All Things Wrong

Chapter 2570: Negotiation

Queen Anwar obviously didn’t know what was going on, but Decker apparently understood it and immediately said to Anwar: “The Queen’s Majesty may not know, now the old people have come here. And their goal should be an artifact."

"Old family?" Anwar asked a little strangely.

"The races that have fought with the Protoss have not been completely destroyed by the Protoss. These are called the old ones, like the demons..." Decker explained a bit, the demons are more famous. As a representative, Anwar also probably understands what is going on.

"In short, these old people are now gathered together to attack the Protoss," Dekel said. "It happened to be in the chaos of the Protoss, so it seems that the gods are still closed, and the situation is a bit out of control..."

“So smart?” Queen Anwar said immediately. “In this way, the Protoss is not in crisis?”

"Yes, but it is because the problems inside the Protoss now make these guys squat for a while, and wait until the Protoss has finished..." Decker habitually began to preach to the Protoss, but it suddenly came back to God. Well, I seem to have just said that I want to rebel against the Protoss. He used to be used to it. Now he has not changed it. He hasn’t fully recognized his position. "This...this... In short, the Protoss is indeed It is a trouble, it may be a rare moment of crisis."

"But do you say these old people and our Bancros?" Anwar asked again.

"Yes, the purpose of this old group is the gods, but it is obvious that the gods are now closed," Decker said. "So according to the current situation and analysis, the Protoss’ goal is very likely The Queen left your artifact. They want to invade the realm directly through your artifact."

"What?" Anwar had some shock, but he immediately said, "This is impossible. They should not know that we have such things, and we have no contact with them. They should not know that we still exist in this world. ......"

"The Visek family." Decker said softly.

"What!" Anwar reacted very violently. Hearing the name was also a direct shock to the whole person. "Yes...they? They also participated in the so-called old-fashioned coalition?"

"Yes, according to the information we have heard before, this is indeed the case." Decker nodded and said.

"Is it true?" Anwar's expression was also serious. Seeing Decker nodded, his face was a bit gloomy. Although the Viseks and the Bancros are homologous, they are also disgusted by each other after the split. The hatred on both sides cannot be described by simple words. Anyway, as long as they can destroy each other, they will definitely do it. .

And if it is the Visek family, they certainly know the ancestral artifacts. After all, they are related to the ancestral artifacts. The Viseks also want to recapture the artifacts. Of course, the people of the Bancros are still alive, and the Viseks certainly know. And although the Visek family does not necessarily know the enchantment, but knowing the approximate location of the bird's nest, if you look for it slightly, you may still find it. So if it is true that the Viseks take the lead, their Bancros may still be in crisis.

"In the current situation, it is obvious that the Viseks are ready to attack the area with the help of the old people, robbing the artifacts and relying on them to enter the realm of the gods." Decker said.

"It turned out to be like this." Anwar nodded, and understood the meaning of the crisis of the Bancros family that Li Huailin said before.

"Since this is the case, Queen Majesty, we should be able to use the artifacts." Decker is now a little anxious to see a little bit of communication with his boss, St. Luttus. So urged.

"..." Anwar did not speak, but it was obviously very hesitant.

"What are you still hesitating under Her Majesty?" Decker said immediately. "Now it is not exactly the moment of crisis that you said. It should be no problem to use artifacts now."

"But..." Anwar hesitated a little, but didn't speak. Yes, now they almost don’t know what happened outside the island. In fact, there is no such thing as the old people coming to attack. In fact, Anwar is not clear. Simply put, the current saying is the words of Decker and Li Huailin. However, she has not been brushed by Li Huailin, so it is not to say what Li Huailin said or what. In her opinion, it is very important to start the artifact. How can such an important thing start because the two people casually talk about themselves? At least a little less investigation, to see what the situation is, then start it.

Of course, although Anwar thinks this way, he can't just say it when he says it. After all, it is also a queen. This kind of scene will not be so unreasonable to the opposite side that he does not trust each other. So Anwar thought about it and replied: "If the target of these old people is Protoss, then it is not necessarily our enemy..."

"Hey?" Dekel is also a glimpse of this, yes, this is really no problem. The goal of the old people is the Protoss, and the Bancros is actually going to rebel with their own boss, St. Ruttus. The current goals on both sides do not seem to be very conflicting. It seems is not necessarily the enemy. Ah, that is to say, maybe you can talk about it.

"Is the Queen's Majesty ready to negotiate with the old people?" Decker asked, thinking and saying, "But if the Viseks provoke it, the situation of the Bancros is quite dangerous." ”

"But I just said it, not at the last moment of the Bancros family, we can't use the artifacts casually." Queen Anwar immediately said, "Now since you have not determined that the other is the enemy, the artifact can not Casual use, I want to talk to each other first."

The Queen of Anwar is not completely speaking. She is asking for the two people's arguments first. When she confirms that she is going to talk to the other party later, she really will not use it. Yes, as she said, the artifact is the last resort, and Anwar is not used casually.

"This..." Decker is actually very anxious. He really wants to go back to the temple right now, but thinking about what Queen Anwar said is no problem, if they say The old St. Ruthus is really rebellious, or has already joined the rebel side. If you want to persuade the old people to deal with the forces of the king, it’s not even more to bring back the old people to help. Good?

If you think about it this way, it is indeed the more reliable of the Queen of Anwar. It is a little touch with the other side. If the other party really wants to move them, they are using artifacts. If the other party promises to cooperate, they will go to the gods together. Helping St. Ruths is better. Although Decker was a little anxious, but after thinking about this, he could only nod.

"If that's the case, listen to the arrangements of the Queen." Decker thought for a moment, then said to Anwar.

Of course, Li Huailin next to thinks more than Decker. The thoughts of Queen Anwar’s Queen Li Huailin have basically been considered. It is obvious that the other side still has some distrust of their own side. Of course, they are not chaotic, and this matter will soon be verified. And in accordance with the meaning of Anwar, let the old alliance with the old family to deal with the Protoss? It seems to be a good thing for Li Huailin. After all, he also wants the old people to find the troubles of the Protoss. They are going to take them to try what the Protoss is doing, through the artifacts of the Bancros. It is a good idea to send them directly to the Temple of the Protoss.

The Protoss of the Bancros family must be able to transport many people at once, because the Viseks are on the old side and they know the use of artifacts. If the artifact can only send one or two people at a time, now the old people are coming to so many people.

Therefore, it seems that the development of the situation is still very favorable for Li Huailin, and Li Huailin does not need to stop anything. But the only problem is that... it's too slow. Yes, Li Huailin thought about it. First of all, it would take time for the old people to gather, and then they would go out to sea. It’s obvious that the old people are not flying, just like the gang of barbarians you saw before, you said they would fly? Li Huailin does not believe it. Fortunately, they are now occupying a port city. There is a ship. It is no problem to come over. However, it takes time to sail to the sea. In the end, of course, it is the problem of finding the island. The island is still enchanted. It is not very easy to find it.

Li Huailin’s most annoying thing is waiting. If you really want to wait, you don’t know how long it will take, so think about whether this aspect can be accelerated a little. Thinking of this, Li Huailin also said directly to the Queen of Anwar: "His Majesty, since you want to talk a little bit with the old people, should you send a messenger to contact?"

"Send the messenger..." Anwar thought a little. "I need to discuss this with the people in the family and make a decision. I can't answer now."

"Hmm..." Li Huailin was a bit uncomfortable and still had a meeting? However, he did not say anything. It seemed to be very reasonable. "There is nothing wrong with Her Majesty, so let's do it first."

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