All Things Wrong

Chapter 2711: Tax collection

Several experiments were done quickly, and Li Huailin almost knew about the votes. First of all, the ballot must be given in person, and it is impossible to vote by remote means. Secondly, voting mainly depends on the will of the voters. Although there are physical votes, but the other party does not give you, hard grab is useless. Then there is the large-scale way of ticketing. Simply put, it is a handshake. If the other party has a lot of tickets, don’t use them all. If you want to give you a lot of time, you can give it directly, and you can still control the quantity. of.

Li Huailin also found an important situation, that is, people who lost all the votes, not directly said that you will withdraw from the trial. After Li Huailin let Gerter give the ticket to himself, he can still let others vote. Give it to him. Therefore, there is only one way to withdraw from the trial, and that is to hang.

Then there is this mark on the hand. This mark does not seem to say that you have the mark of the ballot, but the mark of the participant. In fact, even if you don't have a ballot, the mark on the hand still exists. It seems that only after exiting the game will there be no such mark. And Li Huailin also found that this mark will also change. Just when he won the 1000th vote, Li Huailin found that the mark in his hand has changed, from the original crescent shape to the shape of a double crescent, which indicates that this sign may indicate Can I use the "ruling" myself? Of course, this mark is also unstoppable, and the equipment gloves will be automatically displayed. Li Huailin also called to summon the Jade Emperor to see it, but fortunately this time did not show anything on the head.

The above situation is not mentioned in the previous rules. It is really a bit pit to vote in person. Of course, the main pit person is not Li Huailin, because this once again shows that people are more powerful, Li Huailin goes to find people one by one. It is impossible to vote, but it is still possible to find someone to take the ticket instead of picking it up. Of course, the more people you have, the faster you will collect the votes.

"You don't have to collect it, let them hand it over." Li Huailin said, "Gerte, immediately count the total number of all forces within our jurisdiction. According to the total number of people, about 6-7 percent, let them Hand over the vote, count it out immediately, and then arrange the task. If the time is not handed over, the family will be destroyed directly."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gert here nodded immediately, and then immediately went to work with a bunch of civil servants.

"Other people, for the time being, there are no things for you, they are all waiting in the house, and there may be problems at any time." Li Huailin waved his hand, and other sacred classes and the like were also killed.

The method used by Li Huailin is similar to tax collection. He is the task of assigning tasks to the leaders of each power. As for the leadership, what is the leadership is the matter of leadership. Anyway, if Li Lanlin does not have enough, he will find him again. Of course, the orders of the mainland emperors were also promulgated very quickly. Seeing this situation, the leaders of various forces are also anxious.

Li Huailin’s order has actually been foreseen. Yes, this is the top priority on the mainland. This voice can be heard by anyone. Although I don’t know what it is, everyone can guess it is a big deal. Li Huailin now asks them to vote, that is a very normal thing. This is not to say that they are chosen. They are originally the subordinates of the Continental Alliance. Of course, they must give tribute to them. But the problem is that it is not so good to collect it. The time is really too short. Li Huailin gives them time according to the size of the power. It is long and short, but there is no doubt that it is very tight. Can this be anxious? When the time is up, I have not paid 100% to die. The name of Li Huailin is not a joke.

Of course, all the forces of Li Huailin’s orders were still obeyed, so they immediately began collecting work. The method is also very simple. Li Huailin gives the king a number. The king of course gives the following people a number. I want you to give so much. Anyway, you can find a way to get it to me. It is such a simple method. All the way down the task, until the mayor level, they can only give the city guards the task, let them go everywhere.

Are the civilians willing to give it? Of course, they are willing. If they really don’t know what the world missions have to do with their lives, they don’t feel that they can become a choice. Is this their bird? But some things are related to their affairs. Yes, the above is given to the task. If you can’t call it, you will be hacked. Then you said that the soldiers who voted are also anxious. They and the civilians certainly say that. You don't give it a direct criminal arrest even if it is a criminal offence.

Then, what is the matter of the people who choose to shut them down between the life and the things that do not know what to use? Of course it is a fate. So the civilians quickly handed over this hot potato, and they still work honestly. This is a fateful thing, just hand it over.

Of course, Li Huailin does not only carry out such taxation on the mainland of China, other mainlandes controlled by himself, the mainland of the Magnesia and the mainland of East Asia, and Li Huailin has implemented the same policy. As for the other mainlands, Li Huailin also wants to let them pay taxes directly. It’s just that it’s too late to play, and I have to stay here to see the situation, and it’s not long before it happened.

Yes, the initial stage of "taxation" is still very smooth, but this good situation did not last long, and problems immediately appeared. Soon Li Huailin received the news here. There were people around the world who wanted to evade paying. If the players were counted, Li Huailin did not go to the players to vote, but the problem was that the people who fled the ticket were ordinary npcs.

As I said before, the mark on the hand is not a sign that you have a ticket. It just means that you are the sign of the participant, so whether you have a ticket or not is actually not visible on the surface. Therefore, some people seem to be prepared to evade the votes through this, but if they are registered, they can of course be discovered. Soon, people around the world have caught some people who are not ready to vote. But the problem is very strange. It is a dead thing that this thing is not handed over. Why do these civilians want to escape the ticket? Slightly asked a few current offenses, and soon there is an answer, yes, they found the usefulness of this ticket, that is to sell money.

Yes, many people in the civilians have got the news, that is, the so-called vote on them can be used to exchange money. It is said that the current market is quite high enough to make them feel excited. Yes, the civilians in the game are really poor. For the players, the ten gold coins are only a dozen bottles of potion, but for civilians, this may be a month's ration.

So when someone heard that someone had to pay for the unknown ticket in their hands, many civilians had a greed and heart. Holding a fight and cycling into a motorcycle, they are also prepared to sneak through, and many people have really mixed up, but they have also been discovered.

Li Huailin always pays attention to the dynamics here. The intelligence of the whole continent is also rapidly transmitted to his ears. This is the first time Li Huailin knows. The development of this matter did not surprise Li Huailin. Yes, it is normal to spend money to buy tickets. No matter what elections have similar situations, is it good to ask your family to send you a piece of soap?

Buying and selling voting, the participants have two dials, in addition to the players and businessmen immediately thought of this point to start "earning a wave", in fact, there are also businessmen involved in the npc side, this kind of thing is indispensable to the participation of businessmen. Really, the npc merchants here are not too lazy to manage, because the objects they want to earn are estimated to be the leaders of those forces. Yes, Li Huailin’s task is too anxious. Li Huailin estimates that there are a lot of forces that simply don’t have time to collect the tickets. What if the tickets are not collected? Buying, since this thing has been circulated as a commodity, you can certainly buy and sell. Li Huailin doesn't really care where their tickets come from. Anyway, as long as they have enough time to pay, who will buy or pay for it.

However, the tickets on the player side are different. Their tickets will not flow back to the npc. For them, dealing with npc is too much trouble, and the danger is high. Quite a lot. The current situation is so demanding that it is too simple to sell to local tyrants or guilds in need. So in this case, they have already voted for Li Huailin, because these tickets must have been Li Huailin.

"These odious businessmen, the guys who only have money in their eyes!" said Gerd indignantly. "Your Majesty, send people to grab them and hang them."

"Hey, hello, how can you be so cruel, people earn some money, then hang people, can you tell me?" Li Huailin said.

"Ha?" Gert was a little embarrassed. It’s not that anyone else said this. It’s the kind of squatting that kills the whole family. Of course, Gert doesn’t care, he said: Your majesty means..."

"We don't have a lot of spies, let them pay attention to these gangs, and find out who is collecting so much." Li Huailin said with a wave. "We don't have to do it. We are the top people. Why not fight and kill?" Kill it, and after a while, check out the beginning of collecting commercial taxes and let them pay taxes to us."

"Amount... Your Majesty is really smart." Gert here, "I am also involved in the adventurers..."

"Well, the merchant's business, let their businessmen solve it themselves, we don't have to intervene, right." Li Huailin smiled and groomed.

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