All Things Wrong

Chapter 2654:

Li Huailin was waiting for the patriarch here to come, and he also learned about the situation here from the civilian next to him. Of course, the other party must know what to say. Now Xiaomi can stand behind Li Huailin. Of course he is asking what to answer, otherwise he is really afraid that Li Huailin will let the dragon swallow him directly.

From this civilian side, Li Huailin knows that the city is called Valen Hill and is the capital city of the Kingdom of Cyrus. The patriarch he said before is actually the king here, but the other party does not claim to be the king. And this country is of course the former kingdom of Cyrus, and Li Huailin did not find the wrong person. The previous conjecture was also correct. The troubles in the city are indeed caused by the explosion three days ago, and now the trouble they encounter seems to be more than just the city being bombed. When Li Huailin was asking what was the trouble, a force suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although it is a force, it is obvious that there is still a big gap between the forces in Li Huailin’s impression. The soldiers who hold the weapons have never worn armor, and everyone is just wearing a thick fur coat. It looks very cumbersome, and it is not a professional soldier to look at the other person's body.

The first one is an old man who is also wearing a thick fur coat. Looking at the other person's body, Li Huailin thinks that the other party is estimated to be more than 80 years old. Standing in the cold wind is also a bit of a trembling feeling. Fortunately, the other party is not sitting. In wheelchairs, at least you walked by yourself.

Formally, the other side should be the patriarch here. Li Huailin looked at the other's name, showing Dirsmo, not showing the surname, nor knowing whether the Cyrus had a tradition of surnames. While Li Huailin was watching the other side, Dirsmo here also spoke.

"Respected Dragon Knight, what are you coming here for?" Dirsmo here said more respectfully, after all, Xiaomi is standing behind Li Huailin and he is standing on the platform. Who sees this situation is certain Also have to measure it.

"This is a relatively fresh name." Li Huailin smiled, but he told him everything before, the Dragon Knight adults have really not heard. Li Huailin did not answer the other party's question and asked directly: "I heard that you have a little trouble here?"

"Yes." Dirsmo said here, I don't know if Li Huailin asked what this is, but there is no concealed meaning. "We suddenly suffered an attack three days ago. We don't know where the attack came from. But the explosion blew up half a city and our thermal furnace was destroyed..."

"Thermal furnace?" Li Huailin asked strangely. Of course, Dirsmo also explained it immediately. The reason why Vallan Hill can exist on this frozen soil is because of the existence of this heat furnace. The huge part of the city's energy is derived from this thermal furnace, which is equivalent to the power station that powers the entire city, and this thing now thinks that the previous big bang has been damaged, so now the Cyrus are really very Anxious.

"If there is no heat furnace, the city will not function properly, and our people will face the crisis of destruction." Dirsmo said, "Really, now we have basically determined that the heat furnace can not be repaired..."

"Oh, this way." Li Huailin had a bit of wonder why the other side is so cooperative. After all, here is the Kingdom of Cyrus. In theory, it is certainly better to see outsiders coming in. After all, many people are not spying on their treasures. Well, but now this group of people completely does not mean to hide Li Hualin. Now he also understands that this group of people is now facing a big trouble that cannot be solved. The whole family is dying. Now it is not the time to prevent it from being prevented.

"Adult, are you here to help us?" said Dirsmo here, and asked directly to Li Huailin. Yes, they really have a big trouble now, so when they saw Li Huailin, their first reaction was to ask for help. Dirsmo is so frank about Li Huailin, of course, he hopes that the other side can provide some help. He is really desperate now. He could have no choice. He did not expect to suddenly hear someone riding a dragon. Dielsmo didn't know who Li Huailin was, but the person who can ride the dragon is of course a strong man, so he came to ask for help immediately with a little hope.

"Ha? Are you teasing me?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "I don't know you at all, why should I help you?"

This is not a problem at all. Dirsmo also thought about it and immediately said: "Adult, you must have come here because you heard about the treasure of the kingdom of Cyrus. If you can help us through this difficult time, we are willing to give you the treasures of the Kingdom of Cyrus."

System prompt: Dirsmo released a level of hidden missions to save the Cyrus, accept?

"No." Li Huailin directly clicked on the rejection. Under normal circumstances, Li Huailin will not pick up such a task. After all, for him, the situation deducts money and deducts experience. A level of hiding generally does not produce any good things. Now, Li Huailin doesn't want to waste time, and he has no time to do this kind of thing.

"I don't have any interest in the general treasure." Li Huailin said to Diersmo, "Do you have any special treasures in the Kingdom of Cyrus? Special secrets?"

Here, Li Huailin originally wanted to inquire about what the King of God ordered from St. Iloci to come here. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the treasures of the Kingdom of Cyrus. Anyway, ask the situation first.

"Special treasure?" Dirsmo clearly did not know what Li Huailin was referring to. He was also a little anxious. "If you can save our people, we will give you all the treasures."

"I have said that the general thing I don't want at all, you want me to shoot, but I want a reason." Li Huailin said, "Let's say, the **** of your faith, it should be St. Ilofrey."

Dielsmo was a little surprised, but he also thought that when he came, he saw that the other party was talking to one of his own people. It was estimated that he asked at that time, so he nodded: "Yes, the temple lord St. Irofra It is our faith."

"Then he has given you something special, mysterious treasures and the like, so that you must hide it, you can't give it to others," Li Hualin asked. "Or what do you have? For example, the kind of place or thing that cannot be found by anyone..."

"Well?" Dirsmo was alert for a moment. Yes, Li Huailin’s problem was obviously not right. It sounded like a preparation for the trouble of the sacred Ilofre of their faith. Of course, in their eyes, Li Huailin seems to be strong, but it is impossible to compare with God, so in their view, Li Huailin is probably another person sent by God, that is, the enemy of St. Iloci.

"We don't have that kind of thing here." Thinking of it, Diersmo also replied immediately.

The attitude of Dielsmo has changed obviously. The enemy of St. Ilofre is of course their enemy. Since Li Huailin is sent by the other party, of course, it is also an enemy. Since it is an enemy, it is impossible to save them. Well, of course, Dirsmo did not intend to continue to ask for help.

"It seems that your belief in St. Ilofrey is also very deep." Li Huailin looked at the other side's attitude and said, "If you face this situation, why not ask for help from the sacred Ilofre you believe in?" ?"

"It doesn't have to be yours," Dirsmo said immediately. "The great Saint Ilofrey will naturally bless his followers, and soon Saint Ilofrey will come to save us."

"Oh, this way." Li Huailin nodded, then smiled and said, "I don't think you need to be too nervous. I am not a bad person. On the contrary, I am still a good person. You are worried about your beliefs when you look at me. The Holy Spirit of St. Ilofrey does not understand the crisis situation on your side, so hasn't this already helped a lot?"

"Well?" Dirsmo quickly looked at Li Huailin, not knowing what Li Huailin said.

"You see that I have sent you the Holy Spirit of St. Ilofrey directly to you, delivered to your door, I am very interesting." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Ha?" Dielsmo did not know what Li Huailin was saying. On the other hand, Li Huailin turned directly to the body, and the movement of the turn made the surrounding Cyrus nervous. Of course, Li Huailin did not do anything to them, but went to the side of Xiaomi behind him.

"Trouble to raise a foot." Li Huailin waved his hand at Xiaomi. Of course, the millet here also lifted his foot immediately, and at its feet, of course, was St. Iloci, who had been stepping on. At this time, the state of St. Ilocre is of course very bad, almost in a semi-conscious state. Li Huailin did not say anything, directly pulled up St. Irofref, and then returned to Dirsmo again.

"Come here, this is your great hero of St. Ilofrey. You see if this is delivered to your door. You are not asking for help. Please hurry to ask for help." Li Huailin took a glimpse of it and took the holy Lovefrey came to the front of everyone.

Although I don't know what Li Huailin is doing, the eyes of all of them are of course gathered on the person thrown by Li Huailin. Soon they found that something was wrong, because the person who was picked up by Li Huailin seemed to be really a Cyrus, and this looks... really a bit like their holy **** Ilof.

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