All Things Wrong

Chapter 2661: apparatus

The movement of the gate is still relatively large. The two grounds in front of the spire rise and then extend left and right, just like the feeling of opening a missile silo. Of course, this door is much larger than the door of the missile silo. Due to this huge vibration, the ice layer covered by the spires is constantly peeling off. These ice layers do not know how many years have been condensed. The blocks are very huge, and the movements that have fallen are also shaken by the earth. Of course, the people present are not mortal, and Iofam is also a defensive spell that easily blocks the splashing ice.

After a violent shock, the entrance to the minaret opened. Although the direction of the entrance seems to be the feeling of going down to the ground, it is definitely not wrong, and everyone is ready to enter. Of course, Iofam changed back to the human form and then dragged directly onto St. Iloci on the ground. As for the frozen, already smashing Dirsmo, he came in, and the outside was really cold, and he couldn't wait. He also walked indoors by relying on the instinct to survive.

The entrance here is similar to an underground passage, there is no light inside, and it is basically frozen. Li Huailin saw a lot of building materials and construction tools in the passage, but he did not see anybody's body. It seems that this place is a bit like the place to store construction tools and materials when building this minaret. Not quite like the main entrance.

Going a little further, they quickly found a passage up, going up the channel, and soon they found another door. Of course, the current door is still closed, but the door here should be driven by magic, and with Eophr is equivalent to carrying a master key.

The same is true of the facts. Eofarm also studied it a little on the front door, and then decisively closed his eyes again, and a flash of light flashed. With the sound of "rumbling", the front door slowly opened. stand up.

A dazzling light is coming out from the front door that opens. The tunnel is darker, and the other side of the gate is really bright. When the eyes gradually adapt to the light, what appears in front of them is a very surprising situation.

They are indeed inside the spire, and the interior of the spire is almost hollow, and the more peculiar is that although there is no illumination inside the spire, it is unusually bright. No, this is no longer a problem. The surrounding walls are completely invisible from the outside, but from the inside, the outside seems to be completely translucent, so the external sunlight is completely It can be directly infiltrated, and because there is ice everywhere, it causes the light to refract in the interior of the entire spire. The whole spire is illuminated and bright, and it feels like walking into a crystal palace.

The inside of the minaret does not have any icing. It seems to be completely isolated from the outside world, and the temperature is quite high. Li Huailin has no cold feeling when he walks in here, and even feels a bit hot. It is heated.

"It’s really a subtle building." It’s Eofar, but even an old monster that has lived for a thousand years, can’t help but sigh when you see this architecture that can be described as beautiful. In a word, this place is really beautiful. "I want to use it as my new nest."

"Hey, although it is very warm here, but it is cold outside, and nothing, you really want to live here?" Li Huailin asked.

"It’s weird. I used to be a desert when I came here.” Iofarm said again, "As far as I know, the demons are also because the environment here is too bad, and the whole continent can’t find water. When I arrived, I would like to leave the family here. As a result, I haven’t come here for a while and it has become a snowy continent..."

"I think this thing may have something to do with this building." The person who spoke is the root cause. After entering the building, the roots have already appeared at the side of Li Huailin. It seems that I have also observed the whole building, and now she Pointing in one direction.

Looking at the direction of the roots, Li Huailin saw that there was a circular high platform in the middle of the minaret. It looked a bit like a round table. If a chair was placed around it, it would be possible to have a meeting. Of course, it is obvious that there are no chairs around, and this thing is not a table, because on the top of the "table" is a lot of things portrayed, a bit like a magic array.

Li Huailin didn't understand magic, but I also saw that the things portrayed on this thing were a bit familiar. Yes, it was the magic that was seen on the main console of the temple and the underground artifacts that were previously seen in the bird family. The array is very similar, which means that this thing may be the main console of the building.

"So what is this thing doing?" Li Huailin walked to the side of the table and began to look at it. Of course, it was just a look at it. He didn't understand this. He mainly relied on the roots and the Iopham to answer. problem.

"Very huge energy." Iowam said on the "table" moment, "The unusually delicate magic can make up, this thing... very unusual."

"So what is the use?" Li Huailin asked.

"Probably... is used to store energy." Iofam thought about it and replied, "Because I feel a lot of energy in his internal storage."

“How big is it?” Li Huailin asked.

"Remember the last thing?" asked Iofar. Li Huailin certainly nodded. He knew that Iofam was talking about the artifacts of the previous bird family. Eofarm also smiled and said, "At the moment, I feel that the energy stored in this thing can make that thing launch ten times..."

"Where?" Li Huailin is really a bit surprised, launching ten times? The last time it was launched has caused the terrain changes of the whole world. Isn't it too exaggerating to launch the energy of ten times?

"Where is this so much energy coming from? What is it for storage here?" Iowamu, despite the shocked Li Huailin, strangely said to himself.

"This is actually the case." At this moment, the source next to him suddenly opened his eyes and said something.

"What's wrong? What do you know? What is this thing?" Li Huailin asked.

"I probably figured out the structure of this thing." The root nodded and said, "I didn't expect that the guy in Blaines really had a bit of a skill, and actually developed this level of magic energy."

The roots rarely give such praise, especially in the magical energy, even if it is the originator of modern magic such as Iopham, the root of his evaluation is just "know the fur" and so on. Actually praised this person named Blanes, it seems that this guy is really a bit powerful.

Of course, Li Huailin didn't care about Blaines, but the building. He asked a little anxiously: "So what is this thing?"

"This thing is not just an energy storage device, but an energy harvesting device." Of course, the roots have not sold off, directly said.

Iofarm next to "Energy Harvester?" asked a little surprised, apparently it didn't find the problem, "Where is the energy collected?"

“Just collect energy from around and store it.” The roots simply said.

"Ha? Wait, what do you mean by collecting heat from the surroundings?" Li Huailin didn't understand it, but suddenly combined with the situation that Iofarm said before, that is, from the desert to the ice sheet. Facts, it seems that I want to understand something.

"Almost." The roots nodded. "If you look at the owner anyway, you can follow this to understand."

"Hey, I don't know why I always feel a bit uncomfortable. It seems that IQ is despised." Li Huailin said, "I really don't understand magic, I am really tnd sorry."

"It turns out that these nodes are used to do this." Iopham next to it seems to understand something, nodded, and then a little cast seems to have studied the structure of this thing.

"So, to put it simply, this guy named Blaines is the culprit to turn this side into an ice sheet." Li Huailin nodded. "It’s just as if I heard that he was the first emperor of the Cyrus. It’s a good emperor.”

"This...this..." Dirsmo, who was next to it, has already recovered a lot. Of course, he also heard the conversation between them. Of course, he did not doubt the true and false, because there is no need to lie to him. Of course, he himself was exceptionally respectful of the Emperor Blaines and immediately said: "He must have improved his environment..."

"Well, anyway, you love to say so." Li Huailin also directly interrupted Dirsmo, and then continued, "So this thing has always absorbed the surrounding heat into energy, and because of the accumulated relationship, the stored energy It’s amazing, it’s already the level of threat that makes you feel right.”

"How is it possible?" The source suddenly said.

"Ha?" Li Huailin took a direct look.

"I said, how is it possible?" Root said, "I am the creator of magic energy. Although this thing made by Blaines can store a lot of magic energy, how can it threaten me?"

"This... is also true." Li Huailin nodded. "Wait, you said that it is not the huge energy of these stores that makes you feel threatened... What is it?"

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