All Things Wrong

Chapter 2701: Conflict resolution

The next day, Li Huailin was also deliberately late for some on-line, mainly to summon the Jade Emperor on the line, because now Li Huailin is really a little uncomfortable. After the agility is reduced, his attack movement has become very unfamiliar. He does not seem to be able to adapt to the difference of two or three points after the upgrade. It is really 100%. It’s too difficult to get used to, so Li Huailin wants to summon the Jade Emperor to take the debuff and take it away.

Just a little while from the appointment, Li Huailin also quickly contacted the summoned Jade Emperor. Sure enough, this time summoned the Jade Emperor is already online. Li Huailin now basically grasps the launch time of summoning Jade Emperor.

Asked, the summoned Jade Emperor is still on the sealside of the south side of the mainland. Li Huailin was also curious to ask what the jade emperor was doing over there. As a result, he learned that the temporary battle over the seal was not over yet.

Yes, the war of elemental invasion has not been finished yet. Li Huailin is also directly squatting. In this case, it has been playing for a whole day. Is this not over yet? Of course, summoning Jade Emperor did not make an all-nighter. When she was almost yesterday, she also managed to go offline. After all, each side of the day had already brushed their team’s scores to the point where they couldn’t become the first place, and summoned. Jade Emperor’s own personal score is too low, and she can’t brush it up. She’s too aggressive in her own attack, so she’s too lazy to brush up. Of course, when she went online in the morning, she found that it was still a little surprised.

Li Huailin is really a bit incomprehensible. This elemental creature has not stopped refreshing. So many players are blaming over there. An all-night time should have been completely finished. Of course, Li Huailin did not go to the scene, did not know the situation, and summoned the Jade Emperor to see it, the reason why the player has not finished brushing these elemental creatures is actually because of this strange terrain.

Yes, I said that this terrain is on a promenade peninsula, which can be said to be a natural cornice. If the troops on both sides are on the plains, then it should have been finished as early as Li Huailin said, but now the situation is that a lot of players are squeezed behind and simply can't go up, only waiting for the players in front to die. In the future, they can squeeze up, which leads to the efficiency of the brush and its low. The elemental creatures over there are also experiencing the same situation. A lot of blame is not able to go to the front in the back. As a result, there is only one area in the middle of the battle, so the time of playing will be long.

And as far as the situation that the Jade Emperor is summoned, the inside of the player seems to have problems. Yes, most of the players can't be squeezed at all. If the people in front are their own teammates, of course, it will be, but the question is not. I said before that the current players have been divided into two teams, one is the team headed by the spirit world, and the other is the team organized by the gods and several major guilds. If the plains can each brush their own points, but In the current situation, you see that the other side of the team is happy to brush the points in front, you can't squeeze it. What a mood, of course, is not good. So the player's internal discomfort is so accumulating.

This task is integral, and it is still a hidden task of ss level. Everyone knows that the reward of this task is definitely very rich. Now, although the first place seems to have been stolen by each other, it is not the second place. There is no reward for the three. According to the experience of the past battlefield, the second place is the third place, so that any rewards after the rankings are very good. Simply put, there are rewards for points, no loss. This is a conflict of interest, and with a conflict of interest, it will even lead to the outbreak of contradictions.

Therefore, according to the internal situation of the player, there is a problem. The problem of the card position is also well solved. For example, if only the spirit world is present, then the spiritual organization will let the elemental creatures run out. Wait until they all come out, and then play again on the plain outside, this elemental creature has no brains, they will not say to stick to this place, so this is not over? But the problem is that now the players are not harmonious inside, blocking the door on both sides, no one is willing to leave, there are some scattered players who do not listen to the command, you go and they squeezed to brush points, there is no way to do this. So the situation there is a bit embarrassing.

Li Huailin himself did not want to take care of this matter, but thought about it, he owed a night of voyages. And he also hopes that this battle will be over. After all, it is also a reward for ss-level tasks. Although he did not participate in the competition, the team's points are still the first. According to the past, they should also get a treasure chest and the like. Maybe you can get the equipment you want.

Of course, the easiest way to solve this problem is to give the other person a slap, but Li Huailin does not want to do this. One is that there is no time on his side. The second one is to directly smash the other party. benefit. It is not necessary to be tied to the spiritual world. I am not a person in the spiritual world. There is absolutely no reason to participate in the battle of the Great Guild.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin felt that there was no need to swear. In fact, if you directly solve the embarrassing situation of the night flight, it would be a return to others. And the method is very simple. In fact, Li Huailin is not used, so it will take a long time.

So Li Huailin set off directly, and was supposed to go to summon the Jade Emperor, so it was also a matter of convenience. Directly transferred to the south of the city, then Li Huailin flew on the promenade on the side of the promenade, and then directly contacted the night flight side, and soon got the position of the other side, then Li Huailin directly flew into the spirit team inside.

After a little while, the Order of the President’s Night Flight came from within the Spiritual Guild. All the troops in front were evacuated and the front was allowed to come out. Although this order is very strange, after all, it is the president's order, and members can't help it, so the rescue immediately began to retreat.

Of course, this obvious move was immediately discovered by other people. The spiritual world suddenly retired? This is definitely not possible in normal circumstances, so... 100% is problematic. Then someone immediately wants to understand, yes, when Li Huailin appeared, it was of course very conspicuous. After all, riding a golden dragon, everyone knows that it is Li Huailin. Seeing that Li Huailin also flew into the camp of the spiritual world, and then on the night of the flight, he ordered the retreat. What can this be reminiscent of? Yes, this one hundred percent is that Li Huailin wants to enlarge the trick, so before the magnifying move, he also said to the people in the spiritual world, let them retreat first, and save unnecessary losses.

Li Huailin’s big move, really, they don’t know what the trick is. Anyway, Li Huailin’s strange aura before, most of the strange laser players know, if this guy has any abnormal clear screen aoe skills, players They are 100% confident, and this guy has nothing to do with a big news, which makes players more confident in this speculation. Because this time is a ss-level task, according to Li Huai-lin's character, you said that he might not have a big news. Now the first place is not him, can he accept it? This is to enlarge the recruit to collect points, and the scope of this big move may also affect the players.

Under normal circumstances, players are of course willing to block these elements to kill, but the problem is that the current points can be returned to Li Huailin in advance (at least they think so), and you are still stuck in front of it. That is, you can't get the points and give up your life in vain. Why?

So whether it is a guild player or a single player, most of them have chosen to evacuate with the spirit world after hearing this news. Of course, there are still some players who just don't go, but because of the small number, they are quickly overwhelmed by a lot of elemental creatures.

The players have retired, and the elemental creatures have of course been killed. As expected, they are brainless, and regardless of the current form, they are directly rushed out. Then seeing the elemental creatures rushing out of the promenade, the spiritual world here is turning around again to start killing elemental creatures.

Seeing that the spirit world is going up and killing again, the players are a little embarrassed, saying good big moves? How can I not see it completely, what should I do now? The spirit world has already rushed up, so it should be okay, then what are you waiting for, then go up and kill.

So soon the players started to blame again, although it was a bit strange that Li Huailin is going on, but after all, it is still important to score points. This time, because the battlefield is wide, the situation of crowded people is better, and everyone is busy brushing points, so the contradiction between the two sides is temporarily resolved.

On the other hand, Li Huailin did not intend to put any big moves at all. After meeting the night flight and greeted him, Li Huailin quickly joined the summoned Jade Emperor. Then Li Huailin walked away directly. He didn't have time to kill any elemental creatures, and it was still deducting points. Looking for trouble? As for the first place, I will count it for each other. After all, the guy has helped him brush up a team first, and he won’t give a reward for a long time.

As the gang continued to brush points, Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor directly returned to the Devil's Throne. Li Huailin briefly summoned the Jade Emperor to talk about the current situation, and then said to the summoned Jade Emperor: "md This mark is really uncomfortable, old rules, or hacked me first."

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