All Things Wrong

Chapter 2650: secret order

"Unfortunately, this is not your temple." Just as St. Crujen was still observing the surrounding situation, Li Huailin’s voice came over. Of course, at this time, St. Crujen also found that this is a little different from the temple. Although there are many buildings in the temple of Li Huailin, it is still a little different from the temple of the Protoss, so it can be seen carefully.

"Is this..." Hearing the words of Li Huailin, Santa Cruze here was surprised. Yes, Li Huailin said that when he was "the temple of yours," he understood it. It is obvious that this is another temple and is the temple of Li Huailin.

"So I understand? Now that you have been forced to pull me by myself, now you can continue to be your god, they are in my hands, I said before, I can keep the king of the king. You, now you believe it." Li Huailin continued.

"It turns out to be like this." St. Crujen came here to understand what happened. Of course, he also understood the situation before. It is no wonder that Li Huailin could deprive other gods of the gods. This is the reason. Now, on the side of St. Croix, I want to join Li Huailin’s camp.

"Talk about it, what the secret order you just said about the king of God is going on." Li Huailin certainly paved so much to know what the secret of the king of God is from St. Croix, Santa Cruz. Jean is dispensable for him, but now it’s just a big pie.

"This..." It can be seen that St. Crujen here still has doubts. After all, I worry that Li Huailin will smash him.

"Of course, you can choose another method, that is, I will use it for St. Ilofrey in a while." Li Huailin said with a smile. "Reassure that you are still a little used. If you cooperate actively, I can still leave you. of."

For the use of St. Iloci, St. Crujen really didn't want to know. I felt a little panicked when I imagined it. In his opinion, Li Huailin said that they may still be true. After all, there are still many enemies of Li Huailin. How do you say that you are a god-level right?

After considering it, St. Crujen decided to be faithful to Li Huailin, so she began to talk about the situation she had encountered before: "Just like I just said, I don't know why St. Iloci will bring us. Here, after he and Bald separated, he came directly to us here. We just knew that this is the command of the king of God, and I don’t know what he intends to do."

"Yeah." Li Huailin certainly knows this. He had already seen it before he peeked. Of course, he did not intend to know this from the mouth of St. Crujen. He continued, "And then..."

"I know another command from the King of God." St. Crujen looked at Li Huailin’s expression and said immediately, "I found a strange problem in the previous battle."

"Weird problem? What battle?" Li Huailin asked.

"It’s the battle before Irofrey." St. Crujen said, seeing that Li Huailin still didn’t understand, continued, “It’s the battle with the demons.”

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded. He knew what St. Crujin said. It wasn't that they were attacking the temple. The four kings of the demonic family all appeared and fought with St. Ilofrey, then St. Bard. Also came out to help, "What happened to the battle, where is it strange?"

"Because I found out... Ilofrey didn't do his best," said St. Crujen here.

"Ha? Didn't do everything?" Li Huailin took a look at it. He didn't know exactly how strong St. Crujen was, but St. Crujen said that there should be no problem. After all, he is also a Protoss. This is really a bit strange. After all, they had already started to work on the shrine. At this time, St. Ilofre, who is the guardian of the temple, should of course fight with all her strength, and St. Iloci did not do this. Li Huailin is also a bit curious.

"Yes, I obviously found that the other party did not do their best." Seeing that Li Huailin seemed to be a bit interested, St. Crujin continued, "So after that, I also asked Ilof how this is going back. Originally, he did not intend to answer it, but at this time, because many other people also questioned him, he still said..."

"What is the reason?" Li Huailin asked.

"He said that this is the command of the king of God." St. Crujin said, "According to him, the king of God said to him, don't let the four kings of the demonics die, this should be part of the secret order. ""

"Oh?" Li Huailin’s heart was moving, and the news was really important. Yes, the words of St. Croix, Li Huailin really believed, because this is not the first time he heard the news. He noticed it before, and after the war of the gods, he heard that it was also the command of the king. Don't kill the four kings of the demons, but now the same order is definitely worth noting.

If the command is for the demon family when the war of the gods is over, it is even more strange to appear this command again, because it is obvious that the demon family is ironed to be against the protoss, and the king must know In this case, in this case, he specifically asked not to kill the demons, which made Li Huailin have a little thought, will it... what will happen to the Protoss after killing the four kings of the demon family? What is the disadvantage of the king of God?

What is the unfavorable situation? Li Huailin couldn’t think of it completely. It’s really unclear. He really doesn’t know what harms the people who killed the demons are to the Protoss. How to see them is a good thing, so why is the **** king so worried? What about this situation? If you want to understand this, Li Huailin is not... Want to kill a four king to try?

Yes, although the devil's people are now their own, but Li Huailin originally planned to deal with the troubled old people after the war with the Protoss, so there is no psychological burden for them to start Li Huailin. But the problem is that after all, it is your own person. If you say that there is really any special effect in killing, Li Huailin certainly does it, but if he doesn't, he is not stupid.

Although I didn't think about what to do, Li Huailin remembered this. After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to ask the devil's people to ask clearly, is there anything else that they don't know, and then I want to deal with it.

"Adult, you see..." When Li Huailin thought about it, Santa Cruze in front of him also asked carefully. Of course, he has been observing Li Huailin’s expression all the time, but at present Li Huailin is thinking about things, and he can’t see anything. This is naturally anxious. He can say everything he says, and he doesn’t know if Li Huailin is satisfied or not.

"Very good, this is indeed a useful news." Li Huailin looked at St. Croix, and then said with a smile, "Now you do things for me, explain the current situation and those protoss, willing to join My people will join, and those who don’t want me will come back."

Li Huailin is too lazy to waste time now, so it is also to let Santa Kruiden say that he has a temple and a little other protoss, to see if he can lie to a few people. Of course, this group of protoss Li Huailin did not want it at all. After that, all of them will become Li Huailin’s energy points and divine power. Of course, they are still playing them casually.

I don't know if it's too little to communicate with people, or it's relatively simple. In short, this group of Protoss is really silly and naive. St. Crujen now believes in Li Huailin’s slang, and thinks that Li Huailin really took over himself, so he nodded immediately and then prepared to go out and communicate with other Protoss.

On the other hand, Li Huailin returned to his temple. This time he directly brought St. Ilofrey into the temple. Yes, when I was pulling St. Crujin, Li Huailin discovered that the name of St. Iloci was also in the list of people I could pull. It really said that Li Huailin did not remember that he had met St. Ilofrey. Before, I used a sword to injure St. Iloci, can I say that as long as my own attack meets the other party, I don’t have to use my hands directly? This is going to go back and try it, but now the name of the other party has also appeared. Li Huailin will certainly not be polite, and he will directly click on it. St. Ilofrey is also drawn here along with the other temple.

"What, here?" St. Ilofrey was of course amazed. The outside Protoss floated. He was still thinking about what to do. Suddenly he was sent here, and he immediately noticed himself. I didn't want to do anything in my own temple. In the next second, he was thrown out by a thunderbolt. This is a complete break.

Li Huailin also came to the outside with the trend, just standing on the side of St. Iloci, who fell to the ground. Looking at Li Hualin, who is looking at himself, San Iro Fref is of course very uncomfortable. He has always looked at others with his condescending. When a human being looks at himself like this, St. Ilofrey wants to stand. It was impossible, but it was completely impossible. Now he is too weak. He can only lie on the ground and anger Li Hualin, as if he wants to eat the other side with his eyes.

Seeing this situation, several protoss here have been shaken even more. St. Crujen also told them that Li Huailin had a temple, and also persuaded them to do their best. They certainly had a dim move, and saw that St. Ilofrey has now become like this, and they have broken them. Rebellious thoughts, very quickly, the second Protoss who directly surrendered to Li Huailin appeared. Of course, after the first and second, everything went very smoothly.

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