All Things Wrong

Chapter 2686: opponent

Before starting his own plan, Li Huailin first needed a volunteer. Of course, it was a warrior with socialist dedication to exist as a human column. Because according to Eofarm, this manpower column is really miserable. It can only stay around the element seal and inside the element plane. This is no different from jail. Although it seems to be able to gain some ability. But who is willing to lose freedom for this.

Of course, Li Huailin also carefully asked about the requirements of the candidate, because according to his previous understanding of this manpower column, it seems that there is still a need for blood, and there is not a warlock named Ludwig who played this before. Several families have made a manpower column, and then they are looking for their descendants to unravel the manpower column.

However, the news from Iofah is that there is no bloodline. It is obvious that Ludwig’s seal was created with a slight change based on the seal of Eofarm. And the seal of Iofarm itself is still very different. According to Eofarm, there is no specific requirement for the human column. Even if it is not human, the only thing that is hard is the mental strength. Yes, it is said that during the spellcasting period, it will cause great mental pain to the human column. If it is not directly hurt, it will be awkward, so it is better to find a stronger mental strength.

Of course, Li Huailin can't really find a beast like a beast. If the other party ran, it wouldn't be sealed, so Li Huailin was at least a person who is still willing to be the guardian of the human column. Yes, he doesn't have to find a Ken to stay in the seal. After all, what he needs is this time. The **** of this element does not come to find his own troubles. When he has dealt with the demon, he is a great god. Why do you want to go, shut him down.

Is there such a candidate? Of course, there are, and more are dying. Li Huailin took Eophoam to his own ducal palace, and then he found Gert and asked him to find someone from his death camp. Yes, he had already tried the training of the dead soldiers in the death camp of Li Huailin. It is indeed very easy to use. This group of people first listens to their own words, no matter what order the other party will obey, when it comes to the spiritual aspect, this group of people, after torture training, is of course the existence of a pain-resistant small pioneer. So from any angle, this group of people are more suitable candidates.

Io'am's suggestion is to find a magician because the magician's mental strength is relatively high. However, it is a pity that there is no Master in Li Huailin’s death camp. The Master can be regarded as a noble profession. No one is going to be a warrior. Besides, the inside of the Death Camp is an orphan who is found from all over the place. Do you think an orphan can have money for him to learn magic? The Master burns money.

But it doesn't matter if you don't have a mage. The talent of a mage can also be done, that is, a person who is more powerful in nature. So Gert found a lot of people. Under the discrimination of Eofarm, he quickly found a more suitable candidate. This person is the best performer of the death camp, a death called Toruma. Shi.

"Toruma is right, I still remember you." Li Huailin looked at the big man in front of him and patted the other person's shoulder and said. Of course, Li Huailin is really a bit of a impression. When doing the statue experiment, this guy seems to be the first experimental object.

"I am willing to die for my majesty!" Toruma here simply replied that he has been washed away. Although he does not know the content of this mission, no matter if Li Huailin gives them the task, he will die if he is killed immediately. .

"Okay, keep up." Li Huailin nodded, then took away with Toruma. The three people also soon came to an elemental refresh point near the Duke's House. Of course, Iofam was there, and it was very easy to open the elemental passage.

Under normal circumstances, of course, human beings are unable to enter the elemental passage, but Eofarm also released the shield, allowing Li Huailin and Toruma to directly enter the elemental plane. Looked around, there are no elemental creatures nearby, and it is estimated that the elements of the other side have cracked. Originally, the elemental plane is so large that Ketani’s great **** wants to summon the elemental creatures to attack the main plane. It is estimated that there will be some time, but now Li Huailin has done it for the pre-order step, so it is considered that he has smashed his own feet.

And Li Huailin, of course, they are not going to go directly to the elemental creatures, they are looking for the door to the border of the gods. Li Huailin certainly can't remember the route, but Io'am's memory record is still quite good. Under her leadership, the three people looked for a while and found the location very quickly.

Not far from, Li Huailin has already seen the door to the border of the gods. This is really a bit obvious, because the door is already black. Yes, before this, Baiyaki, who was at the border of the gods, had begun to pollute the elemental plane, but it was blocked by the release of a protective cover by Corrans, so the area of ​​pollution was not very large. In the current situation, Corrances may have been hung up, and the protective cover in front of it has disappeared. Therefore, the pollutants that are now blocked are directly rushed into the interior of the elemental plane, and the scope of pollution is large in a flash. The expansion of scale, now Li Huailin, they see such a serious situation.

Toruma saw this situation and his eyes flashed a little. Although he didn't know what it was, he could guess that the black matter was not a good thing, but he didn't ask anything, just quietly. Stand there.

“What do you need to prepare?” Li Huailin asked to the nearby Iofam.

"The altar should be ready-made, as long as it is not destroyed." Iofarm said, "The other is the preparation of the spell, and you don't understand it anyway."

"Understood, anyway, you come here, I go to the ancient gods over there." Li Huailin said to Toruma, "Toruma, then follow the white dragon aunt, anyway, he let you Why are you doing it, understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Toruma nodded, and did not ask what a white dragon aunt meant. He was a professionally trained slain. The lord said something that should not be asked, but he only had to listen to the order. it is good.

Let Eofarm open the door, Li Huailin directly came to the border of the gods. Li Huailin has been here once, but the situation I see now is even more serious. The whole sea surface has been covered by a strange layer of black grease. This thing is very thick. It looks like a layer of black ground at a distance, but because it is below the sea, this thick Things are still fluctuating up and down. It seems that it is really a bit disgusting. This is also the place where Li Huailin is very uncomfortable to worship Yaki. What this guy is doing is super disgusting.

Yes, Li Huailin’s ancient gods who are going to come and play with the great gods of Ketani are naturally Biyaji. In theory, since both sides are ancient gods, the strength should be similar. Even if there is a gap in strength, anyway, it can be done for a while. Li Huailin is not trying to kill the two goods. Anyway, let them do the trouble of not looking for themselves.

Of course, the problem now is how to make the two goods fight, but Li Huailin feels that it is relatively simple to solve this problem through his own mouth. Riding on Xiaomi, Li Huailin also flew directly over the black sea above, and then shouted to the bottom: "Byaki! Come out soon."

The loud noise of "咚", just as Li Huailin just shouted, the sea below it bulged directly, and a huge black object rushed out directly toward the millet. Xiaomi’s reaction speed is relatively fast, but Li Huailin did not let it dodge, but received Xiaomi directly, and the black thing quickly caught Li Hualin’s whereabouts. Of course, this black thing is Baiyaki. The tentacles.

Li Huailin did not struggle, and the top of the tentacles quickly appeared a huge eye. Bai Yaki noticed Li Huailin.

"You are, human." Baiyaki’s voice came, "I have already helped you against your enemies. Are you coming to fulfill your promise?"

Yes, Baiyaki had not had a deal with Li Huailin before. Biyaji helped to deal with the Protoss, and then Li Huailin said that he would join Baiyaji’s majesty. Of course, Li Huailin was completely nonsense, and Biyaji seemed to be very confident. In its view, human beings cannot refuse the temptation of this power.

"Yeah yeah." Li Huailin said along the way, "I am coming to worship the boss now, now I will take you out of here, and then occupy the world over there, yes, then I am the master of the world. Let's go."

"Yes, yes." Beyaki continued to lie to the children and said, "You will become the master of the world and have the most powerful power."

"Great, I am waiting for this." Li Huailin immediately said, "In short, you can see that the door here has been opened. You can return to the main world through here. Is it going now?"

"Well..." Baiyaki didn't know if he looked at the door of the element. Of course, the elemental gate was really open, and it was already the biggest. Li Huailin didn't know if he could fool this guy. Wait a little while, and Biyaji's voice came again: "You are doing very well. As my servant, I need to give you some rewards."

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