All Things Wrong

Chapter 2615: Plot

Of course, although the protoss were killed by the dragon, they would not let them take the opportunity to run away. Several old people, including Sellstone and others, also went straight to the direction of the Protoss and immediately searched for each other.

"Your Majesty, they are Protoss? It doesn't seem to be very good." The person who spoke was Bruno, and it was one of Li Huailin's men. I said before that Li Huailin also found some of his own soldiers mixed in the number of people, because Li Huailin found that the old people who came to meet are not many, many old people do not know whether to hang up or do not want to participate in this war, anyway, no When I came back to collect, Li Huailin found almost all the remnants. The number of people was really a bit unreasonable, so I temporarily found some people to fill the facade, let them walk in the army anyway, looking like a person, the old people There are also a lot of similarities with human beings. Anyway, the Protoss is not expected to look at it carefully. It is the ants that the ants will not tell which kind of thing is just what kind of thing.

Of course, in order to facilitate the team, Li Huailin also looked for a general who had the experience of leading the team. The best player in his team who took the team was Bruno. Li Huailin took him. Other generals... McCann is still not hurting. Others are really worried that they will be hanged by the aftermath of the aftermath. Bruno’s rough skin may still be a few times.

Of course, other Li Huailin came with a few holy levels. Although I don't know if it is useful, I still have to take it first, maybe I can still do some work. The other soldiers, it is really a mixed soldier, or the city guards brought casually from the nearby city, really fight Li Hualin did not expect them to live.

The soldiers who followed Li Huailin didn’t really know what the mission was. The mainland emperor wanted people, and they followed the situation. It’s just that they didn’t expect to see the situation.

Protoss? Old family? These are all things, they don't know what happened, but the more they look at it, the more they are shocked. What kind of battle did they participate in, and the decisive battle between the old and the Protoss happened in front of them? Are they still one of the participants in this kind of war? Is this really going to be a lifetime?

Although I know the current situation, these soldiers are a little bit flustered, but the heart is still very excited. As for their boss Li Huailin, they really saw him as a god. I heard that Li Huailin was a rumor, but now I have mixed up with him to know if his military name is really blowing well. The Protoss were both played in front of him and mentally handicapped.

Yes, seeing this situation, no one of them has any admiration for the Protoss. The other side is really brushed and mentally retarded in front of Li Huailin. Then you let them worship this mental retardation again? This is not funny. Want to worship and worship Li Huailin?

"Not very good." Li Huailin looked at Bruno next to him, just at this moment, a flash of lightning flashed in front of him, and several birds in the sky who did not know whether the Bancros or the Viseks were shot down. Come down. Obviously this is the Protoss skill, it seems that things are not finished.

"Would you like to go?" Li Huailin said with a smile to Bruno next to him.

"Oh... still forget it, sire..." Bruno said with a head, though he was not very smart, but the power gap was still seen.

"Ha ha ha..." Li Huai-lin is in a good mood. He walks forward while laughing. It is also a look at what else is happening.

On the open space ejected by Iofarm’s dragon, a pile of old people surrounded a protoss. Because of the attack, they did not dare to go forward. It is estimated that just a few people who took the initiative to be taken by the other side. The skills hit so they shocked them.

Li Huailin looked at it, and sure enough, the protoss that can still have combat power are St. Dijon, but now the situation of St. Dixica is also very bad. The state of nobleness and holiness has long since disappeared. Now she feels like she has just climbed out of the mud, and her armor has been damaged by Iopham’s dragons. Look at her. The attack just knows that the other party's situation is very bad, because her attack has not directly given a few bird people to the second, just to knock them down, this attack is more than the former Shenli attack Li Huailin's kind of punishment It’s all worse, it seems that the other side is really not much power.

Li Huailin also looked at her. There were two protoss around her. The other ones didn’t know whether they were killed or not, but they didn’t know where to fly. The two Protoss around St. Dickenka are also in a state of incomprehension, at least comatose, and this wave of Protoss is basically destroyed.

"You are really a big life." Li Huailin said to the front.

" guy..." St. Dickenca noticed Li Huailin, fiercely said, "Even if you beat me with a traitor, you can't..."

"I have done it, don't talk nonsense. I have said that I used to drag the time and chat with you a little. Now I don't need to drag the time. Why do I talk to you with this mental retardation, come and kill her." Li Huailin waved casually.

"You give me..." St. Dickenka angered her head and directly reached out to Li Huailin. Her right hand was again twitched with lightning. It seems that she wanted to use the last divine power to directly kill Li Huailin. She was really mad by Li Huailin, but just as she was about to shoot, suddenly a magical array of things flashed under her feet, and the next second magical array emitted a few blue rays, then she took the holy Leica is directly on the ground. The light is like a quilt, and the whole person of St. Dixka is wrapped in, only one head is exposed.

"Hey..." Li Huailin looked at Iofam, who was following him, because it was obvious that he had just shined behind him, and the person who shot it should be Eofar. What Li Huailin doesn't understand is why Iowam did not directly kill this St. Dixica, and it looks like it is catching the other party.

"It’s too cheap to kill this group of protoss directly. I was imprisoned for thousands of years... Now I want them to taste this taste too.” Iofam seems to see Li Huailin’s question directly. Said.

"Do you have a brain or a pit? The other party did not directly kill you at the time. Now you come to find revenge for them. Now you don't kill them. It is a chance to avenge each other." Li Huailin’s support is really not very good. Understand the brain circuit of these guys.

"I don't care, I want them to taste this taste too." Iofam's answer made Li Huailin think that it is still not reasonable to say this kind of woman in revenge, how about love, anyway, this wave of the other party If you lose the Protoss, it is also a matter of thousands of years after the other party wants to avenge. Will you still be there when you are there? If you don't get the Protoss, there is no difference between one more and one Protoss, let Eofarm play with him.

"Still continue to solve the rest of the guys." Li Huailin said, "Collanders, have you just released a few Protoss?"

"Six or seven look," said Corrans.

"Six or seven, I should still play with Biyaji now." Li Huailin nodded. Yes, he also spent some time and a little exchange with Bayanki. Before, Biyaji promised Li Huailin to help him with the Protoss. The condition was that Li Huailin would help him in the future. Li Huailin also agreed, so he agreed. I went to Beyaki before, and the other party agreed to deal directly with the Protoss who came out of the Corrans. Before Li Huailin and Corranseus said, let's put a little less out and save the other party from really returning to the temple. Corrans is sure to remember, so if you release six or seven people, there is still Biyaji. Play it... probably.

Of course, some people may question how Li Huailin went to the border of the gods. In fact, the method is very simple. It’s fine to find someone to help. That person is actually Enron. Yes, now that Enron has mastered the door-opening skills, he can almost go anywhere. Li Huailin’s original intention was to let Corrances hang on both sides through the dream gate, but the problem is that dreams will not agree with other people entering the dream world. Therefore, Corranthus could not go to the other side. Li Huailin passed the direct mark of Enron and went to Baiyaki to say hello to Baiyaki.

"Then, the remaining problem is the light god." Li Huailin said, touching the chin, the current trouble is the sacred squad of the sacred Bald, because they have the largest number and the ability of the gods of light. It is also the highest. Now, Li Huailin has sent a lot of elemental creatures and the other party to consume, but I don’t know how the situation is going. According to Li Huailin's prediction, these elemental creatures may not be able to take advantage of it. How to solve this group of people, Li Huailin needs to think a little.

"In short, let's take a look at what it is." Li Huailin thought about it.

At present, the old people here are still quite listening to Li Huailin’s words. This is not just the presence of Eofarm. Today, Li Huailin is also proof of his ability, and... Yesterday he was one in front of many old people. Protoss. Between these points, these old people are still convinced of Li Huailin.

Li Huailin also told them to wait here first, and then they and Kerrances entered the elemental plane one step at a time, to see what the battle between the Protoss and the elemental family is now, and then consider the plan. .

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