All Things Wrong

Chapter 2710: Start

"Your Majesty." Seeing that Li Huailin appeared, Gerd here also greeted him immediately. The voice that was said before has been going on for three days. Gert is of course to find this situation at first. Li Huailin, after waiting for three days, Gelter is of course very anxious.

Of course, today, when the voice in the sky has changed, Gert also guessed that Li Huailin should appear, so he soon waited at the door. He has not only listened to the rules, but also told people to record. Although he does not know what the purpose of this world trial is, Li Huailin should participate and want to win the final championship.

“Is the staff ready?” Li Huailin asked directly.

"Yes, your majesty, the personnel have already notified them, and they can act at any time." Gert immediately replied, "Of course, for three days, he has already prepared all the personnel, as long as Li Huailin comes to the order, immediately Can act.

"That would inform everyone to gather it first," Li Huailin said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gelter certainly understood the meaning of Li Huailin, so he immediately began to arrange. Li Huailin also came to the conference room, waiting for the people to gather, and also contacted others.

Of course, the first person to contact is the night flight. It is estimated that the night flight is also ready to find yourself. It is only now that there are many things that are busy in the spiritual world. The rules have been announced and everyone is actively preparing for it. Before Li Huailin had analyzed it, the current situation of this rule is that the bigger the power advantage is, the more powerful the power is. Of course it is a union. Of course, Li Huailin does not need to consider the joint matter at present, because it is a bit too hoisted and does not need it at all. The spirit world is different, although it is already the largest guild in China, but in the case of so many participants, it is still not enough to see.

Li Huailin is looking for the spiritual world. The first reason is of course the layout. Li Huailin’s main force is still on the npc side, and the intelligence on the player’s side is definitely clearer than himself. Therefore, if Li Huailin wants to control the field, of course, he still has to rely on the spiritual world. Of course, the spiritual world also wants to rely on Li Huailin. As far as the current situation is concerned, both sides are win-win. Of course, Li Huailin does not want to work with the spiritual world. The night flight is also the same, and the two are naturally easy to unite.

While talking to the night flight, there are already many people in the conference room here. Because this time things are a big event, basically Li Huailin’s forces are all present, including the people of the Holy Alliance and the guardians of the Excalibur.

Li Huailin’s contact ended, and then looked at the people in the conference room. It is obvious that Li Huailin also saw some anxious taste from their faces. This is very rare. A few of Li Huailin’s literary figures reveal this expression. Those priests are always in a good state of mind, and they rarely see them when they are anxious.

Obviously, the situation is a little beyond their knowledge. They don't know what happened. What is the voice of the sky? Even most people think that it is a plan of the Protoss. After all, Li Huailin did not tell them about the situation of the Protoss. The current cognition they think Li Huailin is still fighting the Protoss. Now the situation is not Protoss. What new plans and the like.

"Everyone is not safe, don't be so nervous." Li Huailin said, "I know what you are thinking, but this time it is not a Protoss plan. The Protoss has been dealing with it so far. This time the enemy is not a Protoss. ”

Hearing this time the enemy is not a Protoss, these guys are also relieved. Yes, although they all followed Li Huailin and the Protoss, but everyone is a bit flustered. After all, it is a Protoss. Even if the Holy Order is in front of the Protoss, it can only be regarded as a mixed soldier. The combat power may be counted. No, can you be nervous?

"So this time, the task is simple and simple. You have heard about the rules." Li Huailin said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." All the people replied in unison.

"So, the simple goal is to let the people on our side enter the second round as much as possible." Li Huailin said, "Don't care, you should be playing games, but my goal is to choose people, so Do anything on your side and give priority to this."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone nodded again and clarified the purpose of Li Huailin. Of course, everyone here is very loyal to Li Huailin. Li Huailin usually pays great attention to his loyalty. He has not given any rewards to his own subordinates until now, and he usually has a lottery when he has nothing to do. However, the contents of the lottery are not pulled out and somehow are deducted for one year's salary. In short, everyone can be loyal to Li Huailin. Of course, Li Huailin's purpose is the highest priority.

"Your Majesty, is there any plan?" Gert asked here.

"What to plan, discuss it later." Li Huailin said, "The rules have been announced, but some of the mechanisms are still not clear. After a while, after a formal start, a little experiment is going on the plan. Everyone is ready. ""

"Yes, Your Majesty." Geer’s characteristic head.

Waiting for a while, suddenly the sound of the sky changed a little. The previous rules were repeated, but now the voice has become: "Please note to all participants that the world trial will open in 10 minutes. ""

Li Huailin looked at the time, and it really happened to be 12 o'clock after 10 minutes. I don't know how the server calculated the time, but it is quite easy to remember, that is to say, the end time is exactly 12 o'clock tomorrow.

Waiting for a while, and soon there was a reminder that started after 5 minutes, followed by 3 minutes, then 1 minute. Finally, the sound of "叮", the voice of heaven said: "Now the world trial is officially started."

With the official start of the sound, Li Huailin suddenly saw a beautiful light curtain in front of him, and some colorful light gathered in front of Li Huailin. Not only in front of himself, Li Huailin saw that there was a colorful light in front of everyone next to him, except for the summoning jade emperor around him.

Soon, this colorful light gathered together, and finally slowly formed into a square small slate-like thing, floating in front of Li Huailin. Li Huailin looked at it. This slate is probably the size of a cigarette case. It is very light and thin. The color is gray and translucent. It seems that there is something strange in the flow. Of course, Li Huailin soon understood what this thing is. Obviously, this is the so-called vote.

"Entity?" Li Huailin was a little bit stunned, but when he was ready to look at it, he found that it could be received directly. Yes, it is directly received inside the hand, a thought of this thing directly into a colorful light into the hands of Li Huailin, and then in the hands of Li Huailin appeared a more obvious pattern imprint. Li Huailin looked at the men next to him. They seemed to be studying the ballot in their hands. Everyone had one.

"Gerte, give me your vote." Li Huailin said directly to Gert next to him.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gert immediately nodded, and then handed out the ballot in his hand to Li Huailin.

"Wait, don't give it directly to me, try it with your mind." Li Huailin suddenly said.

Yes, Li Huailin’s test is of course the way the votes are given. The previous rules did not say that there is a vote in the end to be handed over to others. The difference is very large. If you can give someone else ideas, or you can vote directly from the remote, the way to deal with them is completely different.

"Imperial?" Gert didn't quite understand what was going on, but he closed his eyes and tried it a little, but quickly opened his eyes again. "Your Majesty, I won't..."

"Can't you?" Li Huailin nodded, then said to other people, "You all try, if you give me the wrong face, is there any way to give me the ticket directly?"

"Yes." Of course, the people here have started experimenting. And Li Huailin once again said to Gert, "You give me first."

"Yes." Gert also reached out, of course, holding the ballot in his hand, and Li Huailin’s hand touched it, and Gert’s vote became a rainbow-like light and entered the hands of Li Huailin. Li Huailin looked at it and found that the imprint on his hand did not change, but his status bar saw that his vote on the side had become two. Yes, there is an option in the status bar, similar to the sign showing money.

"Understood." Li Huailin nodded and said to other people, "Have you tried it out? Can you get the ballots by remote means?"

"Your Majesty, it doesn't work." An official here replied, "We tried each other and only got the other party's votes in a face-to-face manner, and... the votes of this entity can't be robbed, if not the holders are willing to If you grab this thing directly, it will automatically return to the holder's body."

"It turned out to be like this." Li Huailin nodded. "It turns out that it needs to be taken in person. This is a little more troublesome. Gert, first find a bunch of people, then gather the votes in their hands, I will test What happens if you have a big deal?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Geer’s characteristic replied.

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