All Things Wrong

Chapter 2703: announcement

The original situation killed a demonic family of four kings after jumping out should be just a notice (after all, the person who killed the Saltstone is summoning the Jade Emperor, Li Huailin can only see the announcement), but the problem is now Li Huailin There are a lot of announcements, this is definitely because of the result of collecting all the keys to fate. Li Huailin originally intended to take a look at what information, and the first information I saw was written like this.

System announcement: Because a player triggers the world trial mission, the game will be updated. The version update time is longer, the estimated time is 72 hours, please all players to go offline within 1 minute.

system notification:……

“What?” Li Huailin took a direct look, then looked at the countdown next to it, and it was already counting. Now there are more than 40 seconds left to force the line. Although it is understandable to update the version if the world task is triggered, the question is whether this is too anxious, and completely unprepared.

Li Huailin also subconsciously looked at the summoning jade emperor next to him. As a result, he suddenly saw the light of the body of the jade emperor, and a golden light burst into the sky, as if he had directly crushed the sky. The summoning jade emperor in the light seems to be slowly floating up, as if it is the feeling of preparing to fly away.

"Where, do you want to be transformed into a Sailor Moon?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say.

"You have to change your body in Tnd." Summon Jade Emperor could not help but swear. "I don't know what the situation is."

"No, can you come down first?" Li Huailin asked.

"You said, I have come down since I came down." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "The system comes with it, and it is still animating."

"What happens when the animation is half-lined directly?" Li Huailin lifted the amount and saw that calling the Jade Emperor didn't seem to matter, so he quickly thought about what he had done. Then Li Huailin also directly saw the body of Sealstone in front of him. Yes, he remembered it. He hasn't resurrected this guy yet. The maintenance time is 72 hours. After three days, he will return to the body of this. I haven’t brushed it, so I’m rushing to the body of Sealstone, which is the skill of an undead army.

Here, the body of Sealstone began to tremble immediately, and it seems that he is ready to be resurrected. Li Huailin thought that there should be nothing else, and there are still more than ten seconds. Li Huailin was going to look at what the remaining system announcements are saying, but Li Huailin wants to open the system bar. At the time, suddenly Li Huailin’s light flashed in front of him, and a figure appeared in front of Li Huailin.

"Is it you?" Li Huailin's pupil was also slightly enlarged. The figure that appeared was what he saw. It was just the person he was waiting for, and it was the king of God. However, the problem now is that I have only a few seconds left now. "Hey, how do you appear every time I am about to go offline? Can you not play this way?"

"How is it possible?" The **** of the king suddenly made a strange cry. "This is impossible, too early. How can this be?"

"It's too early?" Li Huailin couldn't see the expression of the **** king (after all, people still had a glimmer of light), but in the tone he heard the surprise of the **** king, and the first time he heard the **** king sent a surprised tone. It seems that his actions were indeed unsuccessful, but what did he mean when he said too early, was it time to trigger the task? Is it earlier than the expected time of the king? Listening to the other party's tone seems to be a bit of anxious, is it a little bit effective?

"Do you know what you did?" The king of the king looked at Li Huailin, a questioning tone.

"I don't know, big brother, would you please tell me a little bit?" Li Huailin said, but after watching the time, the last 3 seconds left. "No, no time, can you go early next time?" Appear, I think we can talk a little bit about it, if there is anything..."

When the words were not finished, Li Huailin suddenly turned black. Of course, it was time to be kicked off the line. Taking off the helmet, Li Huailin also touched his head. The amount of information at the last time was a bit too big, and he did not react. I was about to think about it carefully. The phone here rang, and Li Huailin took it and looked at it. It turned out that it was the phone call from Liu Heyun.

"Hey, sure enough, you still have to do it, this is bad." Liu Heyun said.

"What's wrong? The mysterious robot started?" Li Huailin asked.

"The robot didn't start, but the server has a lot of strange data, a lot of it, it's really a lot." Liu Heyun said, "This maintenance is very abnormal, and the peace version is not exactly the same. ""

"I know, this maintenance for 72 hours, it seems that there has not been such a long maintenance time." Li Huailin said.

"No, I am talking about the amount of calculation." Liu Heyun said, "The amount of calculations for this version of the upgrade server is very large. The entire server is now in a state of complete overload. The current heat is huge, we are completely unprepared. The current situation. It was the huge heat generated by the entire server, which caused many fires in the entire laboratory and people were injured..."

"Ha? It’s already serious enough to catch fire." Li Huailin said, "The server is okay."

"The server should be fine. Obviously, the material of this server will not be a problem even if it is fired, but we will not respond in time, resulting in loss of personnel." Liu Heyun said, "I was almost injured."

"So isn't this not hurt?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "So I really have nothing to do."

"Hey, you are too irresponsible. It's true that the robot didn't start, but you don't know what will happen. I don't sleep all night," Liu Heyun said.

"In short, there is nothing wrong with it." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"I... In short, what did you get on this side, what special system prompts did you see when you triggered the task?" Liu Heyun asked.

"I don't know, the person who triggered the task is not me. It was my friend who called the Jade Emperor. It was right when she seemed to be a spiral," Li Huailin said.

"What does it mean to spiral up the sky? Why is the person who triggered the mission not you?" Liu Heyun also knew that the person who triggered the task was not Li Huailin.

"I don't know, it's just a light, my friend will fly directly, but now it should be directly forced to go offline. I don't know how, it is estimated that it will take three days to know." Li Huailin said, "Yes. I saw the King of God when I quit."

"God king? You saw him, what did he say?" Liu Heyun, who heard the name of the king of the gods, immediately asked.

"Amount, I have seen a total of a few seconds, I don't know why the guy is going to be forced to go offline at the end of each time. Is there any special effect that forces the offline to summon the gods?" In short... It seems that I didn’t say anything important. The only thing I heard was 'too early' and I don’t know what it means.” Li Huailin said.

"It's too early? Is it too early for you to trigger this world trial? Have you ever told me that God King may have returned to the current point of time through any special game props?" If you say 'too early', this may be the question of the time when you triggered the world trial mission?" Liu Heyun analyzed it a bit. Before Li Huailin’s guess, of course, he also said with Liu Heyun. After all, Liu Heyun is also a scientist. Li Huailin certainly asked him what he thought of his speculation, but it is clear that Liu Heyun directly gave a negative answer, because the more he studies science, the more he discovers that time travel can only exist in science fiction. Inside, but the unscientific phenomena that have emerged now make Liu Heyun have some doubts about his own cognition, so now Liu Heyun will make a guess in this direction.

"Who knows?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "I haven’t tried it before. The future is obviously changeable. If the king of God is really the person who will come back in the future, maybe this is the situation at the time and in his memory. What's the difference? But I didn't say anything at all, I just forced to quit."

Li Huailin did not say the words of the king of the king asking him, because that sentence did not make any sense, and Liu Heyun had to ** for a long time.

"Things have become more complicated. Really, I really understand why they say that you can cause trouble." Liu Heyun said, of course, they are referring to the people of the Group of Four.

"Hey, you don't want to talk more and more like them." Li Huailin said with a smile. "In short, the current situation can only be waited for the line to see again. The content that you can get updated in advance is Let's go."

"Under normal circumstances, we can get the updated data of the server in advance." Liu Heyun said, "But just after the fire broke out, the server is now out of control. I don't know what happened, but the three days should be It is possible to fix it. I will get the updated information as soon as possible. Once I get it, I will contact you at the first time."

"Okay." Li Huailin nodded.

Hanging down the phone, Li Huailin also got up and stretched a little. Suddenly, there were more than three days of inexplicable time. Recently, I have been busy playing games. It’s very tired, but I can take a break.

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