All Things Wrong

Chapter 2702: set

The process of killing Li Huailin is very tortuous. Li Huailin is really not easy to be killed. It is true that Li Huailin was summoned to the jade emperor to kill him because his physical strength was deducted 100%. With a bit of luck, this time, Li Huailin found that it was really difficult for a milk rider to kill himself.

The situation is like this, Li Huailin's death skill is 11 seconds to cool down, of course, the death skill is not to summon the jade emperor, after all, because the other party will not die, but the problem is that there is a special effect for the death skill to help Li Huailin return blood, then it would have been The situation is that Xiaomi will return blood in the pet space after he died, 1% per second, so that 11 seconds can return 11% of the blood volume. In the past, 11% of the blood volume is just a little, plus dissatisfaction. Li Huailin, but now Xiaomi has more than 2 million lives, 11% is more than 200,000 lives, can fill seven or eight Li Huailin.

Therefore, the current situation is that if Li Huailin is not killed within 11 seconds, then Li Huailin will return directly to the blood and start all over again. Then summon Jade Emperor to kill Li Huailin in 11 seconds? It's really a bit of a hassle, even if Li Huailin now strips off the equipment and calls the jade emperor to fight, 11 seconds is still not dead, it is such a little output, every time you can't die. There is also a disgusting pity and secret treasure that always comes out of trouble, because it is a passive skill, Li Huailin can't turn it off, and the result is to try it three or four times. Li Huailin is still alive.

"Hey, the attack power of your milk ride is not too bad." Li Huailin couldn't help but say.

"I don't have any attack skills. What do you want me to do? You said that you are an immune-burning skill. I didn't have any attack skills." Summon Jade Emperor couldn't help but summon the Jade Emperor to get the attack skills. It’s only life-burning. Although it was the key to the fate plus the attribute, but the two attributes added, the strength of 100% is indeed a bit of a use, but unfortunately the power of the Cavaliers is not so big, and she is a Milk ride. The physical attribute is even more useless. Calling the most useless attribute of the Jade Emperor is physical strength, because she is not dead, what is the meaning of more blood? Therefore, for the summoning of the Jade Emperor, the key to the fate of this fate is very limited.

"When you do, let's put your life on fire, let's put it." Li Huailin thought about it and said to the summoning Jade Emperor. Yes, of course, he knows the special effects of the fire-fighting skills. The original effect is to buckle the blood, but add the attribute, but the problem is that it is added to the blood of the body, and the property is deducted. Although this is indeed useful, the problem is It will be very strange in one's own body. Of course, summoning Jade Emperor is his own person. Li Huailin still believes in her. If other people say it, Li Huailin will not do this.

"Is it going to be released?" The summoned Jade Emperor here did not know what Li Huaili thought. Anyway, he directly threw a life on Li Huailin. Of course, Li Huailin began to add blood at this time, but the property is indeed reduced. However, summoning Jade Emperor can not see Li Huailin's attribute reduction. What she saw was that Li Huailin really did not lose blood. "This is not really immune, what are you making?"

"You can cut it now." Li Huailin said. Yes, the life-killing skill is deducting 500% of the full attribute. Li Huailin’s current life limit is only deducted to only 20 points. This is of course a case of death. With Xiaomi’s skill, he is two. dead. Therefore, this situation is indeed a bit strange. Li Huailin does not know how to summon the Jade Emperor to explain, but the normal situation summons the Jade Emperor is indeed not ruining himself, only to do so.

"Ha?" It is a bit strange to summon the Jade Emperor, but of course, there is no hesitation, and it is directly cut. As a result, the result is a direct killing effect, which makes the summoning Jade Emperor a bit.

"Speed ​​speed." Li Huailin also said quickly.

It is indeed very strange, summoning the Jade Emperor also looked at Li Huailin, but did not ask, directly went down again, this luck is very good, still did not trigger the effect of mercy secret treasure, this Li Hualin finally hangs .

The screen was white, Li Huailin came out directly from the rebirth point, and while walking, he also said to himself: "Think carefully about the whole game. The only person who can single-handedly win me is to summon the Jade Emperor. The result was originally opened in five or five. I am now aware of my strategy, and I feel a little headache."

However, it is useless to think about this now. Li Huailin also quickly returned to the Devil's Throne. He looked at the summoned Jade Emperor and asked Li Huailin to summon the Jade Emperor. He did not directly ask him what he was, but after all However, professional players may also see problems, and Li Huailin certainly did not take the initiative to explain.

At present, summoning Jade Emperor has obtained the key to three fates. All the effects add up to 100% of the full attribute, and can also engulf and increase the basic attributes and skills. Simply put, the summoned Jade Emperor has been forced to the metamorphosis level. According to Li Huai-lin, it is estimated that he may hang more than himself.

"The task of saving the world is handed over to you, girl." Li Huailin patted the shoulder of the caller Jade Emperor.

"Looking for trouble." Summon Jade Emperor directly shouted, "What do you do now? The mission is still a key to fate. There is also a demon, it is the demon called Sealstone. Where do people know?" ?"

"Know, I have already caught it, and I am waiting to die now," Li Huailin said. "But it will take a little longer to kill."

"Why?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"It’s better to tell the announcement at 10 o'clock, and you can't lose your letter." Li Huailin said, "In short, there is still a little while, wait a minute."

Li Huailin is giving time to the G4, according to Liu Heyun’s statement yesterday, he wants to study something that is impossible in this evening, so Liu Heyun can’t convince himself. The only possibility is that the G4 is negotiating with himself, but If you haven't contacted this time, it is estimated that you are not connected. Li Huailin didn't know what the G4 meant. He thought that he would like to try what he would do, or because he didn't want to negotiate with himself. In short, Li Huailin would still wait until 10 o'clock.

The two of them waited a little longer. Just now, Li Huailin had a lot of things to tell the call of the Jade Emperor. Now, by the way, I also said it. Looking at the time is almost the same, Li Huailin did not receive any urgent contact, so Li Huailin is also ready to start.

Directly white light flashed, Li Huailin returned to the temple. Looking for it, Sailon did not leave the temple. Although Selston told Li Huailin yesterday that he wanted to find his own compatriots of the Devils, it was estimated that he wanted to explain what, but Li Huailin did not agree to let him go, let him wait in the temple, the other side Still true, I really waited.

With Sealstone, Li Huailin returned to the outer throne. In fact, it was also able to do it in the temple. It was mainly for another person to take him outside, that is, the king of God. After all, the king of God also wants to stop the death of the four kings of the demon family. Li Huailin always expects the other party to appear, but the problem is that he has already done three things, and he still has not seen the **** king. Now that Saltstone is the last one, Li Huailin is very much looking forward to the king of God to prevent himself, but if he is in his own temple, Li Huailin is worried that the **** king will not come in, so he chose to be outside, saving the other party from finding .

Everything is ready, Li Huailin looked at the time, it is already 10 o'clock. It seems that no one will contact, Li Huailin will certainly not wait for them, so he said to the next call to the jade emperor: "Get started, just click."

Li Huailin was too lazy to pour another hand from his own side, directly let the summoned Jade Emperor take the four keys to complete the matter, of course, to deal with the method of Selceton to summon the Jade Emperor is only burning. A handful of hands, there was a flame animation on the body of Saltstone, and the blood began to fall down, but his body suddenly expanded a lot.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Seeing Li Huailin and summoning Jade Emperor around, Selston can't help but want to shoot directly.

However, he still forcibly resisted, and the life of his own people was still in the hands of Li Huailin, so he forcibly resisted the psychological impulse, biting his teeth and enduring the inner strength and the strong desire to fight. .

However, the troublesome thing is not finished. At the beginning, the blood volume of Sellstar was falling very fast, but gradually Li Huailin found that the blood loss was slower. Yes, it is obvious that the amount of blood returned from Saltstone has increased. As the number goes down, Li Huailin finds that the slower the speed, even seems to be a little bit faster to return to the blood. It seems that Searston also has a passive force.

"I really can't help it." Li Huailin originally wanted to summon the Jade Emperor and killed him. Now it doesn't seem to work. Li Huailin once again took out the light, so don't worry that the next call to the jade will be burned to death. However, after taking out the light, Li Huailin soon discovered that the blood volume of the company was falling rapidly. The glory of the aura was also 7% of the blood, and the 5% of the summoned Jade Emperor, these two The superposition is 12%, and the speed of the bottom is a bit boring.

It seems that Li Huailin didn't have to wait for 10 seconds to rule out the law. It really only took 5 seconds. The blood volume of Sealstone was decisive and fell down. It fell directly because it was jointly exported by the two. Killing can only be judged by luck, and this time, directly judged the summoned Jade Emperor.

And just in this moment, a lot of system announcements jumped out.

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