All Things Wrong

Chapter 2750: Rolling

"It’s really a matter of disagreement." Li Huailin was still preparing to talk to the guys for a while. After all, the number is a bit more, and it’s no longer a good idea to kill them one by one. Yes, if Li Huailin now gets them back directly, it’s about the same as putting the tiger back to the mountain. After all, although the **** king said that he would punish them, it’s not necessarily true. The men are just like people. You kill them all. Who will help you? After a while, I got a "sin of sin and meritorious service" and not the trouble of coming to them again?

And kill them directly? This is also very troublesome, because Li Huailin kills them in addition to deducting their own power points, there is no benefit, it is simply negative income. Therefore, Li Huailin’s best way is to touch them directly and then absorb their power. It is a pity that the speed of these guys is really fast enough. Li Huailin wants to make them really troublesome. If they can touch them, then the stupid people can find their own purpose. If they are found, they will definitely be prepared. Ah, so Li Huailin has been hiding this point. So the best way is to convince them to come and vote.

Li Huailin aimed at the situation of the Protoss, although they did not speak directly, but by observing the other's expression, Li Huailin found that many Protoss now have scruples. Yes, they are obviously very hesitant, so the work they are doing now is quite effective, but there is a troublesome girl in the middle of them. With a bunch of guys who hate themselves, they are taking the rhythm. It is obvious that Saint Sotos is.

Therefore, Li Huailin quickly defined his own plan and directly got rid of this Saint Sotos, just as the other party came directly to his side. Li Huailin looked at the situation and waved his hand behind him: "On, stop Those behind me, give it to me."

The Protoss is divided into two teams. Among them, Saint Sotos rushed toward Li Huailin with a few Protoss. Other targets must be the artificial sun in the sky. Li Huailin let the people under his hands protect the artificial sun in the sky, while on their own side they directly deal with the Santos who rushed up.

The level of the holy level is definitely not as good as this protoss, but after all, Li Huailin is now a lot of people. They had already fought with the Protoss before, so the sacred priests now have a little less fear of the Protoss, and there are also many new sacred levels in front, those in East Asia and Magnesia. Therefore, the number advantage is even more obvious. It is only to prevent the Protoss from attacking the artificial sun. They are still unruly. Even if they are really embarrassed, they have to be ordered by Li Huailin.

On the side of Li Huailin, he directly looked at Saint Sotos. The other party did not know what occupation it was. He wore armor, but he did not take weapons in his hand. He rushed straight toward Li Huailin’s front. It seemed to be like a boxer. of? Anyway, if the front is rushing up, of course, it is the heart of Li Huailin, so Li Huailin is also indifferent, directly rushing to the front of Saint Sotos.

"What?" The Saint Sotos pupils here are shrinking. Li Huailin is actually directly facing him. Is it true that he is confident in his own skills? The other side's care is of course the best. St. Sotos smiles coldly. Although he is a lower god, he is very confident in his combat ability, especially his own tricks, even if the general superior **** is eating it. I can't help it. It is estimated that Li Huailin also made a big decision because he defeated the superior god. This opportunity must not be missed.

The power of God has already been completed, and Saint Sotos aimed at the direction of Li Huailin, and then directly punched Li Huailin.

The sound of "嗖", the surrounding air seems to be directly subjected to a violent impact, and the screams of sorrow and sorrow. Although the action of St. Sotos is just a simple punching, but there is a kind of sturdy and simple. The several holy swordsmen who were rushing toward the protoss also turned their eyes to this moment. They all felt the power contained in this simple punch, which made them move.

"Your Majesty, be careful!" A Juggernaut couldn't help but shouted at Li Huailin. He felt that if Li Huailin really laughed and saw a punch, he might really suffer, although they also knew that Li Huailin was strong (at least in They are very strong in front of them, not a few law saints in the second), but this punch is very scary, if Li Huailin is really careless...

However, Li Huailin seems to have never found any special place in the other's boxing. It is still a kind of lightly rushing toward the other side, and the speed is not fast or slow, and it looks very relaxed. Of course, Li Huailin has accelerated to the fastest. The problem is that in other people's eyes, Li Huailin is really not very fast. Of course, they think that Li Huailin's strength is higher, so now he just has not done his best.

Of course, now they are too late in the past, only to look at the soul of Saint Sotos, Li Huailin. After this punch of Saint Sotos, it seemed to be pulling the surrounding air, forming a huge punch, and flew toward the front of Li Huailin. Seeing this situation, even St. Sotos has a happy heart. This is going to succeed. It is Li Huailin. If you look at yourself, you can’t be okay.

Just when he was in his heart, the huge fist was already printed on Li Huailin’s body, and when everyone looked at the reaction of this fist, something amazing happened because of this punch, completely No response.

Yes, just in the moment when the fist hit Li Huailin, suddenly I didn’t know what happened. The huge punches disappeared in an instant, and it was the kind that there was no precursor before it disappeared. This contrast is too big. Everyone is watching this time. They can accept Li Huailin’s injury by this punch. They can even accept the attack from Li Huailin’s file, but this suddenly has no warning. What is the situation? They said they could not accept it.

"What? This is impossible!" Santos is certainly the most responsive one. He obviously feels that his shot is empty, and all the accumulated power is disappearing in an instant. Trace, I don't know what the situation is. And just in the moment of his blasphemy, Li Huailin suddenly accelerated again.

Yes, Li Huailin didn’t open the power of frost before, just waiting for this opportunity to be a god, Li Huailin directly started the acceleration, and the speed increased in a moment, and then it was close to San Sotos, and then the same, facing Saint Sotos is also a simple punching action.

"You!" St. Sotos reacted at this time. He had to say that his speed was still very fast. He saw Li Huailin’s action immediately want to respond, because his skills disappeared for no reason, he is now I am not sure about the level of Li Huailin. The choice he can make now is to strike with Li Huailin, or to dodge, or block. St. Sotos chose to dodge. Yes, his previous blow was his strongest blow. He was invisible by the other party without knowing what means. He dared to fight with Li Huailin. Looking at each other's boxing speed is not very fast (at least not in his eyes), Saint Sotos chose to hide and say.

Then he soon found out that he couldn't escape the attack at all, because the body was actually out of control and went to Li Huailin's side, as if the other side had a suction. St. Sotos quickly understood that this was a field-level force, but he couldn't hide it, unless you had the power to go beyond the field level, and obviously he didn't have that power. Now in this situation, he wants to change his posture and Li Huailin is too late for the boxing. He can only choose the defensive posture immediately.

"Hey," something unexpectedly unexpected. Li Huailin’s fist is really... too light, and it seems that in Sansotos, it’s just a light touch on him. The other party seems to be very hard, what is the situation? I still didn't understand it. Li Huailin smiled in front of him and saw this smile. Saint Sotos didn't know why there was a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next second, Li Huailin disappeared directly in front of him, and then there was a sudden white light on St. Sotos who had not responded. Yes, Li Huailin once again used the old method, and now Li Huailin’s operation is very fast. St. Sotos almost didn’t see what was going on. The next second, he felt his body was empty, white light flashed, he Going back to the original place again, I still didn't understand what was going on. Suddenly one hand reached over and directly caught his neck and smashed his whole person.

"What?" St. Sotos did not understand anything at all, but knew that he was picked up by Li Huailin. The subconscious Saint Sotos wanted to attack Li Hualin’s hand. But the problem is that at the moment of raising his hand, Saint Sotos suddenly felt the weakness of his body, and even raising his hand seemed to be an unusual difficulty. At the same time, Li Huailin also had a slight effort on his hand, and Saint Sotos made a direct scream.

"What?" All the people who watched this confrontation were shocked. Although they didn't understand the process, they all saw it. Li Huailin didn't seem to have any effort at all. He gave Saint Sotos a second. Sure enough, the gap is too big?

"Fast, save Sotos!" Several Protoss who followed St. Sotos immediately reacted, and then directly shot. Yes, what they call the rescue of St. Sotos is of course to kill him directly. Nothing is faster than this.

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