All Things Wrong

Chapter 2732: Landing plan

Li Huailin is really a little tired. After all, the first round of time lasted for a whole day. Li Huailin was a little bit stunned at night, but it was really in the game that Li Huailin really didn’t sleep well and didn’t understand. Why those people can sleep in the game is completely unaccustomed to him.

It is a bit unbearable, and Li Huailin will go straight to sleep. After all, the second round will start at noon tomorrow. Li Huailin must also adjust the state to deal with it. As for the problems such as dispatching, Li Huailin certainly gave it to his own hands and solved it. If this matter is not handled well, Li Huailin really feels that there is no need to bring this group of people to the second round. Give yourself trouble.

Of course, under the line, Li Huailin did not sleep directly in the first time. Although it was really a little sleepy, Li Huailin also looked at the game forum first, mainly to grasp the information. At present, the discussion in the game forum is of course the topic of trials. Li Huailin’s previous posts on his own skills have long since disappeared, and no one cares.

Quickly swept the content, the most current post is... revenge. Yes, the first round of trials can be said to have ignited the contradiction of all people. The result is that the fight is everywhere. Is the end of the result now? Of course not, plus the continuation of this first round, everyone understands, so a lot of revenge posts appeared on the forum.

Looking at it a little, Li Huailin understands that the players who are currently looking for the Felecker mainland are far more than those who complete the first round of trials. Many of the enemies are also looking for the Felicel continent. Their purpose is estimated to be Go directly to the other side. Although I don't know where you are going, the destination is still very clear, so if you go directly there, you will not be finished. If you have the ability, don't go.

Of course, whether it is the second round of contestants or the people who are going to block people, the first question they have to face is, where is the Feilekel mainland? Yes, the players don’t know the information about Feilekel’s mainland at all. It’s not clear where they are, so the most problem at the forum is actually the location of Feilekel’s mainland.

Of course, there are also questions to answer these people. Li Huailin is a bit surprised, because the mainland of Feilekel is really not a good place to find, but some people know? But when I went in and looked at it, Li Huailin found that many of the people answered the location is not the location of Feilekel's mainland?

I thought about Li Huailin a little bit, and they understood what was going on. They were absolutely arbitrarily replied. The purpose might be to prevent those entrants from finding it, or to prevent those who seek revenge from finding the Feile Continental. Anyway, Li Huailin took a brief look at it and found that there were at least ten kinds of answers. Now, where is the mainland of Feilekel, no one can figure it out.

However, there are also people who answer correctly. Li Huailin does not know that these people's answers are true. They are really right, or they have really been there. Anyway, if they look at it, the players can find the position after a while. So, the people who really can't find it in the end are not expected to be much. But luck is good. At this time, at least the players have to wait a little bit. In theory, Li Huailin’s troops should be able to avoid the most chaotic time. This is good news.

Of course, there are good news and bad news. Li Huailin looked at it and found that the people on the forum who are now clamoring for revenge are really a bit more. Yes, it is true that Li Huailin just hated the big wave of players, but theoretically I don’t think there are so many people, so it’s obvious that there are people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic and screaming.

Of course, according to these people, they seem to have nothing to do with Li Huailin, and then it seems that they are still preparing to block Li Huailin? In fact, I thought about it, how could they come, just sent a wave, is it ready to send another wave? Unless it is a person with a bad brain, it will come. So don't look at the number of people called here, but Li Huailin estimates that they don't dare to come here. It's obvious that the big words in this place are the level of the keyboard man. Of course, it is best to fool a few people with bad brains. I will stop Li Huailin and add to Li Huailin. Anyway, they will definitely not go.

Basically understand the situation, Li Huailin is also slightly trimmed here, and then directly fell asleep. Because it is relatively tired, this feeling Li Huailin is really comfortable to sleep, but when I woke up, Li Huailin found that the time was more than 1 o'clock in the evening.

This time is really a bit embarrassing, but after all, there is something wrong, Li Huailin can't sleep. After a little grooming, Li Huailin looked at the forum again.

The time is midnight, but Li Huailin found that the forum is still very lively. Looking for a little, Li Huailin found that there have been a lot of posts that have already announced the specific location of Feilekel mainland. I have to say that the players' ability is still good. This place can be found. However, more than these real locations are posts with fake addresses. Yes, there are more posts on the fake address on the forum than before, and Li Huailin went in and looked at it. Everyone’s fake work is not good, and it seems to be the same as true. So obviously more people are involved, and I don't know if I can't look at other people's ideas. Anyway, it is so chaotic.

It is impossible to run this place above at this point, so Li Huailin estimates that the participants in the second round may be less than they think. For Li Huailin, it may be a good thing. After all, his own people must be looking for a position. Others, it’s not a good thing to have one competitor.

The other ones are the people who are clamoring to block Li Huailin at noon. They are still posting, saying that they have arrived. They have never seen Li Huailin and asked if he dared not come. Li Huailin estimates that the other party will definitely not go, just casually screaming to cover up their incompetence, Li Huailin is too lazy to manage them, although Li Huailin is a very vengeful person, one or two, Li Huailin directly went to find someone, but so Many people, Li Huailin really has no time to engage them.

Looking at the current situation, Li Huailin also got a general understanding of the situation inside the game. After eating something, Li Huailin is also directly on the line. When the white light flashed, Li Huailin appeared directly in the Duke's Mansion. Of course, soon, Gerter found it over here.

Gelter certainly does not participate in the second round of competition. After all, he was not a military commander. The second round of trials may be dangerous. Li Huailin has no one to replace Gert. Of course, he stays here to dominate the overall situation. . A report from the soldiers said that Li Huailin had arrived. Gelter certainly reported the situation and Li Huailin slightly.

Li Huailin’s plan is now being implemented. First of all, Li Huailin’s 5,000-strong troops are already on the way to the Northland. Now it’s almost time to calculate. The method used by the troops is to carry and transport on foot. The transmission array can't afford so many nps, so it is also a separate transmission, and then some confluence. The process is very complicated, but the result is that the soldiers are on time to the venue.

On the other hand, what Li Huailin said before that people are going to establish the Felecker Continental Transfer Array is already being implemented. This time Li Huailin sent more than one force to establish a transmission array. Yes, Gert here improved the method that Li Huailin said before, and sent a total of 16 octopus troops. Because there are currently 6 sets of devices for establishing a transmission array, 6 of them are establishing a transmission array. . The other 10 units casually took a little equipment, and anyway, they went there to attract attention. In short, if the six units that can establish the transmission array can build one, then Li Huailin’s troops can be transmitted directly.

On the other hand, Gert is also ready to airlift all the plans after the failure. Yes, after the final choice of negotiation, it is still airlifted, which is slightly safer than taking a boat, and it is also faster. Of course, it is not the general air transport to drive 5,000 people by air. The one used by Gert is the dragon flight.

Yes, I didn’t get it wrong. Li Huailin’s troops are going to use the dragon to transport. I didn’t say that many dragons have entered the second round this time. Gert also contacted them. It would have been impossible to carry people in the dragon. Even if people are willing, do you dare to sit? However, Li Huailin is different here. Li Huailin can really call someone to help. Of course, the method used is not sitting on the dragon. This is too inefficient, but to build a platform that can sit on the platform and then pull it with the dragon, just like the feeling of a carriage.

The materials used to build the platform are not very complicated. There are more people there. If you want to do it, you can get a little luck and get all the good luck before the time. In short, at this moment, Gert has all been ready to complete, just waiting for the soldiers there to be in place, and then Li Huailin ordered to land.

Gert's logistics work is basically here, and the other is Li Huailin's front line command. Li Huailin also nodded and asked about the location of his troops. Then he took the transmission line and went to the nearby city. Riding on Xiaomi, Li Huailin continued to fly a little to the north, and then saw the temporary camp of his troops.

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