All Things Wrong

Chapter 2765: Fight

The sound of the slamming sound of the ground slammed, and Wagel stopped at a distance after sliding a little on the ground, and then looked at Iofam with some dignity. Yes, Iowam’s identity has been guessed, but after all, I’ve never seen Eofarm. It seems that this legendary dragon is more powerful than they think, not to mention her magical ability. The physical ability that has just been shown can pose a threat to his Juggernaut level. It is really a monster-level guy.

"What should I do?" Marzos next to him immediately asked, and the situation is different from what they planned. Iofam blocked them and slightly disrupted their rhythm.

"Go and say it again." There is no way at the moment. I can only say it first. The two holy levels are also a nod, then suddenly **** and accelerate, turning into two rays directly to the Iopham side of the past, is one after the other, mainly aimed at the back of Iofam position.

"Crystal atomization." Iowam waved his hand and suddenly spewed a lot of white misty things on the body. Of course, these fogs concealed Eofar's body in a flash. The two Juggernauts who were about to attack suddenly lost their targets, could not see the position of Iopham, and were preparing to adjust to aoe's attack. As a result, the two suddenly felt dangerous and braked and then retreated.

Wagel was evacuated in time, but Marzos was a little late, and he was exposed to these foggy things. As a result, Marzos, who was retreating, suddenly spit out a blood, and then the whole person suddenly lost. The balance fell directly on the ground.

"What? Very poisonous? No." Wagel escaped here, looked at the situation of Mazos, and immediately analyzed it.

"It is a crystallized granule that can cause devastating damage to the lungs once it is inhaled into the lungs." The voice of Iofarm came from the fog, and it was not too slow, as if it were teaching students.

"Crystal magic?" Wagel has more headaches here. Although he is a sword saint, he seems to have heard about the high-quality goods of crystal magic. The magic that has long been lost in modern times is said to be modern magic. Just because it is easy to promote, it is transformed by a wizard called Rogan, and Crystal Magic is a spell that is closer to the source of magic. Sure enough, a simple crystallization spell directly injured Mazos, and the power is really a bit big.

"The crystallization gun puncture." Suddenly there was the sound of Iofarm in the fog. Wagner didn't see the action of Eofarm, but the subconscious choice to avoid, and surely, the next row of their own front row was huge. The crystal column was swept over, and the coverage area was too large. Although Wagel had already made the avoidance action in advance, he could not run the range at all. Looking at the crystal column that had appeared from underneath, Wagel's body turned over in the air, using a sword to directly click the spike under the main.

"噗嗤", the spikes passed directly through Wagel's body, but it was okay to just wipe it and take away a piece of skin. However, when Wagel thought that he had opened the attack, a violent energy in the injured area rushed directly into his body, and the next moment Wagel also spit directly.

"The attack of md is not reasonable at all." Wagel couldn't help but say, yes, he has a vindictive body, but it is obvious that the defense effect against Eofarm is very limited. In this attack, he clearly felt the gap between the two people's realm, and let him understand that he was unable to confront Eofarm at all.

Of course, if it is under normal circumstances, Wagner has to consider how to leave safely, but now it is in trials, so Wagner is not afraid of death. Thanks to this resurrection mechanism, Wagel here is also directly desperate.

A loud bang, "Wu Geer in the air suddenly burst into a lot of vindictiveness, and actually directly shocked a crystal column released by Iopham. Yes, Wagel does not have such a powerful force, but there is no problem in the short-term outbreak, and now he is not afraid of death, of course, it is full of strength.

However, Wagel, who is holding red light all over, is afraid to get close to Eofarm, because the other side is surrounded by white fog. It is obvious that these atomized crystals can’t be defended even with vindictiveness. Just Marzos is not already In the middle of the move, if you really enter the fog, it is estimated that you will take a sip. Wagel didn't feel that he could hold on, and he didn't feel that he could use the grudge to open the fog, so he immediately shouted to the side: "Enboya! Blow these white fog!"

"Good!" Immediately after the holy level, he nodded and then lifted the staff and began to cast spells. Yes, Emporia is another holy level, and it is obviously a sacred sacred. Originally, Wapor’s arrangement was that three people dragged Eofarm, and two people dealt with Li Huailin. Now, although the two exchanged positions, Waupol is still ready to call someone from there, otherwise it’s true. It’s not a fight.

This sacred name of Emperor of Emporia is a flash of light, and it is obviously a spell that is ready to use. They haven't played against people who will use Crystal Magic, and they don't know if these white fog can be blown off, but after all, try it. However, when the magic of Emporia was preparing for the shot, suddenly a golden light passed over the field, and he noticed that several holy levels of this point immediately shouted: "Enboya! Be careful!"

"What?" Enboa here turned a little and saw a golden thing shot directly in his direction. He couldn't see where the attack came from. Now, of course, it’s too late to stop the spell. The magic is going to be shot. This forcefully cancels the direct magic counterattack, so Emporia raises his left hand again. He points in the direction of the golden light, and a blue magical array appears. It should be resisted. Magic shield of damage.

"Oh.", the moment when the magic shield appeared, it was directly crushed by the golden light that attacked him. It was also this time that Emporia saw that the golden light that flew over seemed like a golden spear, but it was too late to do anything. The magic props on the body were automatically activated at this moment. Under the life of Emporia, but this is simply impossible, the golden spear directly penetrated the second layer of shields formed by these props in an instant, and then directly inserted the left hand raised by Emporia, and then all the way Going up the left hand, he pierced a blood hole from the middle of the arm and hit the chest of Emporia directly.

A huge blood hole appeared directly in the position of Emporia's chest. The golden spear directly penetrated the other's body and flew away from the distance. It did not stop at all. And Emporia could only watch as he was seen by this golden light, with a look of horror, and then turned into a white light to resurrect.

The whole scene was silent, and then everyone looked at the direction in which the spears flew. The person who appeared there was of course Li Huailin. Yes, Li Huailin and Io Fah change it, of course, because Li Huailin saw the mage in another group, and there is more than one. Two of the three people on the other side are masters. This situation is of course much simpler for Li Huailin than to solve two swords. It is equivalent to just solving a samurai. The remaining mages That is all sent. The person wearing the cloth armor is a tool in front of Li Huailin. It is not a combat unit.

"What? Actually that guy? This is impossible!" A little quieter, Mazus here said first, yes, he is the most unacceptable, before he and Li Huailin handed over, how to see Li Huailin only Generally, the level of the holy level, how can it be a second time to his own companion Enboa? What happened in the end is really incredible.

Sure enough, when Marzos turned around, he saw that several other holy levels looked at him with a look. Isn’t it that the level of Li Huailin you only said is the strength of the general holy level? It’s not the case now. It’s just a matter of people’s casual moments. How do you play this? Are you not a pit teammate?

"All said, how can you be so simple." Li Huailin said with a slight smile, "I said that you have counted, you still do not believe."

"What?" Mazos suddenly shocked here. Yes, Li Huailin did say that he had counted in the previous battle, but he would think that Li Huailin said that he was wrongly judged by the other team leader. Class, isn't it? What is the other party referring to? Is this all about Li Huailin’s plan? Is it specifically tempting them?

Mazos’s heart was in chaos. Of course, Li Huailin just casually said that he was disturbing the other’s thinking. The effect was surprisingly good.

"噗嗤", when everyone was shocked by Li Huailin's action, here Iofam also shot. Yes, she is not surprised at the behavior of Li Huailin's second person. You said that the second gods have seen it. These holy levels can't stop Li Huailin's attack. Isn't this a normal situation? What a surprise. So Eofarm also launched an attack directly in the fog, and when other people returned to God, Mazos here has been inserted three or four crystal guns.

The white light flashed, and Marzos here was also directly resurrected. The time for the two sides to fight was not reached in 1 minute. There were already two holy deaths and one serious injury. This situation exceeded their expectations too much, as if... Didn't have to fight.

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