All Things Wrong

Chapter 2662: analysis

Li Huailin was a little surprised. I just thought it was the huge energy stored here to make the threat of the Excalibur. After all, this is the huge energy that can launch the "Destruction of the World Cannon" ten times. Li Huailin thinks that it feels a bit Horror, but the problem is that according to the root cause, what worries her is not the thing in front of her, it is even more curious. Because even this thing can't make the Excalibur feel threatened, what the **** is it so horrible?

"I don't know." The root cause of the answer made Li Huailin almost vomiting blood, curious for a long time and the result was not known.

"Hey, you don't know now? We have all come in." Li Huailin said.

"I said before, this thing is underground, deeper, I don't know what it is, but it does give me a feeling of threat." Roots frowned and said, "That thing has been associated with this building because it came here. After that, my feelings became more obvious."

"Oh? I probably understand what you mean." Li Huailin thought about it. "That is... there is a very bad thing in the underground of this place. If the building is connected with him, it may be a seal. The seal of the incomprehensible thing? It absorbs energy just to seal this underground thing, probably that means."

"No." The roots immediately shook their heads.

"Hey, can this be wrong?" Li Huailin helped.

"There is no seal effect on this thing. The seal on the outside is not caused by this building." The source here says, "In fact, if you look carefully, there are two different sets of magic design on this device. First, The first set of design is what I said before. By absorbing the surrounding energy and storing it, after it is stored to a certain energy limit, it may be used to destroy the underground thing. The second set, I suspect and It was not made by Brians himself, but a plan that was later modified."

"It turns out." Roots said here, next to Iofam suddenly said, "No wonder I always feel a little bit wrong, it should be like this. The designer of the first set of programs has a superb level of magical power, even me I feel a little admire, and the second person, although it seems to be the same as the first person, but always feels worse, I was wondering why there is such a situation. Now think about it should be from two people. Handwriting."

"That is to say, someone made a slight modification on the building designed by Blaines, similar to what Iowam did before." Li Huailin asked.

"Yes." Iofam and the roots nodded at the same time, it seems to have recognized this statement.

"What is the plan made by the second person?" Li Huailin asked.

“It’s clear that the second set seems to be complementing the first set of plans,” says Root. “It’s now apparent that Brian’s building here is designed to collect energy that undermines this unknown thing. But collecting energy takes a lot of time, and it seems that the work of collecting energy has not been completed until now. So the second person has modified it on this basis. The two sets of magic energy programs added are the first to set up an enchantment. This is the situation you just saw, and the second one should be the final plan for insurance."

"The last plan?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, it may be that someone is aware of the situation here, so he designed a switch similar to a self-destructing device. Anyway, it can release all the energy stored now, which is of course devastating to those who may find it. "Beat," said the root source. "Of course, from the energy collected so far, it is estimated that the whole continent will be blown up to disappear."

"The trough? Feeding, you are too exaggerated, and you can directly destroy the mainland without moving." Li Huailin helped the amount, just spit out a sentence, and some people even more excited than him.

"What? You lied, this is impossible!" The person who spoke was actually St. Irofref, who had no movement for a long time. Li Huailin thought that the other party had to be pretending to be dead. I didn’t expect to hear St. Iloci here. Very excited.

"Oh?" Li Huailin curious, this guy is so excited, so do you know the situation of this device? still is……

"Lie?" The root of this side looked at St. Irofref, very disdainful, "Why should I lie?"

"..." St. Ilofrey suddenly shut up again, but his face changed a little faster.

"Hey, it won't... The task that God King gave you is to press this self-destructive switch." Li Huailin suddenly asked.

St. Ilofrey suddenly had a reaction. Although she did not answer Li Huailin, Li Huailin already understood what was going on: "Hey, really, you god, this is a little hang, it’s inexplicable to blow up one. Mainland? What is this situation?"

"No, this is the switch to start the defense enchantment, not a self-detonation switch." St. Ilofref here immediately replied, of course, according to this answer, almost has already defaulted Li Huailin's guess.

"Oh, I understand, you were deceived by the king of God." Li Huailin certainly believes that the root cause is no problem, this switch must be a self-detonation switch, of course, St. Ilofrey must have said that it is correct, he knows The thing is that this thing is the switch to open the defensive enchantment, so the person who lie is the king of God.

St. Ilofrey did not answer again because he had this idea himself. In theory, in the case of such a thing, he certainly will firmly believe in the king of God, but the problem is that the situation in St. Iloci is really not very good now, especially in the spiritual aspect, the thinking is very chaotic, so There will be a situation in which Li Huailin directly sees the psychological state before it appears. And now his brain is also a mess.

Seeing the other party's situation, Li Huailin certainly continued to add fuel to the fire. He said with a smile: "This is really fun. You are willing to sacrifice the life of the whole family for the king of God. Then the king of the king is directly I lied to take the whole continent on the basis of self-destruction... It’s ridiculous to think that your loyalty suddenly changed."

"Impossible, the king of God asked me to guard the seal here. If it is really impossible to protect, it will start the defensive enchantment. It is not for me to start the self-detonation switch here." St. Ilofre here. Said immediately.

Sure enough, St. Iloci here was in a hurry and revealed some information. Yes, the king of God deceived St. Irofrae to start the self-detonation switch here. Li Huailin had already known it before, but the problem was the sentence before St. Iloci, so that St. Iloci came here to defend. Seal, why should we defend? In fact, no one here has touched the seal. If Li Huailin defeated and caught St. Ilofrey, he would not know the situation on this continent. God King could not think that he could find it here. Maybe someone else knows this?

"Devils?" Li Huailin suddenly thought of the devil's things. Yes, although the things under the ground do not know what it is, but even if the sword is threatened, it should be a threat to the king. So will the King of God be guarding against the demons?

It is not surprising that the demon family knows the situation here, because Iofarm said that before this was the home of the demon family, so they should know the situation here. So knowing that the demon family has to be against himself, the king of God directly let St. Ilofrey to start the self-detonation switch to prevent the demon people from taking out the underground things? It sounds a bit logical, but the problem is... Li Huailin still feels wrong.

Yes, the biggest question of this hypothesis is that another command of the king. Before this, Li Huailin already knew another secret order of the king of the gods, that is, don’t kill the four kings of the demon family. This is very strange. If you want to prevent the demon people from taking this thing, the most The good way is to hack the other party, then order not to move them here, and then worry about them coming over and blasting themselves? This is not too strange.

And even more strange is the devil family here, because Li Huailin knows the people of the demonic family for a long time, and they have not revealed anything about the mainland until now. If you know that this thing can threaten the king of God, why not think of this thing when you are fighting the Protoss? Maybe... they really don't know?

"So what is the underground thing?" Li Huailin thought about it. Of course, the person who asked was Saint Irofref. Li Huailin thought that the king of God might know something, and of course it might be told to perform the mission of St. Iloci .

"I... I don't know." St. Ilofrey here hesitated and replied. Li Huailin was a little surprised. It was not that the other party’s answer was not known, but the other person actually answered himself. I have to know how Li Huailin asked before, and the other party will definitely say, “You don’t want to know what I know from my mouth”. It is true, but it is true answer.

It is obvious that the situation in St. Iloca has been shaken. Li Huailin has not abused him for a long time. It is also possible for St. Ilofrey to know that the news of the gods and even the switch is to lie to him, so the so-called **** confession estimate is to say.

After a smile, Li Huailin went straight to the front of St. Ilofrey: "St. Irofref, what do you know about it, talk to me, you have seen the current situation, you should also die for the king of God. Let's think about your people, they can still wait for you in the cold wind."

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