All Things Wrong

Chapter 2685: arrangement

Really, Li Huailin did not have to deal with the reason of Ketani's great god, but now the great **** of this elemental family is trying to find trouble for himself, and Li Huailin wants to dispose of it. If the grandfather is willing to leave by himself, Li Huailin is of course the best. Unfortunately, this is definitely not possible. There is no way for Li Huailin to deal with this guy.

Now that the Jade Emperor is summoned to the scene, at least there will be no direct deaths between Willantis and Selston, and the summoning of the two parties is also a kind of cooperation, so Li Huailin On the other hand, there is no need to worry too much, and the two should be able to consume a very long time with each other.

So Li Huailin flashed white and disappeared directly into the place. The next second, Li Huailin has already appeared in the polar, that is, Iofah. Yes, the current situation is to prevent the invasion of elemental creatures only to find Iofam. After all, only Iopham knows how to seal the cracks in the elements, and Iofam is still studying the other side in the graves of Blaines in the North. Strange spells.

When Li Huailin arrived, Iofam here was also using magic to operate the magic that Li Huailin could not understand. It should also be researched. Of course, the other party can also feel the arrival of Li Huailin, and did not stop the work at hand, directly asked Li Huailin: "What happened? The king of God appeared?"

"The **** king did not appear, but your colleague appeared, and now I am looking for trouble." Li Huailin said.

“Is it?” Iofam asked a little strangely. “I don’t remember what other colleagues I have.”

"You are not an old god. Now there is another old **** who is madly giving me trouble." Li Huailin said, but after talking about Li Huailin, he paused a little. "No, last time I heard that the protoss said this guy. It is the ancient **** level, not the old god."

"What is the old **** of the ancient gods, that is what the later people compiled, just a name." Iofarm said, "So simply said that you are in trouble again, who is this time? ”

"The Kutani god, who is the belief of the elemental family, is now invading the main world." Li Huailin said, "And the location of the invasion is just in the vicinity of the seal of the element that you set before. Now the troops of the old family are not That's over there, so it's awful."

"Elemental creatures invade." Iofam nodded. "But now the troops of the old people are already losing their value. Now the Protoss has solved it. The actual situation also proves that the old The national army does not have much effect in the face of the Protoss, that is, it can distract a little bit of attention. The current Protoss, the main force of the battle should be cleaned up, and the rest is still half of the Temple of the Divine There may be some Protoss left in it, but they should not be the main combatants. Do we still need the old army? Let them go to the elemental creatures."

Of course, Iowam is not really worth seeing the old people. In her eyes, there is only revenge with the Protoss. It was only because of this incident that it was combined with the old ones. Now I feel a little old. The family's troops are not too useful, so they don't want to fight the elemental creatures for this time and effort. In her opinion, it is useful to study the magic here.

"But the problem is that several people in the demon family are also being attacked by elemental creatures." Li Huailin said, "Remember that I told you before I tried to kill a demonic person?"

"Oh? You have already implemented it?" Iopham stopped and asked, "How is the situation?"

"Sure enough, some unexpected situations have appeared." Li Huailin also explained with Eo Fam what happened after he had killed Dallocos, and also said the key to the fate.

"Key to Destiny?" Iowam squatted a little. Li Huailin originally wanted to ask about this thing on Iofarm. After all, Iowam had lived for thousands of years. Maybe you still know something, but it’s obvious that the other person’s expression is the first time he heard the name of the thing. “There are such things in the hands of the demon family? What is the use?”

"I now suspect that even the other party does not know that there is such a thing in her body." Li Huailin said, "I also asked from the side, and they know very little about it."

Li Huailin suspects that the key to this fate is not something that is carried on the demon family, but something that is triggered by killing the four kings of the demon family. After all, if this thing is carried on the demon four kings, It shouldn't be a strange symbol on the other side's head. Therefore, Li Huailin thinks that this thing may be a kind of proof that killed the four kings of the demon family. Of course, the specific situation in this respect is more troublesome to explain, and Li Huailin did not say to Iofar.

"So what is the use of this thing, is it related to the king of God?" What mission of the fate can trigger is that Iopham is not interested. Her goal is only to revenge the Protoss, so can we kill the King of God? The essential.

"I don't know, so now this is not being studied. It is at this time that the elemental family here is out of chaos. You said that this is not a trouble." Li Huailin spread his hand.

"What do you want to do? Now we are two to work together to solve the invasion of elemental creatures?" Iofar asked.

"How is it possible, do you want to spend so much energy on these elemental creatures?" Li Huailin asked.

Of course, Iowamu does not want to, he still has to maintain the strength to find the Protoss revenge, of course, it is impossible to say that now is wasted on the elemental creatures. Li Huailin is also the same. He can only deal with elemental creatures only with divine skills to get a little effect. But before, Li Huailin’s recovery of the power of the gods is too slow. Naturally, it’s only a few dozen points, which is not as expensive as it is, so he Of course, I don't want to spend my power.

"What do you want to do?" Iofam nodded and asked.

"Are you not able to close the element crack?" Li Huailin asked.

"Are you talking about cracks in seal elements?" Iofarm said. "Yes, I do have this spell, but it needs people to cooperate."

"Cooperate?" Li Huailin asked.

"Just like the former Corrance, the seal needs to be placed on a carrier. Simply put, the carrier will be the same as the key to the seal, but it will also be able to open the cracks of the element. It is impossible to act casually within the seal, otherwise the seal will also fail.” Ioofam explained her seal spell a little.

"It turns out that." Li Huailin can understand that after all, I have seen it many times before, that is, the human column.

"And according to what you are saying now, the **** of this element, Ketani, seems to be capable of directly destroying my seal." Iofarm said, "The current situation should be that it forcibly destroyed me. Seal spells, and also force the expansion of elemental cracks, so if you want to trap the elemental plane directly through the crack of the seal element, it should be difficult."

"Is it directly destroying your seal? Isn't Corranseus..." Li Huailin asked.

"Coralances may be dead. If the seal is forcibly destroyed, there should be no chance that Corrances as a carrier will survive." Iofarm said.

"Wow, if you have a son, you really have no fluctuations." Li Huailin said.

"You figured out that Corrans is just my son, or a protoss." Iowam clearly did not care, casually said, "Death is dead, no big deal."

"Don't be excited, don't be excited." Li Huailin said, "Understood, so we still need a new manpower column right now, which is a little troublesome."

"All said that we must deal with Ketani's things first. If we don't dispose of the other party first, if we set a new seal, the other party can immediately destroy it," Iofarm said.

"So I have almost tried to deal with the method of dealing with the great **** of Getani. Of course, it is not the way we spend a lot of energy." Li Huailin said.

"Oh, what?" asked Iofarm here.

"I just discovered that this Ketani 徳 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 , , , , , , , 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克"The most powerful skill of mine, the **** mouth is on the scene."

"Ha?" Iofam said directly. "No, do you mean that you are going to give Kutani a flicker back to the elemental plane? Even if the other party can come out at any time, what is the use?" ”

"So we don't want to destroy this Kutani **** now," Li Huailin said. "Just now this Kutani **** has been disturbing us. We need it to leave here temporarily, so let it go now. It’s okay to be busy with other things, but I’m going to help him find a more urgent need to deal with it. Fudge him to deal with it.”

"Oh... what is that?" asked Iofar.

"Is this guy not an ancient god? It is like saying to the ancient god, I suddenly think of another guy, just now that guy seems to have nothing to do, we might as well give them something to do, let them do a little busy. The province came to us for trouble, you said yes." Li Huailin said with a smile.

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