All Things Wrong

Chapter 2766: seal

"It's bad..." Wagel's face is not good-looking. It's almost a face-to-face time. I fell two people on my side. I said that someone will die. They have already expected it, but they didn't expect it. So fast. What is more headache is not the problem of the dead, but they find that they seem to have miscalculated the operational ability of Li Huailin. I thought that Li Huailin was a holy level. If two people were besieged, they should be able to win each other, but the problem is Now the ability of the other party to express completely exceeds the holy level. Under this time, they can't see the winning point. They don't know what to do.

"Leon, you go first." Suddenly Wagel turned and shouted at the sword saint of Li Huailin. "We block them and meet in the old place to discuss."

"Good!" This is called the Juggernaut of Leon, who nodded directly and then fled out to the rear.

Seeing this situation, Li Huailin was a glimpse, and suddenly he understood what was going on. Yes, why is this Juggernaut named Leon going first, because he is the captain, and the other four holy levels are not captains, so they die when they die, anyway, the players are infinitely resurrected, and this Leon died. But there is no resurrection, and Li Hualin will be sent points (they seem).

That is really good, Li Huailin said that he was just a dog, and he was originally in accordance with his intentions. He was able to use the two masters, and then use hundreds of thousands of divine power to directly kill the Juggernaut. Unexpectedly, there is actually a sword saint who is the captain. He really thought that several holy levels were ordinary players. After all, he didn't know how many people were there. Although there are five people in front of him, there may be other captains who have not come to the holy level. He doesn't know that the other party is too late to gather and run over to block them. . Fortunately, the other party is now retreating, or Li Huailin will kill him and deduct the score and do not know how to explain it.

"Hey, the person on your side ran." There was a voice from Iofar, and she came out of the white fog directly. She didn't mean to be opposite, nor what was white. The fog hides the body and the like, but this skill is the hidden special effect.

"Nothing, run and run, I don't bother to chase." Li Huailin casually replied, of course, said that he was too lazy to chase, in fact, he couldn't chase it at all. He couldn't keep up with the speed of Juggernaut. He tried this. After that, I can't move this captain's holy class. "I can't run anyway until I join one of my team."

"Also." Iowam certainly did not believe that Li Huailin could not solve this Juggernaut, and she was too lazy to chase. If the other party is a Protoss, she must be chasing the opposite, but it is just an ordinary holy level. She does not care.

After saying that Iofam was also a wave, a large number of crystallized guns appeared in front of her again, and then shot directly in the direction of Wapor, which is almost a full-screen attack. Here, Vabel sees this situation as if it is a ruin. These crystallization guns don’t look very good, but only the people who actually eat know the power, and this kind of power Iofaru is full screen. Hey? For her, is this skill not consumed at all?

In fact, this is really not what it consumes. According to the magical power of Eofarm, this level of attack can be maintained for a few hours, which means that there are no crystallization guns that are full of screens for several hours. The problem, of course, is that this kind of quality attack is a devastating blow to the Holy Class, but it can only be considered a harassing spell for the enemy of the Protoss. It’s just that Wapor is just a holy class. It can only be regarded as a toy in front of the old **** level of Iofam.

"Oh..." The sound of the sound, the Wagner here has become a flower on the sword, and the life of the fire has broken out of the body to resist the free blow of Eophr. But with a little support, I couldn’t stand it. When the full-screen crystallization gun ended, Wager’s body had already been inserted several times. The other side was also fortune-telling. Standing there still had not fallen. However, it is clear that there is no ability to continue fighting.

"Wagger!" The remaining one of the law saints looked at the situation and immediately prepared for the past support, but had not had time to start, and a golden light was passing ahead. Of course, he already knew that it was Li Huailin's skill, and it was just the second of his companion's skill, but he knew that he couldn't stop it. At the same time he turned his head, he was already hit by the sun spear. This time he hit his head directly. Even the man flew out with a gun and inserted directly on a big tree behind him. Li Huailin’s sun spear passed directly through the tree and flew far away, and the body of this saint was left directly on the trunk. “Plop” fell to the ground and disappeared into a white light.

"Damn." There is only one Wagel left in the scene. Of course, he is also directly inserted into the ground by several crystallizer guns. Fortunately, he is not afraid of death now. He looks at Li Huailin and Io who are coming to him. Fam, Wagel is bold and said: "Don't think that you have won, our actions are not finished yet."

"Is it?" Li Huailin casually spread his hands and said that he really didn't know that Wagel's actions were not finished, but he didn't care.

"This time we just underestimated your strength, but now we already know this information, the next time it is not so simple." Wagel here sees Li Huailin's attitude is of course more uncomfortable, once again said Of course, what he did in his heart is actually nothing.

"If you leave him here, forget it." Iopham next to him suddenly said.

“Ha?” Li Huailin said a little, then suddenly asked: “Do you mean something like seals that seals him here?”

"Yeah," said Iofarm here. "Save him for trouble and look annoyed."

"Is that kind of skill that can't be killed but can't run away?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah." Iofam nodded.

"You tn will not say this skill early." Li Huailin helped the amount.

"I thought you didn't care." Iofam said casually.

"What?" And the Wagel here is of course nervous at once, and Iofarm has this skill to seal people? This is the rhythm of making big things. I thought that there were rules of the game anyway, and I was not afraid of death at all, but I didn’t expect the other person to have the skills to leave him here. Isn’t that finished?

"No, can't be left behind." Thinking of this, Wagel here is struggling to get up, of course, not to struggle, but to let himself die soon. Yes, now he has been plunged into a lot of crystallization guns. It is already on the verge of dying. He feels awkward when he moves a few more blood, so he quickly accelerates the process.

When I saw Wagner’s move, Iofam here also waved directly, and saw that Wagel’s body suddenly had a lot of crystals, and then wrapped the whole person of Wagel quickly. Up, that is, for a moment, Wagner has been completely surrounded by crystals and turned into something similar to ice sculpture. Of course, it is not ice, but crystals that are covered on the outside. The shape is a bit like the feeling of a crystal coffin.

"Just like this?" Li Huailin knocked a few times on the crystal in front of him and found that it was still very hard. "The other party can't go out?"

"In theory, according to the other side's injury, it is not for the time being." Iofarm said, from her words, it can be inferred that this skill can still be broken, of course, if the state is full In that case, the now seriously injured Wagner estimates that there is no way to come out. As for the recovery, it will definitely be a long time later, and the time for the game is one hour, so it is estimated that it is too late.

"Md has such a convenient skill, I know that few guys are kept." Li Huailin helped the forehead.

"There are a few things you have to worry about," said Iofam.

"The problem is that I am not the captain." Li Huailin casually found a reason, "In case the other side of the attack is not very troublesome."

"There is also this possibility." Iofam nodded. "But look like this, they are afraid to come."

They dare not come back to Li Huailin, but it is not bad to leave a Wagel here. Of course, I still have to hurry and close up with my own troops, saving me from accidents. I thought that Li Huailin also walked behind and let other people speed up a bit, but just after coming back, Nero here suddenly spoke.

"I think I know what your skills are?" Nero said suddenly.

"Oh?" Li Huailin took a moment to think about it. Nero said that he should be the ability of his second person. It is estimated that he is obeying the rules of his own magic law. Yes, after all, Nero has been observing all the time. First, the scene of his own battle with Juggernaut, and then the scene of his second Master. The reason for his own compilation is estimated to be able to deceive the opposite person, but according to Nero’s logical ability, look It is not very strange to come out.

"Hey? What?" The superman's shoes next to the curious question and answer, it is obvious that he was shocked by the strength that Li Huailin just showed, and then did not see the situation of Li Huailin's ability.

"Well, this is... Captain Huaxia... Do you think you want to announce it?" Nero smiled and looked at Li Huailin.

"You see it yourself, let's go first." Li Huailin said that he didn't pick up Nero.

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