All Things Wrong

Chapter 2749: Confrontation

"Right!" When you heard this Protoss, everyone else was invigorated. Yes, their goal this time is not to defeat Li Huailin, but to destroy his plan. If they are directly against Li Huailin, they are of course desperate, but if they only destroy the white ball in the sky, the possibility of planning will increase a lot.

"But, will this be their trap?" Suddenly one of the Protoss on the other side said, "The other party will definitely think of this, maybe it will be arranged to attract us in the past..."

"This..." It seems that it is a bit reasonable to listen to this Protoss. How can people completely prevent it? If there is preparation, will it be self-investment in the past? In a moment, the Protoss fell into a state of hesitation.

"Want to do so much?" Suddenly, Saint Sotos said one step forward. "If we don't go now, it is a chronic death. Don't you know? If that's the case, we can only fight for it." Is it wrong?"

St. Sotos’s words are no problem, but many Protoss still have no determination. They are really a bit panicked now, and the most important thing is that they don’t even have a team leader. Both captains are Li Huailin solved the problem. They can't find a person who is more suitable as the captain. The general thing is that several people negotiated together, which is undoubtedly slowing down the efficiency of the choice.

"Look at the look of your guys. Are you ready to surrender to the lower class?" Seeing the compatriots who were unable to make up their minds, Saint Sotos was very anxious here, so he said so.

"Sotos! What do you mean by this?" The several protoss next to it were immediately unhappy. To be honest, they really thought about this issue secretly, of course, privately, without talking to anyone. Someone may have to ask, did Li Huailin have already done this pretending to persuade, and then actually pitted the Protoss? Moreover, they have discovered that how the protoss may want to surrender Li Huailin, but the problem is that they have seen the sacred Lotos of the earth before, and they are well treated with Li Huailin. There is nothing wrong with it. Ah, and St. Gaius, isn’t that good? It turns out that Li Huailin still needs people of the Protoss.

Since there are precedents, they have really considered the case of surrendering Li Huailin, but they only think about it privately. St. Sotos’s direct statement now is a bit forced to force them, which of course makes them very upset. After all, Saint Sotos is also a lower god, and they are exactly the same, they do not need to be accustomed to him.

"What do I mean? Are you guys dragging and pulling, are you not ready to execute the command of His Majesty the King? The King of God commands us to stop this guy, and you only think about how to live? Are you still thinking about it?" In the end, I can't stop the guy's words, just join the other's camp?" said Saint Sotos directly.

"Sotos! You don't want to smother the blood. We are just discussing strategies. It will affect the plan of the King of God under the brainless rush of you like this!" A protoss here said immediately, though Yes, but in fact they really thought about it. Yes, the Protoss is very anxious now. If you can’t stop Li Huailin’s words, you will be held accountable by the King of God. It’s better to join Li Huailin.

"Strategy? What strategies are there now? Have people already pushed us on the head?" St. Sotos said. "Is there any other strategy besides stopping the guy’s plan now? If I wait, We have no chance, now we are dispatched immediately!"

There was a big dispute within the Protoss, but in the end, the protoss decided to attack Li Huailin. The reason is very simple. After all, Saint Sotos is holding the banner of the king of God to press them, and they dare not say that they are betraying the gods, at least on the surface. And they said that the strategy, and really can not think of a good strategy, then what can be done now, there is no way, so in the end decided to attack Li Huailin directly.

Although not shown, most of the Protoss regarded this attack as the last attack. If this does not stop Li Huailin, then they can't stop Li Huailin's plan. Of course, this last attack has different understandings of them. People like St. Sotos think that they can only die if they can't do this. The protoss on the other side think that they can't stop this time. Li Huailin’s words, then consider joining Li Huailin directly.

Of course, if you want to attack this artificial sun, they have to go over there, and they can't fly directly, they can only go straight. The speed of the Protoss is really too fast. After all, I am afraid that there will be ambushes. Li Huailin will definitely think of them, so there is absolutely a trap.

Just as they walked cautiously on their side, suddenly a loud bang came from the side. The Protoss was already prepared for it, and everyone responded immediately.

"Don't get away!" Soon they found that a huge, seemingly sword-like thing flew over them in front of the explosion, all the way through the thorns, and even the earth was cut. The Protoss could have been blocked, but the problem is to avoid why it is blocked. After all, it is consuming power, and they are afraid that Li Huailin’s attack is not so simple, so they all choose to dodge. .

Although the speed of the sword is very fast, it is still not enough to see in the eyes of the Protoss. All the Protoss are separated on both sides, and a sword is directly drawn from the middle of them, and then flies far away. Of course, the Protoss did not have time to see where the sword flew, but immediately looked at the direction in which Jianqi flew over.

"See people?" Wait a moment, but I didn't expect that no one appeared in front of them. According to their understanding, should Li Huailin not appear with a sly voice? It’s always been the case before, and now Li Huailin’s sudden failure to come makes them feel very strange.

Although it was a bit strange, all the protoss were still watching the direction of the sword, and suddenly they heard a few bangs, and then suddenly the protoss felt that the ground under their feet seemed to start moving. .

"What...what?" All the Protoss were a glimpse, but it was not an illusion. They soon discovered that the ground really began to move. The place where the previous swords had passed, the two sides of the gully began to split, and then slowly separate.

"This is...etc..." A Protoss suddenly realized what it was, then took off directly, flew into the air and looked a little, then quickly fell back to the ground, but the expression changed a little.

"What's wrong?" asked a protoss next to him.

"I understand that this is also one of his plans. Some of the continents here are completely ice floes. Now this huge ice floe has been cut directly, and the other side is accelerating the melting of this continent... "The protoss here immediately said, yes, he has already seen it in the air. The sword that was just right is obviously one of the means of directly cutting the mainland. This is obviously the result of Li Huailin. This whole trial." The game process will be faster.

All Protoss also understand the current situation, and their faces are not very good. I knew that this is the case. I just blocked this sword directly. Now, of course, it is too late. However, it is not a big deal to think about the impact. After all, they are now the last wave of the game. If they can’t get down, they will lose. This does not affect.

So they didn't directly think about using any ice spells to stick the previously cut ground back. Although they still have similar spells, this is not a waste of power, or go directly to Li Huailin.

In the direction of the sword, the protoss continued to move forward, and soon they came to the artificial sun, and in front of them, Li Huailin’s team had already waited for them. Yes, Iofam has already felt that the Protoss came in their direction. Of course, they simply knew the other party’s plan and directly informed Li Huailin that everyone was waiting for them.

Seeing the people who have already waited for their Li Hualin, this group of Protoss is not so strange, the other party did not find it strange, okay? But now they have no retreat.

Sure enough, the team left and right, Li Huailin walked out directly with Iofam and looked at a lot of Protoss in front. Li Huailin smiled and said: "What happened? Can't sit still?"

"You are this abominable guy!" Saint Sotos here directly stepped forward. "Do you think you have won? As long as we destroy this device..."

"What can I do if I destroy it?" Li Huailin said faintly. "Since I can do the first one, I can do the second one. Every time I force you to come and play the wave group, I will easily get rid of you." I have already achieved my goal. And, what time do you have to do other things?"

"You..." Li Huailin’s words made all the Protoss face not very good. Yes, the other party said that there is really no problem. The front is just the same, and the other party can force himself to open the group. This is really a headache.

"Don't think about confusing us!" said Saint Sotos directly. "We are responsible for dragging these guys. You immediately destroy the device, fast!"

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