All Things Wrong

Chapter 2655: humiliation

The scene was a little bit commotion. Yes, there are a lot of Cyrus civilians around the square. Although it seems a bit dangerous here, there is a dragon in it, but there is no place to run. It is better to come over and see. The situation is.

After they came over, they realized that the situation was worse than they thought, because they had not received any news that the heat furnace could not be repaired before. Although I already knew that the thermal furnace had been damaged, the patriarch also said that it was repairing it all, but now that three days have passed, I just got the news that it can't be repaired, which makes them a little desperate.

It was really no way for Dielsmo to announce this at this time, because the heat furnace could not be repaired and the whole city was in crisis. This thing is of course unstoppable and does not need to be concealed, so he is also Take this opportunity to announce this to everyone.

The consequences of damage to the thermal furnace can be imagined, which can be said to be a crisis of extinction. Although they also know that there are still many small villages in the mainland that can survive without a heat stove, the problem is that it is just a small village. Can a city survive like that? Obviously impossible, lost the heat furnace, there is not so much resources for them to live here, it is estimated that more than 90% of the people in this city will definitely die, and the rest of the people... may not be alive.

At this time, Li Huailin’s appearance really made them ignite a glimmer of hope, because every time there is such a crisis in accordance with the legend, there should be a hero who comes forward to save the people of dawn. That happened just when Li Huailin appeared, or appeared on a dragon. Everyone really thought that the other party was a hero. But then his conversation with the patriarch was obviously beyond their expectation. What is even more strange is that the other person actually pulled out a person and said that this person is the **** of their faith, the temple governor St. Ilof.

The first reaction of everyone is of course not to believe, are you kidding? You can imagine that suddenly someone is dragging another person over and telling you that this person is God. What do you feel, and you must feel that the other person is deep well. But I have to say that the people Li Hualin pulled out are really a bit like the gods they believe in, at least the appearance is really similar.

Unlike other gods, St. Iloci has a specific ethnicity, so he actually came to a relatively frequent level. Many people here have seen Saint Ilocrej coming. The armor of this person that Li Huailin dragged out is really very similar to St. Iloci, even if it is fake, this is also a super high imitation.

"A nonsense!" Seeing some of the people around me whispering, the patriarch Dirsmo, who had returned to God, immediately said to Li Huailin, "How dare you so defile our gods, the Holy Spirit of St. Ilofrey is the only one." The existence of this, what do you mean by this?"

It is obvious that the other party has no control over the flight of Li Huailin, and I have directly determined that the other party is a fake. He just didn't know what Li Huailin was doing now. What the **** is this.

"What do you mean? I am really just kind." Li Huailin spread his hand. "This is not your holy Irofrey. Are you asking for something? I sent it to you, you can ask."

"Damn guy!" Dirsmo was completely angry at this time, and the names turned red. In his opinion, Li Huailin must be sent by the enemy, so of course it is his own enemy. "This is not welcome. You, leave you with your fakes!"

"Ha? You are really funny to you guys. You just said that you want to find St. Irofref, and it’s not happy to send them to you." Li Huailin walked forward as he spoke. One step, here, Dirsmo saw Li Huailin go forward and directly took a step back.

He was worried that Li Huailin would do it directly, but Li Huailin could not take care of him. He directly kicked St. Ilofrey on the ground and said with a smile: "St. Irofref, you see, even your followers do not recognize you. It’s really bad when God is like you."

St. Iloca is indeed awake now, but he did not speak and lay directly on the ground to pretend to die. Of course, my heart is extremely angry, but there is no way at present, and the body can’t move at all.

Li Huailin’s behavior makes everyone more confused about what’s going on. If Li Huailin is looking for someone to pretend to be their **** to humiliate them, they can understand, but the problem is that the guys on the ground and Li Huailin are not a bunch. People, the relationship between the two sides simply can't understand, so what is going on?

"Who are you? Which **** sent it?" Dirsmo here thought about it and asked again. In his opinion, no matter who Li Huailin is, it must be sent by other gods. Dirsmo also thought about this matter and must go to the temple to report to the sacred Ilofrey, telling him who is preparing to deal with him.

"Which **** sent it?" Li Huailin first glimpsed, then suddenly wanted to understand why Dielsmo would ask this question, could not help but laugh, "Do you still intend to go to the temple to report the following situation, let Your great God is coming to deal with me. You guys are really too funny, have you said that your God is not in front of you now?"

Looking at this side, Dielsmo is still an expression of disbelief. Li Huailin also continued: "You stay in this place of poor mountains and waters, of course, you don't know anything. The rule of the Protoss is over... what you call God, no longer exists..."

"Nonsense!" said Dirsmo, of course.

"The facts speak louder than words. Let me give you an example. Can your current sacrifices be successful?" Li Huailin said directly to the spreader.

Dielsmo suddenly stopped, and indeed it was a very strange thing. When the city exploded before, they certainly went to the temple to pray for their **** to help them. St. Ilofrey said that she really took care of the Cyrus people. Generally, this huge disaster is true. Will help, after all, he is also a Cyrus. But this time, St. Iloci did not react. Of course, although there is no reaction, the sacrifices can still be carried out normally. However, since yesterday, the ritual of sacrifice has not been implemented.

Yes, the sacrifices dedicated to the Protoss will really disappear. This is not the same as on Earth. Li Huailin did not experiment before, and used a lot of fish, fruits and the like. Now, St. Iloci has been abolished by Li Huailin. According to them, the gods have been lost. As a result, of course, sacrifices cannot be carried out, and sacrifices and the like can only be placed where they will not disappear. Of course, Dirsmo also knows.

The Cyrus people are devout believers. Although their own situation is very critical now, the daily prayer ceremonies are absolutely impossible, so now the situation of the sacrifices is immediately reported to Dirsmo. The patriarch, really, now that Dirsmo does not know what happened, but it is also vaguely aware that the situation is not good.

"It seems that you have also discovered it." Li Huailin looked at Dirsmo’s expression and said, "Yes, the sacrifices cannot be sacrificed. Of course, there is no problem on your side. This is mainly because the gods of your faith have problems. The throne of St. Iloci is deprived, and you naturally cannot sacrifice sacrifices."

"You are nonsense!" Dirsmo said immediately, but to be honest, he was really worried about whether it was true or not, of course he did not want to believe.

"So I said, you don't know anything." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Of course, I don't need you to know anything. After all, you are washed by the Protoss. Do I still hope that you have your own thinking ability?" Just like now, I will throw the God of your faith directly in front of you, and you will not believe that this is him. The reason is very simple. You think your **** is great, omnipotent, how can it be dead dog Is it so common for me to be in front of you? Even if this is the truth, you will not believe it."

Li Huailin said that he also looked directly at the ground, St. Ilofrey said: "St. Ilofrey, understand? The rule of the Protoss is so fragile, this gang is only omnipotent, once you lose This aura, they will not even recognize you."

St. Ilofrey was still lying on the ground without talking, Li Huailin was not angry, and said directly to the people around him: "So, I am in a good mood today, I decided to save you once."

"Ha?" Everyone is a glimpse. It’s really a bit confusing. What is the situation of Li Huailin? It’s just like a slap in the face, so suddenly he said that he would save them?

"You saw, this guy like my dead dog at my feet, watching if it is like the sacred Ilofre you believe in, but in your opinion, this guy is not the **** of your faith, then this Is it really awful for the guy to pretend to be your god? Yes, I hate this guy too. Then, you can enjoy this guy with a slap in the face. After you finish playing, you have passed the first round of screening and got the Eligibility to be rescued by me. Who are you willing to try?" Li Huailin said with a smile.

"You guy!" St. Ilofref here is really unbearable, and wants to stand up directly. He understood it. Li Huailin is not looking for any clues at all. It is simply insulting him.

Of course, now that St. Iloci is impossible to be Li Huailin’s opponent, Li Huailin kicked St. Ilofrey to the ground and continued: “Hurry, I don’t have much time, you think for yourself. it is good."

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