All Things Wrong

Chapter 2652: Landing

"So you let me run a long way to put a skill on the line?" Summon Jade Emperor is also uncomfortable.

"Then I don't want to, I want to throw it directly to you. After all, there are other things to do on my side, but I can't, you can't fly, I can only drive." Li Hualin said, the spreader said. Yes, the summoning of the Jade Emperor is here to give the protection of the law of life to St. Ilofrey on the ground. This skill is released anyway, and St. Iloci will definitely not die, and there is no limit. As long as you summon the Jade Emperor himself, he will not cancel it, and she will not follow her all the way. So after finishing the skills, summoning the Jade Emperor can also go straight.

"If you are really okay, just help me to collect the history of the old people, especially the history of the demons, and the old people ask again." Li Huailin thought about it, after all, he also asked this question. It is better to call the Jade Emperor to help. As for why you want to ask other old people, it is because you are worried about what the demons do not know, and ask other people about what may happen.

Summon Jade Emperor is also really trying to help, until the current situation is not normal, she is also a little nervous. Therefore, although Li Huailin did not say too much, she also agreed to help.

On the other hand, Li Huailin directly picked up St. Iloci on the ground and then directly sucked the other side on her back. Yes, this combination technique was used by Li Huailin when he was selected by the predecessor. It is confirmed that he can really fly with npc. However, Li Huailin’s distance was very limited at the time, and this time it was a flight directly across the entire sea. Li Huailin was really afraid that this lost spirit could not stand up, so he summoned the Jade Emperor to prevent One.

"Right, by the way, Iowamu will come over and take this group of people away. She will handle it slowly." Li Huailin also said to the summoning Jade Emperor, and then waved directly. "I will go first." It is."

Just after Li Hualin suddenly began to accelerate, and then faster and faster, rushed straight out in the direction of the sea, the waves waved open the water, leaving a long gully on the sea.

Li Huailin’s magical skills are the longer the distance and the faster the sprint, so the speed is quite exaggerated at this distance. As the speed was too fast along the way, Li Huailin could hardly see the situation around him, but he could see the situation of St. Iloci, who was in front of him.

Yes, Ilo Frey is now in front of Li Huailin. In the previous use, Li Huailin put the npc behind him, because he is almost invincible in the sprint, so he can get rid of the big Part of the damage. However, this time, St. Iloci will not die anyway, so I will calculate it directly in front of me.

St. Iloci is really a bit miserable this time. The speed of the front section is not very fast. The air around it is very cold. In addition, it is on the sea, the water vapor is very strong, which leads to the body of St. Ilofrey. Start the ice seal directly. However, due to the speed increase, St. Iloci’s body quickly warmed up and was almost burned into a fireball. After experiencing the taste of ice and fire, the destination has arrived, and I heard a loud bang. Li Huailin took St. Ilofry and landed steadily... Oh, it seems not so stable. The surrounding glaciers were blown out by the landing and exploded several large cracks. Fortunately, this is only frozen soil, not snowy mountains, or it is estimated that there will be an avalanche.

Looking at St. Iloci here, Li Huailin felt that the other side seemed to be a little unconscious. Because of the high temperature relationship, St. Irofrey now looks like a cooked shrimp. Red scorpion, Li Huailin is also directly polite. He stepped on the ground and stepped on it. He heard the sound of "嘶" just like The forged sword is water-cooled, and the ice around the ground is melted.

"Oh...hey..." At this time, St. Ilofrey seems to be awakened. Li Huailin is absolutely using torture. St. Ilofrey really feels like death on the way. He is a protoss. Ah, when did you suffer such abuse, " guy..."

Really, now that Ilofrey has insulted Li Huailin’s strength, the new one’s flying is really making him feel that the internal organs are shifting, the whole body is hurting, plus dizziness and nausea. St. Iloci is now unable to fully understand what he is.

Of course, it is true that the situation of St. Ilofrey is much better than that of Li Huailin. In fact, he also specially called the summoned Jade Emperor to add an undead buff, but in fact it is not used at all. St. Ilofrey did not have empty blood. On the contrary, the bloodline was quite long. I thought that this may not only be a relatively strong relationship, but the armor of this body is also estimated to have played a lot of roles. Yes, now, Ilofrey is still wearing the orange armor. This armor is not a special thing at first glance. It is estimated that it has also added a lot of magic resistance and anti-material resistance. After Li Huailin’s sophistication, armor There are no signs of breakage, just a little red.

"It’s good to die." Li Huailin also took out some of the treatment scrolls directly from the package. I don’t know if I used it anyway and then throw it up. These reels are placed in the parcel when they are preparing to fight with the Protoss. Li Huailin does not have to use it himself, but maybe it is useful?

Several reels were thrown up, and St. Iloforre recovered a little. At least the skin trauma was basically cured. I don’t know what is going on inside the body. It won’t die anyway. At this time, St. Ilofrey also saw clearly where he came.

"Here is... frozen soil? Felicel mainland?" St. Ilofrey said with surprise.

"Oh, is this continent called Feilekel?" Li Huailin nodded. "In short, this is your hometown."

"What are you going to do..." said St. Iloci here, "I said, useless, no matter what you do, I can't tell you anything."

"I know, you said it very clearly, but I like to go shopping here?" Li Huailin said, "The environment in your hometown is really bad, it is not suitable for survival."

"Who do you think this is wrong? Because of the greed of those guys, we will be forced to migrate to this place. Do you think we like to live here?" said St. Ilofrey.

"Don't be so excited, although the place is not very good, but at least it has survived." Li Huailin spread his hand. "It's more important to live than anything..."

"..." St. Ilofref did not speak directly, because he suddenly heard Li Huailin's voice-over, which is still a threat. And he simply did not pick up this.

"The city should be in the north." Li Huailin didn't care too much. He pointed directly to the north and said, "Where?"

St. Ilofrey did not speak, and now the body is so weak that he can't fight back at all, or he will directly deal with Li Huailin.

"It doesn't matter if you don't answer. Anyway, it's such a big place, I can find it by looking for it." Li Huailin also waved directly. The golden millet appeared in Li Huailin's side. Of course, it just appeared. The millet here is directly The snow shook.

"Where is the trough, even the dragons are shivering frozen? How cold is this." Li Huailin couldn’t help but say, look at St. Iloci here, now St. Irofra has lost her power. It is estimated to be very cold. Yes, although the other side did not show it, but the body is also shaking, this is really a bit too cold.

Fortunately, although Xiaomi is also a bit cold, but the dragon's body is still very strong, this weather can still take off. Of course, because St. Iloci is npc, so I also grabbed it directly. Li Huailin also took him to the north. Of course, due to the flight, St. Iloci also suffered another wave of cold winds. The frozen can only shiver in the claws of Xiaomi.

Li Huailin, who is flying in the air, probably understands that this continent is a veritable frozen continent. The interior of the whole continent can't live without people. The ground is ice, and there are no creatures. People can't live. Therefore, even if there is a city, it should be a little life on the edge of the mainland, relying on fishing, so Li Huailin is also riding the millet directly to the north, flying to the edge of the mainland and looking for the city along the coastline. It should be easier to find.

It's just that things are not as smooth as Li Huailin thinks, because the surrounding environment is too dark. Yes, the current time is already at night. Before Li Huailin looked at the map, it seemed that Li Huailin could see a little more clearly because the map still had some night vision skills. But now I really came here and saw a piece of it. Black, it is a bit too difficult to find something.

Li Huailin quickly reached the north coast, but flew around for a while and could hardly see anything. It may have been convenient to find lights and the like at night. Unfortunately, Li Huailin did not see anything like lighting. I don’t know if the Cyrus people here would not light at night.

In short, I tried nothing, and Li Huailin decided to come back tomorrow. After thinking about it, Li Huailin asked Xiaomi to plan a big pit on the surrounding ground, and then directly thrown St. Ilofrey into it, and then let Xiaomi fill the pit, anyway, now St. Ilofrey Can't die, directly burying the other side of the province, and in order to prevent it, Li Huailin is certainly marked on the other side. After completing these preparations, Li Huailin also quit the game by standing directly on the pit.

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