All Things Wrong

Chapter 2635: connection

“Hey?” Li Huailin was a bit strange, and he really didn’t know why Liu Heyun would send a text message to himself. Although the function of SMS means that every mobile phone will have it, it is really one of the functions that nobody uses at all. Of course, the strange place is not just here. Li Huailin Ming Ming and Liu Heyun both said that they would contact him immediately. Liu Heyun should also know that he would look for him again. After all, he went to such a long time inexplicably, so he should contact him immediately after he came back. Although Li Huailin has been playing games, there are still emergency contacts. However, Liu Heyun chose to send a text message here, which is a little bit random.

It may also be that there is no important news, but Li Huailin has to meet Liu Heyun anyway, so he just hit it back. However, what surprised Li Huailin was that when he called back, he immediately heard the voice prompt “The user you dialed could not be connected temporarily”.

"Hey? Is this a noisy?" Li Huailin helped the amount, and this just sent a text message to himself and then couldn't connect. What happened? Li Huailin inexplicably put the phone down, but I thought it was not quite right when I thought about it. Liu Heyun looked for himself. Things can be big or small, maybe it might be a bit of a thing. Looking at the time when the text message was sent, it was only half an hour from now. Li Huailin decided to go directly to him.

To find Liu Heyun, there are two ways. One is to search through his own "unconventional means", although the only thing that Li Huailin can trace now is just a text message that has just been sent, but Li Huailin feels that it should still be able to find a little time to find out.

However, Li Huailin does not want to use this method at present, because it is really stupid. Liu Heyun went to the base of the moon to do this. One is to check the server of the moon base. One is to talk to the G4 about what they found now, and let them help. Since it has already been reported, of course, the G4 now knows about Liu Heyun’s cooperation with himself. Of course, they should have already noticed it. Anyway, now that this relationship has been made public, Li Huailin’s direct search for the G4 is not enough. .

Li Huailin quickly flipped through his contact list, then found a person called Yan Fu, and then dialed directly on a phone call.

Soon the opposite side picked up the phone, and the sound of a middle-aged man sounded: "Li Huailin...? What?"

"Yan Fu, you haven't transferred your job yet." Li Huailin asked directly.

"What do you mean by asking me if I am still a member of the G4? I changed a department, but I still work here." Yan Fu replied here, Li Huailin obviously heard the other party's voice a bit. I am nervous.

"There is no one inside." Li Huailin said, "Let's say to you, I am looking for Liu Heyun now. I have something to discuss with him. You should also know that Liu Heyun is going to the base of the moon now. If there is no news, there is no news. I can't wait here, let Liu Heyun contact me."

"Liu Heyun?" Yan Fu paused a little. "I know about Liu Heyun's business, but he is now studying in the laboratory of the lunar base, so I didn't contact you..."

"Well, don't talk nonsense, I will wait for fifteen minutes. You let Liu Heyun contact me quickly, or you will act on your own." Li Huailin said directly.

"No, this..." Yan Fu still wants to say something, but Li Huailin did not give him the opportunity to talk, he just hung up the phone. Putting down the phone, Li Huailin frowned, because he was already a little suspicious. I thought that Liu Heyun had sent a text message casually, but he didn’t find any situation, so he didn’t worry about sending a text message and said it himself. But now, from the resounding response, Li Huailin feels that something is wrong. What is Liu Heyun’s lab in the base of the lunar base? Experiment, still texting yourself at the base of the moon? To know that the Moon Base wants to contact the Earth side, it is not a text message to solve the problem. It is a special light line. Liu Heyun must have returned this time before he can send a text message to himself. Yan Fu is sure to know this thing, but he wants to hide the past. That means that the G4 does not know what Liu Heyun is sending text messages to himself. In other words, Liu Heyun is in contact with the G4.

To put it simply, Liu Heyun’s current situation may have been monitored by the G4. The purpose of surveillance is to prevent him from contacting himself. Putting down the phone, Li Huailin also checked it a bit. Sure enough, the message sent by Liu Heyun was not sent by mobile phone, but by SMS sent by the microcomputer. After checking the computer, Li Huailin found out that it was on the earth. Liu Heyun was still in the Imperial Capital at least half an hour ago. It is obvious that Liu Heyun deliberately used this method to know that Li Huailin could find himself. So I only left the word "see me".

I was looking for a specific location. Li Huailin’s cell phone rang. Li Huailin looked at the phone number that I didn’t know. It was a female voice.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I am Liu Heyun's assistant Shen Yunhui, Dr. Liu is busy in the lab now, so let me tell you to wait until the end of the experiment will contact you." The female voice here said.

"Oh? Now Liu Heyun has dared to talk to me like this?" Li Huailin said with a smile. "You mean I can't use it right."

"No, Mr. Li, you misunderstood, and now the test is key..."

"Well, I don't care what you are, I am now on fire." Li Huailin said, "I will see Liu Heyun appear in front of me to apologize for me within 2 hours, or else anything else, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Li Huailin said that he hanged the phone directly. The result did not hang for a long time. The phone immediately rang again. Li Huailin looked at the unknown number.

Li Huailin directly clicked on the hook and did not even pick up. The phone paused for a while, and after a while it sounded again, but the person who contacted him this time was Yan Fu.

Li Huailin is still not connected, directly set to become a mode of do not disturb. Yes, at first he just wanted to make a phone call with Liu Heyun, but looking at the current situation, Liu Heyun discovered what happened. It seems that the G4 does not intend to tell himself that Liu Heyun may not even have a phone call. The method and myself said that it was too much trouble to rip around, and Li Huailin decided to see the party directly.

In 2 hours, it is definitely enough to fly from the Imperial Capital. Therefore, Li Huailin is definitely not looking for a thing. The other party should understand the time and understand what is going on. The remaining question is definitely whether or not to tell his own problem. If the other party really decides not to tell himself, Li Huailin also Don't mind doing it directly to their consent.

At present, Li Huailin is really a bit curious about what Liu Heyun has discovered. The G4 will not find any trouble in general, indicating that this is really a very important thing. It is important enough for the other party to try. Try not to get through yourself.

Of course, because of this incident, Li Huailin did not play the game for a while, and prepared a little, in case it really started. Just as Li Huailin was still preparing, the doorbell on this side rang.

Li Huailin did not care, directly using the mobile phone to control the doorbell to close, and then continue to manage their own work. After a while, the door opened itself, and Li Huailin’s old acquaintance Zhang Yonglin opened the door and walked in.

"Md is now the individual has my home key, right?" Li Huailin said.

"What situation, dude?" Zhang Yonglin asked directly, "Are you starting to find trouble again?"

"I am not looking for trouble. Someone is looking for trouble." Li Huailin said that Zhang Yonglin’s appearance is actually nothing strange. The G4 is certainly a little anxious now, so of course it is to ask people to ask questions and they are responsible for Li Huailin. The department of Zhang Yonglin is of course the best choice, and Zhang Yonglin, who lives downstairs in Li Huailin’s house, is of course the fastest.

"Who dares to find you trouble..." Zhang Yonglin was the first to disbelieve.

Li Huailin did not even take advantage of Zhang Yonglin and directly told the other party about the current situation.

"That is to say, now they intentionally concealed Liu Heyun's whereabouts?" Zhang Yonglin said, "This is definitely something that can't be found."

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. "And still can't tell me what I found, what do you think?"

"Ghosts know." Zhang Yonglin spread his hand. "But if you can't see Liu Heyun in 2 hours, what would you do? You won't really start playing like this."

"Yeah, you see I am ready." Li Huailin talked with Zhang Yonglin while still operating the computer. Although Zhang Yonglin didn't quite understand it, he always felt that Li Huailin was not doing a good job.

"Oh... then I am going to report the situation now," Zhang Yonglin said.

"Go ahead." Li Huailin waved.

Of course, Zhang Yonglin immediately started to call and report the situation. He did not avoid the meaning of Li Huailin. The meaning of the report was that Li Huailin didn’t listen to anything. Anyway, he did not see Liu Heyun’s direct opening. After all the reports were completed, Zhang Yonglin here also hanged the phone, and then directly opened Li Huailin's refrigerator to start looking for something to eat.

"Hey, can you not be so casual?" Li Huailin helped.

"Md didn't eat rice, he was pulled up to work." Zhang Yonglin complained. "If you don't eat now, you won't have time to eat it later. Oh... so nothing..."

"..." Li Huailin helped the amount, but at this moment, Zhang Yonglin’s phone rang again.

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