All Things Wrong

Chapter 2651: Ice and snow continent

" are not keeping your credit..." Li Hualin is accused of being a group of protoss who fell to the ground. Yes, I also said that Li Huailin did not intend to stay with them. After directly draining their power and energy points, of course, the gangs all fell to the ground. Now that they have lost their power and are still in a state of weakness, they can only swear.

Of course, these people also include St. Croix, who has just been enthusiastic about persuading them to join. Now, Santa Cruz is certainly regretful. I didn’t expect Li Huailin to be so creditless, even she directly abandoned it. It’s too late to regret it.

Li Huailin is ignoring them, and can only say that this group of protoss is a bit naive, and this can simply believe him. Now this group of Protoss is completely useless, but Ioofam is not good to play, so I still leave it to her.

Li Huailin needs to think about the current plan. He now has two choices. The first one will go back to the devils directly as they said before. Ask the devils what the situation is and see if they can receive any news. The other one is to continue to follow his immediate Saint Iroref to find his compatriot, the Cyrus, after all, St. Ilofre received the secret of the king of God to let them go to the kingdom of Cyrus, although Li Huailin did not know the secret order. What is it, but after all, the destination is known, Li Huailin is a bit curious why the King of God will let them go to the Kingdom of Cyrus, is there anything important there? Li Huailin wants to go and see what it might be.

Considering it, Li Huailin thinks that the position of the demons is still very good, and they will not think that they have ideas about them, so it is not urgent to find them. On the other hand, I have the kind of anti-sky gadgets on the map. It should not take long to find out.

So Li Huailin also decided to look for the help of the Cyrus first. Of course, he would not fly directly on Xiaomi to look for it. Li Huailin returned to his temple and turned on the map switch. Li Huailin found that there was no island outside the Northland in his current investigation scope. There is a lot of ice floes, but there is no one on the ice floes.

Obviously, it may be that the scope of his own exploration is not enough. After all, the flying speed of the Protoss is still very fast. If the distance is close, the other party does not need to take a break and fly out, so there must be some distance, and this is outside the scope of Li Huailin’s exploration. It is.

However, Li Huailin has just pumped so many protoss money, maybe he can upgrade the map again? If you upgrade to another level, the scope should be enough. So Li Huailin immediately looked at how much energy he had left, and the result showed more than 160 billion. Yes, this point is still added to the points that I have not used before, so in fact, the energy points provided by the people of St. Ilofrey are not many.

However, although not many, it is enough to upgrade the eye of the first level of God. Because the eye of God's eye upgrade needs 100 billion energy, Li Huailin naturally upgraded immediately. The entire temple was once again flashing, of course, the appearance is still nothing, Li Huailin just did not see the eyes at the top of the building become bigger and bigger.

After the upgrade, Li Huailin also opened the map bar again. There is no doubt that the map range has been upgraded again. Of course, the transfer function has also been upgraded. The current cooling time has become half an hour, and of course it has cooled down. There is also a change in the Tianlei side. The current Tianlei level has become Level 2, and the cooling time has been shortened to 12 hours.

Li Huailin immediately looked at the map on the north side of the mainland. What makes Li Huailin more happy is that he has finally begun to display the map area on the north side of the mainland. It is also the point of no energy. If you can’t see it, it’s really troublesome. The level of points is too high, and Li Huailin feels that he can't rise in a short time.

On the map, Li Huailin found that there is a big continent in the north of the mainland. This size is no longer an island. It can be called the mainland. Of course, it is obvious that this is not the kind of continent where the player is located, because the whole continent seems to be the kind of continent covered by snow and ice. The situation is somewhat similar to the situation in Antarctica on Earth, but this time it is in the north.

The headache is that Li Huailin’s current map has expanded, but it does not show the entire snowy continent (temporarily named), only half of the island. Li Huailin casually checked and found that the island was really sparsely populated and almost no creatures were visible.

Fortunately, Li Huailin’s map also has a screening and detection function, so directly choose to display humanoid creatures. Li Huailin still sees a lot of small yellow spots on the map. Of course, these yellow spots are very concentrated, and it is estimated to be similar to villages. local. Li Huailin looked at it from a close distance. It turned out to be some very small villages. Looking at each other's situation, Li Huailin could probably guess the other's way of life. It was the kind of small village that survived by fishing. Li Huailin was surprised to see someone in the village.

Looking at it with a 360-degree camera, Li Huailin found that something was wrong, because the whole village looked carefully and found that it was attacked by people. At present, half of the villages have been destroyed. The house was dumped, and the village was also a mess. No one saw it on the village road.

Of course, the small yellow dot shows that there are people there, of course, Li Huailin looked for a little, and then found a building similar to a temple. Yes, the person who is enshrined in the building of this temple is actually St. Irofref. Although it is only a small statue, it also lets Li Huailin recognize it. Now there is a large group of people in the temple. These people seem to be very similar to human beings. Li Huailin can hardly see any difference. It is estimated that the Cyrus people are the branches of human beings, but they claim to be different. St. Iloca is also very similar to human beings.

It is obvious that the Cylos people are now praying towards the statue of St. Ilofrey. Li Huailin looked around and found that it might be a funeral, because there are quite a few Cyrus lying on the ground. And they all lost their blood, obviously already the body. Therefore, the current situation is well understood. What disasters have occurred here and many people have died, so they pray to the gods they believe in and are holding ceremonies.

Li Huailin only looked at it a little. Since the statue of St. Ilofrey appeared, I didn't find the wrong place. Since it was a kingdom, Li Huailin immediately found a city, but soon Li Huailin found that there was no city in the scope of his exploration. Yes, there are a lot of people, but I have seen that they are small villages, and most of them are villages of several hundred people, but it is obvious that the believers of St. Ilofrey cannot have this, or else he Where is the power of so many beliefs that will allow him to reach the level of the upper god.

Therefore, there must be a big city on this snowy continent, but it seems that this big city should be in the northern part of the mainland, and I still can't see it.

Since I decided to go and see, Li Huailin certainly will not give up halfway. The best way to do this is of course to transfer directly to the island using the transfer function, and then look for the city while flying, and it is estimated that it will not take long. However, Li Huailin thought about it. He wanted to bring St. Ilofrey. After all, only this guy knows what God King is going to do on this snowy continent. Li Huailin still hopes to get some information directly from him and take him there. Maybe you can know what.

But if you want to take him with you, it will be a little troublesome. After all, your map can only transmit himself, St. Ilofrey... How do you take it with you? You must know that from the current map of your own, this snowy continent is still far from their mainland. If you fly over, it will take a lot of time.

Thinking a little, Li Huailin remembered a method he had used, so Li Huailin also quickly contacted his friend to summon the Jade Emperor: "Summon, drive?"

"Suddenly, what do you say?" summoned the Jade Emperor and said immediately, "What do you want me to do?"

Although the tone is not very good, but the person who summoned the Jade Emperor has always been a guy with a knife and a mouth, so of course he quickly agreed to come over and help.

Li Huailin didn't have any leisure time here. He used the transmission function to come to the ice and snow continent. Just landing, a cold wind hit, yes, even he felt cold. You should know that although the Heart of Glory has a very high-simulation game, it is still somewhat intimate. For example, if you fall into the magma, it will feel hot and uncomfortable, but it will not let you endure it. The same is true now. Li Huailin feels very cold, very uncomfortable, but can bear it. Of course, the side also shows that this place is really not a place for people to stay, it is really too cold.

Li Huailin frowned. He really didn't want to stay in this place. Although he had been to a lot of snow-covered places, he didn't feel cold in this place. So I quickly finished the task, so Li Huailin left a mark directly on the ground, and then directly returned to the city before returning to the city, and just called the call to the emperor.

Together, the two went to the place where the general protoss were. Of course, the protoss were still in the same place, and no one came here, and no one saved them.

"Is it finished?" summoned the Jade Emperor and looked at the Protoss in the land. "What do you want me to do?"

"I am flying, you can keep the life of this guy." Li Huailin pointed out that St. Iloci on the ground said.

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