can get out and look at the situation, and then get them together.

So this group of people have been doing this for a long time. Li Huailin feels that there is nothing to play, and finally he needs to come by himself. Li Huailin must have known the way to invade the temple, so I thought about it a little. Li Huailin said: "Dekel, I think we need to go back to the world of gods anyway."

"Well?" Decker’s brain was in chaos. He just heard Li Huailin’s speech, but he wanted to listen to Li Huailin’s opinion and let him help him analyze it.

"In the current situation, we don't have to report directly about the problems of the old people after we go back. This is not very important. But I met with the Saint Ruttus and asked him personally about the situation. We must do it," Li Huailin said.

"Oh?" Dekel heard this shock.

"Yes, although it seems that the Queen of Anwar said that there is no logical problem, but after all, it is only a side word, should we immediately ask St. Ruths himself about the situation?"

"This... in case..."

"In case the Saint Ruttus is really rebellious, or we will directly reverse it." Li Huailin basically guessed the bias of Decker's heart, obviously he relied on St. Lutus. On the one hand, in order to show that he and Decker are in the same position, Li Huailin certainly said that he supports St. Ruthus.

"What? You too...but the problem is the King of God..."

"Of course I know this, but I am a good friend with Dekel, and of course I am standing on your side." Li Huailin immediately said.

"Well... um..." St. Ruttus nodded. He really trusted Li Huailin. After all, he slaps through the slap in the face.

"And we must go to the temple now." Li Huailin said again, "Now the temple is closed. The situation inside is completely unknown. I don't know if Saint Ruttus has already announced the rebellion. Now I don't know if I have encountered it. Danger, in this case we do not need our help, from all aspects, we must now go to the temple."

Li Huailin’s words are not just for listening to Decker, but of course to the next Anwar. Anwar and St. Luthes are lovers, so I should be very worried about the comfort of the other. Now she Reluctant to use this artifact, Li Huailin certainly said that St. Ruth is now very dangerous, need help to speak the other side.

Sure enough, I heard Li Huailin’s words, and the next Anwar also showed a little nervous. Yes, although it is said that Dekel said that it is another **** rebellion, but St. Rutes has no news, is he also participating in the rebellion? Need help now? Is it already in danger? If things are not serious, the temple is impossible to close directly, which makes Anwar have to worry.

However, although I was worried, Anwar here thought about it immediately and said immediately: "No, the artifact can not be used, no one can bear the consequences of using the artifact, I have missed it once, and now I don't want to make another mistake. It is."

"I think there is nothing wrong with Huai Lin." Decker here has been completely convinced by Li Huailin, and immediately said, "We should go to the Saint Ruttus now."

Yes, Decker is a Protoss. What is the lower bound for him? The side effects of the artifact may cause a big 6 to sink into the sea. This is really serious, but it has something to do with him. This place is where the lower bounds live, not where their protoss live, and the destruction is ruined. Any questions? In his opinion, even if the use of artifacts led to the death of the lower bounds, there is no such thing as his own boss, St. Ruthus.

"No..." And Anwar here obviously didn't think so. I don't know if it was the relationship between the Virgin and her own stronghold. Anyway, she shook her head and said firmly, "I will not make such mistakes again. The admonition of Lord Lobis is correct, unless you have no choice but to use the power of artifacts."

"If that is it?" Li Huailin suddenly said.

“Hey?” Anwar suddenly glimpsed and replied, “I mean when our Bancros family is a last resort, my and St. Ruth’s things are my personal things, I can’t Because of the individual..."

"I mean, when your class is in a last minute," Li Huailin said with a smile. "You shouldn't know if you are under Her Majesty. The people who are currently looking at this artifact are not us."

"Right!" At this time, Decker also reacted. "It is the old people, and their goal is also an artifact!"

"Yes." Li Huailin nodded.

"Old family?" Anwar glanced. 8

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