All Things Wrong

Chapter 2733: conflict

"Your Majesty." Seeing the arrival of Li Huailin, of course, all the people immediately gave Li Huailin a salute. It can also be a military operation for this time, so the command of the front line is of course the current military minister of Li Huailin, which is Reggae.

Of course, Reggae’s face is not so big. The 5,000 troops under his command are very obedient to his command, but the other 200-member mixed-man army is not listening to his orders. If there is Li Huailin’s face, they are estimated. Even the birds will not be weak. Of course, Reggae did not have a hard top with them. After all, he was afraid of delaying Li Huailin’s actions, so he did not care for them for the time being.

Li Huailin looked inside the temporary camp. At present, the number of people in the camp is far more than 5,000. The people who participated in the second round of trials are basically trimming. Others are doing logistic work, for example, they are building. The giant "air carriage", although this "air carriage" sounds very hoisted, but in fact it is just a little cold-cut trees from the side, and then a wooden shelf, but of course the construction has not yet been completed.

In the camp, Li Huailin also saw the octopus people, they have already established a transmission array in the camp, and it seems to be debugging. If the transmission array on the mainland of the icefield is successful, then the soldiers can directly transfer to the ice field through this transmission array, but Li Huailin asked in the past that the octopus people who have reached the icefield continent have not yet Send back any messages.

"No news is a normal situation." The person who answered Li Huailin here is one of the current elders of the Eravin explorer, Dodolas. This action was mainly coordinated by him. "If there is an accident, The troops there will use special communication equipment to communicate, so let us send them directly back to the base. Now there is no contact. One is that they are still building a transmission array. The other one...that may be the group It is."

Yes, the risk factor can be very large if you pass it directly. When Li Huailin was last logged into the Dark Continent, it was sent directly to the air, so when he first entered, he was free to land. If it was not because of summoning the aura of Jade Emperor, it is estimated that it was directly destroyed. This is the same situation. Although a total of 16 teams have been sent, those who can successfully land and establish a transmission array do not know how many teams there are.

Slightly speaking here, summoning the Jade Emperor still did not receive the second round of notice. If you look at this situation, you will not call the Jade Emperor to participate in the second round of trials. It is estimated that these two rounds are only the pre-selection of the number of people. Just the game, summoning Jade Emperor is the kind that is estimated to go directly to the finals. Originally, Li Huailin also thought about summoning the Jade Emperor to go straight, and then waiting there, letting his soldiers use the octopus's transmission array to launch directly, so that even if it is directly in the air, there will be no accident.

But the question is a little question, this is not just a problem that appears in the air. This octopus is really not very high. It is good in the air. If it appears directly in the ground... then it is really troublesome. Another problem is that the launch of 5,000 people is not very likely to appear in the same place. After all, it is impossible to launch 5,000 people at a time. If it is launched multiple times, the accuracy of the difference between the two will be different. It was very big. Some people appeared in the air for a while, and some people appeared in the ground for a while, but for a while they did not know the situation of a few kilometers apart. So launching a small team is OK, launching troops... it is really difficult. When Li Huailin was on the dark continent, it was just a small team.

Of course, the most important thing is to summon the Jade Emperor is not online yet. After all, the time is now more than 2 in the morning. The summoning of the Jade Emperor did not seem like Li Huailin yesterday. People don’t have to participate in trials. Li Huailin is busy, so I don't have to use jet lag. Now I am still sleeping.

In short, it is still the same sentence, Li Huailin let the npcs complete the work, Li Huailin is a little too lazy to manage, if they can not solve their own, take them to the second round is what use. Li Huailin now has to consider the interference work that the Protoss may carry out. He has to solve this problem.

According to the previously rebellious St. Lotos, the Protoss is currently the only one on the mainland where he knows the gates of Mount Coron. The Protoss is now in the temple, and the place to come out is the place where the escape before and the location of the gate. The sacred mountain of Corons and the former escape position Li Huailin are looking for people, but it is estimated that it is useless. After all, the Protoss may still have Other exports, if it is not possible, temporarily set a new one, so it is estimated that it is impossible to prevent.

Li Huailin took a slight consideration. The current situation of the Protoss should still be very afraid of their own. After all, they gave their captain a second in front of them. It is impossible to directly confront themselves. Therefore, if you shoot, The target should be his own troops, but he has not attacked this side until now. It is estimated that he is also worried about his presence. After all, they do not know that Li Huailin is not there.

Since there is no attack on this side, Li Huailin certainly does not have to stay here all the time. Anyway, there is also Enron present here. Li Huailin has also marked the body of Enron. If the Protoss appears, Li Huailin moves directly back to work. All right.

However, the current situation is a little bit passive. The Protoss may appear to engage in themselves at any time. Li Huailin has no way for them. This makes Li Huailin very uncomfortable. Li Huailin has always liked to be in such a passive situation, so he is also trying to get rid of these annoying guys.

After thinking about it, the current situation Li Huailin can only ask Iofam to see how his research work on the invasion of the temple is going on. Iofam should now be in the icefields. Li Huailin is also going to go there to see the situation. Go to a few places where the transfer points are set up and see if the Protoss are attacking the troops that set up the transmission array. If you sneak a sneak attack on a few seconds, shock them.

Here is preparing to go, Reggae came here to report, saying that they found a large number of adventurer troops in the west, the number is amazing, ask Li Huailin what to do.

"Player?" Li Huailin was a little stunned and didn't know what the player forces were like. However, he still has to manage this matter, because from the information he just got on the forum, it is indeed helpful to find someone who is in trouble. Although Li Huailin initially judged that the other party should not dare to come, but if this group of people really have a bad brain, come? Of course, Li Huailin couldn’t understand what the gangs thought. After all, the four Juggernauts were unable to hold them at the scene, but now they have more than 200 masters and 5,000 troops. Most of them are impossible to win.

However, how to say, Li Huailin first went to see and talk. Riding directly on Xiaomi, Li Huailin flew westward and flew a little along the coastline. Li Huailin soon discovered the player's troops that Regg said. From the sky, it was really a black pressure. Indeed, the number is very amazing, but Li Huailin soon discovered that the players here seem to be in confrontation.

Yes, the player unit is obviously divided into two factions. It seems that this is not to target Li Huailin, it is more like playing the guild war. Seeing this situation, both sides were already ready to go to war, but when Li Huailin appeared in the air, the people on both sides suddenly seemed to have a tacit understanding.

Since they have all been seen, Li Huailin has also landed directly from the air, and he is very domineering and falls directly in the middle of the two units. Such an arrogant behavior, the average person has long been hacked, but Li Huailin did this, the people on both sides actually felt that there was no problem, of course, it would not be hands-on.

Slightly stood for a while, the troops on both sides of the left and right came out several people, and also went directly to the position next to Li Huailin. Li Huailin swept a few eyes and found that several of them were still very familiar. It used to be seen in the guild war. It should be the president of the guild, but he could not name himself.

"Is there a big brother here?" Both sides wanted to know what Li Huailin suddenly appeared here, so he asked.

"Nothing, the forum looked at the troubles of someone looking for me, saying that it was to block me, I came to see the situation." Li Huailin casually compiled a reason to say, "You guys are blocking me?"

"No, no, not..." The people on both sides hurriedly waved. All said that mental retardation will come to block Li Huailin. Do you think this is possible? Before the battle, Li Huailin took four people and killed a large group of people. Some people with a little intelligence knew that this was impossible, so the people on the Internet really just talked about it, let them come, basically Impossible, they are really just mouth-guns, and they are invincible with their mouths. Li Huailin didn't come. They said that Li Huailin was a timid person. Li Huailin is here now. They will say that Li Huailin is mentally retarded and will really find them. Anyway, it is so boring.

Since it was not for blocking Li Huailin, Li Huailin asked the two sides about the situation and asked them what they were doing. Soon Li Huailin got the answer from both sides of the mouth. One of the people came here to collect the bridge fee. The other person was the guild of the person who came to the second round of trials.

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