All Things Wrong

Chapter 2704: Big update

If you can, Li Huailin really wants a little rest, but the problem is simply not good. Yes, Li Huailin’s location is now in the amusement park, and the people around him are Su Ruoyan. Of course, if only Li Huailin and Su Ruoyan are both, Li Huailin can still accept it. The problem is that there is another guy now, that is, Su Shuizhen, the big light bulb.

Yes, Li Huailin wants to take time to get married, but the problem is that the wedding time has been arranged, and it is not yet. Li Huailin originally thought about contacting Su Ruoyan to ask about the progress of the wedding and see if there is anything he needs to do, but he soon learned that the wedding was basically arranged, so there is really no need for them for the time being. The place.

That would have been okay, but the problem was that Su Shui really robbed the phone at this time, saying that he had a holiday, and then wanted to go out to play, and he had to go with Li Huailin. This is a headache. Although Li Huailin has nothing to do but does not want to go out with the little girl to play, especially Su Shui really wants to go to the amusement park. Li Huailin said that he is 23 years old, why should he go? Amusement park.

But the problem is that he finally went, because Su Ruoyan agreed here, Li Huailin thought about it, and nodded. So now three people appear directly in the amusement park. However, it is obvious that Li Huailin and Su Ruoyan are completely out of tune with the amusement parks. Only Su Shui really plays very happy.

"Hey? Is this the first time the brother-in-law came to the amusement park to play?" Su Shui really said with surprise.

"Yeah, this...should not be very strange." Li Huailin said with a touch of his head.

"What did the brother-in-law do when I was so big?" Su Shuizhen asked.

"Amount... learning programming?" Li Huailin thought about it.

Su Shuizhen looked at Li Huailin and didn't talk, but the expression of sympathy seemed to flow out of tears.

"What is the meaning of your face full of maternal love? I generally think that people who come to the amusement park at the age of 17 or 8 are pitiful in my opinion." Li Huailin said with a headache.

"In short! Let me accompany my brother-in-law today to have fun!" Su Shui really feels that he did not listen to Li Huailin and ran away directly with Li Huailin’s hand.

After that, Li Huailin also did a lot of strange projects. It is obvious that Su Shuizhen is a little madman. The more exciting the project, the more she likes it, and she still has to take Li Huailin to play with her, for example, what is the direct roller coaster? After sitting 3 times, Li Huailin had to vomit. Su Ruoyan has been waiting for them all the time. The situation of the three people looks a bit like the kind of dry feet that couples play with their children.

Li Huailin really doesn't know what the roller coaster is. What is stimulating in theory? In theory, the feeling of riding a millet in the game is much faster than this. Su Suzhen, who has been pulling him as a roller coaster, never dared to open his eyes from beginning to end, nor did she know what she was doing.

In short, I played in the amusement park for a whole day, and it was not until the evening that Li Huailin sent the two back. Li Huailin is also really tired, feeling that it is much more tired than work, so she slept early.

The next day, Li Huailin finally had a little rest, although Su Shuizhen said yesterday that he still wanted to find Li Huailin to play, but he was rejected by Li Huailin. In Sushui Zhenlaan, this is play, and Li Huailin is coming to take it. This is tossing. Li Huailin is really a bit tossed. I have dinner with Su Ruoyan at night. Other time Li Huailin can relax a little. .

Nothing to do, Li Huailin was also looking at the game forum by the way. As a result, the game forum was another explosion. Yes, the version is actually updated. What is going on here? From the last updated version, and the last updated version, the interval between the times is a bit too short. In theory, some versions are impossible. Such a frequent, the first time is an accident, the second time can not be said, this is what is going on.

Of course, there is a buzz on the forum. This is really too much affecting the game experience. Although it is good to say that the updated version of the new content is good, but you also wait for the players to finish all the things in the current version, and then start getting bored. Open a new version, this general game operation is not the same, you are too busy to update the players can not stand it.

What's even more uncomfortable is that these versions of the game players have almost never experienced what it is. Yes, the previous old-fashioned invasion and the subsequent World Destruction version are almost no main line tasks, especially later versions. The players originally intended to trigger the main line mission, but did not find it for a long time, but it triggered a temporary battle, but it was a temporary battle, the mission still did not trigger. This temporary battle has not been finished until the end. Yes, Li Huailin has resolved the contradiction before, but immediately the server is maintained. The last battle is also half-finished and counted. What is this?

In short, no one is satisfied with the current situation, and the result is that everyone is asking Tianyu Group to explain. The Tianyu Group's customer service phone was also blasted in an instant, but now Tianyu Group has already had a solution to this problem. After all, it has not been dealt with before. The company doesn't know what the upper level is doing, and they can only explain it as much as possible.

Of course, the players are not stupid, although Tianyu explained that it is very decent, but the players can all hear the meaning of perfunctory. Because of this strange series of actions, I don't know when there is a strange speculation. Is there a problem with the operation of "The Heart of Glory"?

Yes, this kind of thing is impossible under normal circumstances. Now, the inexplicably fast update version, some players think that the gamer is ready to give up the game directly, so start to casually throw the version and the like.

Of course, although there is such a saying, there are not many people who believe it. After all, this game is a game that the state also participates in. The company is such a big company, it is really impossible. Although this game does not require a monthly card, there is no such thing as a gold coin, but the pot you earned by selling your helmet is full, and now the demand for helmets is still very large, why? Will give up, can't say it.

Although most of the players think so, there are still some people who are a bit worried. And just one day later, the players’ worries seemed to have been verified a bit, because on the third day, the content of the game’s version update appeared, and this update seems to be more illustrative of the player. Guess.

At this time, Li Huailin had completely rested for a whole day, and it was a lot of relaxation. Of course, on the third day, things came to the door again. Li Huailin got the updated content a little earlier than other players, because Liu Heyun took the initiative to contact Li Huailin, obviously this update is a bit strange, so Liu Heyun is a bit confused.

Yes, the biggest problem with this update is that the updated content is too much. The updated content table that Li Huailin got is really too long. The updated information in the mountains and plains will not be seen at all.

After all, it is still related to oneself. Li Huailin also took a lot of time to look at it a bit, and probably sorted it out and got the following major updates. The first is to open up new maps, and there are too many new maps open this time. There are four large-scale open scenes at one time, including the ancient city of Tierlans in the center of the lost sea. On the mainland of Lons, the new mysterious New World, Miltand, and the city of Sky City, Sierra Leone.

These four newly opened maps are all very large maps. At least they are maps of the continental type. The updated content also roughly writes the size of these new maps. How does Li Huailin think this should not be a time? Updates can appear inside.

Yes, according to the general situation, these four continents should be one version, and the kind of progressive way is relatively normal. Now, all the direct brains are not right, it feels like... ...a version suddenly updated several versions of the content in general.

It's no wonder that online players are discussing whether Tianyu has pulled out the rest of the version directly, and is not too lazy to manage it in the future. Speaking of this, Liu Heyun also said this when he contacted. His guess is the same as Li Huailin. Is it because Li Huailin triggered the trial of the world in advance, causing the server to directly upgrade several versions, so this version in the middle The updated content has all appeared at one time.

Li Huailin felt that it was a bit like that. The king of God also said that it was too early. Is this the reason? Did you unintentionally speed up the update of this game... I don't know if it is good or bad.

That new map is updated so much, and other aspects of the update are even more. It is also to pick a few more important updates, the first is the emergence of new occupations and new deputies. The new professional shaman, similar to the profession of jumping the gods, and a career called a businessman, do not know what to do. The new deputy archaeology and inscriptions are completely unimaginable. It also said that more than 200 new general assignments and 30 hidden occupations have been added, and new racial choices have emerged this time.

However, in the new update, Li Huailin is most concerned about this update called self-made skills. 8)

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