All Things Wrong

Chapter 2614: tease

The betrayal of Corranthus was a bit too sudden, until he came to Eofarm, and several protoss reacted to what it was, but it was already late. .

At the first time, Corrances put his hand on Eofarm and began to transmit power. Yes, Iofam can recover as long as there is pure energy, and the power of God is of course pure energy, so it is similar to Iowauma. This is also the case before Li Huailin asked Iofam to come up with a plan to make up the magic. What I did not expect was that the protoss were really enough.

"You are a traitor!" Of course, all the Protoss were out of anger when they saw this situation. They helped the old people to get them. They can understand that this guy from Corrans directly betrayed them. This is simply not tolerable. No matter what the situation is now, the Protoss here will be directly involved.

It is a pity that although they want to do it, their current state does not allow them to do it. Before the Protoss, there was no doubt about Corranthus. I really thought that I would open the door to the element, so I would give him all the power I had left. Now, how can I do it?

The only thing that can be done is that St. Dickenka, who was in charge of vigilance, has several other protoss. They still have divine power, but they just want to start, and some people immediately stop in front of them. Of course, that person is Saliston. It is.

Seeing the Selston in front of him, several protoss also know that they can't directly start with Corrans. Looking at the current situation, they all realize that this trouble, they have... .

"So the elemental gate is also closed by you? At the beginning you were with the old guys?" St. Dyka asked directly to Corrances.

"Of course." Corrances said immediately. "The guys of the year betrayed the mother, and now it’s time for you to pay back."

The words of Corrances are rumbling, and these protoss can't refute. Although they didn't participate much in the past, they still knew it. This matter is indeed the kindness of the Protoss. Iowaum is not sorry for you, and then teaches you spells. The result is yinned by the Protoss? This is really not true.

But what they don't know is that Iofam is still alive. The inside of the Protoss thinks that Ioofam has already died. This should be done, and then I don't know that Corrans is Iofam. People, I didn’t expect him to have been in contact with Eofar, and the result was counted.

"I can't think of the white dragon Iofarm will use this method." A Protoss bit his teeth. Yes, people really have reason to find revenge for them, but according to his thoughts, it’s easy to kill them directly. It’s just like using them. It seems to be playing with them. It makes him very unhappy and can’t bear it. Lived mocking.

"You don't want to mess with people." At this moment, a voice next to him suddenly came in and let the Protoss be a glimpse. Looking in the direction of the sound, I just saw Li Huailin kicking out the crowd and coming out.

"Is it you?" It was of course the first time that St. Dickenka recognized this enemy.

However, Li Huailin ignored her and continued: "The person who provides the plan is me, so you will not have to mess with dirty water."

"Is this your strategy?" asked St. Dyka.

"Really, is your protoss really going out without a brain? Or because you haven’t been snoring for a long time, or have been offered for thousands of years, your brain has been broken, and there have been no accidents. I really didn't think that the plan could be carried out so smoothly. I didn't expect anything that was completely unexpected." Li Huai-lin said.

"You are afraid of us in the lower bounds of this district..." A Protoss couldn't help but shouted, but Li Huailin was interrupted if he didn't finish talking.

"The people in the lower bounds are probably the same as the ants in your eyes, but what are the protoss you have been playing with the ants? You still have a long face." Li Huailin said, "The brain is good." Things, I hope that you also have it, otherwise I always feel like I am bullying people with disabilities..."

"You!" Because Li Huailin killed a Protoss yesterday, the Protoss is now completely hostile to Li Huailin. Of course, he will not feel good about him because of his words. In the current situation, all Protoss can’t wait to get on the spot. Dead Li Huailin.

"What's wrong, seeing you seem to be refuting? Where did I say something wrong? With your IQ, I can play with you casually." Li Huailin spread his hand, "Like now, I Just stand up and talk to you, and you will get rid of your last chance."

"What?" Several Protoss were a glimpse, and then they all looked at Iofarm in the next second, and they all understood it in an instant. It is still a little time for Corrances to hand over the power of his body to Iofam, but now it is of course completed.

"Otherwise, do you think that I am so free to talk to you with these mental retardation? Is it just insulting my IQ?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "We must know that there are so many people on our side, we can play one." Just the first time you choose to do it, maybe there is still a chance. It is not necessary to defeat us, but it is still possible to run at least. Unfortunately, your IQ is really a little arrears, and the enemy on the battlefield... admire Are you brave enough?"

"You guy!" After listening to Li Huailin's words, several Protoss are really shameful and angry, and the ants in the district really played their protoss? They really didn't want to admit it, but the facts seemed to be placed in front of them. For a moment, all the anger of the Protoss was brushed by Li Huailin, and it was already a bit irrational.

"You give me..." One of the Protoss was directly prepared to start Li Huailin, waved in the direction of Li Huailin, and no matter how much power he had left, he would kill the **** lower-ranking person first. But just as he just raised his hand, Iofarm here also shot.

The dragonfly of "嗷" is accompanied by a powerful mana storm. Yes, Iofarm used his own dragon's breath. Her dragon's breath is very different from the dragon's dragon. This is a pure energy body, without any elemental change. More like the existence of crystal magic, of course, Iofarm is also the inventor of crystal magic.

Iowam does not usually use dragons because it is too powerful, and she is also a peace-loving guy. But to treat the human race, Iofam would not care about anything at all.

"What!" I felt that this huge energy was coming towards them, and the faces of several Protoss were discolored. Obviously they can feel the energy contained in this dragon's breath, which is too dangerous, but the problem is... they can't stop it. Under normal circumstances, they will not be so afraid, but now their power can be exhausted. How do they block this level of attack?

At this moment, they really have the concept of dying. It is true that several protoss have no sense of crisis until now. They are protoss, and they are high-ranking protoss. In their eyes, Li Huailin is a human being. Ants, what are these old ones? At most, they are just dogs. What do you think of a dog on the road that "I am likely to die here today?" Of course it is impossible. Until now, when the dog really bite into their throat, they realized this, and at this moment, they were really panicked.

However, at this moment, a figure was directly rushed to them, standing directly in front of the dragon.

The sound of "砰" and the violent collision sound seemed to be the feeling that two very huge things collided together. The people around the shock were all stuffy. Of course, this is the sound of Io'am's dragon's breath and the opponent's shield. Yes, the person who appeared in front of several Protoss is of course St. Dickenka. At this time, she is already the only remaining fighting power of the Protoss. She does not come out, and several Protoss may really hang. If the Protoss really hangs, this is not a simple death of a person, but it will take the Protoss down the altar.

St. Dilcika is obviously aware of this, so she is directly in front of them. She also knows that the power of these protoss is exhausted, and this kind of attack can't be stopped. However, can she... can it be blocked?

Obviously, the situation is different from what she imagined. She is also a little underestimating the strength of Iofam and overestimating her status. In full condition, she and Iofam might still be able to fight, but in the current situation, he could not stop the attack.

The explosion of "Boom" sounded, and the whole person of St. Dijon was swallowed up by the dragon and flew out toward the rear. The blocking time was very short and did not allow several Protoss to react to avoid it, so several protoss behind him were still swept up by Iopham’s dragon.

The dragon directly swept a long gully toward the front, and it hit the hill behind him.

A loud noise, the whole hill was completely vulnerable to the dragon's dragon in the face of the dragon, directly turned into a powder. However, the situation is not like an explosion. Instead, it directly sublimates all the earth, stones, trees, and anything that blocks this dragon into a gas. It is directly wiped out in the eyes of everyone.

In short, after a dragon's breath, what remains is an open space that seems to have been flattened, and those protoss, life and death are unknown.

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