All Things Wrong

Chapter 2796: plan

"What is the situation?" Li Huailin returned directly to the camp and asked. Of course, Regg made a report immediately, and Li Huailin’s subordinates were missing. Yes, after all, it is stationed here, so Li Huailin will of course send people around to guard the investigation, so Li Huailin’s troops will also patrol around. Of course, the patrolling troops are changing shifts, and they will come back to work every once in a while. In order to prevent people from disappearing, they have not found it. This situation has occurred now. In the process of shifting the shift, a large team (4 soldiers) did not come back. This is of course a very abnormal situation. Regg also immediately notified the summoning Jade Emperor and asked him to contact him. Li Huailin.

"It turns out that the other side is going to be ready to attack?" Li Huailin nodded. Yes, the other side is generally here to prepare for the attack. If it is only for investigation, it will not be done to Li Huailin’s people to avoid being awkward. Now that it has been done, it basically means that it is going to launch an offensive.

"Which area is the patrolled by the missing person?" Li Huailin asked.

"Your Majesty is the area in the west." Regg here replied, "Your Majesty, would you like to find someone else?"

Yes, although the person is missing, but Regg did not send people to look for them in the first time, of course, this matter still requires Li Huailin to make a decision. And Li Huailin looked at the situation in the west and then said directly: "It’s really easy to understand."

"What? Your Majesty? What strategy?" Reggae asked immediately.

"Tune the tiger to know the mountain." Li Huai-lin said, "The western field of vision is particularly bad. It is obvious that we want to send people to investigate in the past. If there are fewer people, they will eat it directly. If it is more powerful. If the people used to pass, they would attack from the other side."

"Your Majesty, you said that the enemy's large forces are not in the west?" Regg here is understandable, but also a little surprised that the other party will still use the plan.

"Yes, this old-fashioned way to play with small cleverness and cheapness reminds me of a person at once." Li Huailin spread his hand, yes, Li Huailin said that the person of course refers to Nero, the other party was not with him before, so After passing the second round of the play-off, the other side should still be alive, so Li Huailin remembered the other party the first time and thought of the plan.

"That squat, we immediately go to the other three sides to investigate and determine the enemy's position." Regg said here.

"No, you are stupid, why should the other party be transferred from us, of course, we are afraid that we will stay here, so the people who are anxious are not us at all, you let the patrolling people come back, we wait, see who is in a hurry Li Hualin said, "The spreader said."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Reggae replied immediately, and then went down to announce Li Huailin’s order.

After a little while, Li Huailin admits defeat. Yes, it seems that Li Huailin is more anxious here. The other side has no action, but Li Huailin can't wait. Of course, from a strategic point of view, Li Huailin’s arrangement is completely fine. As long as he waits forever, it must be that the other party can’t hold it, but the problem is...

"I can't wait to install it!" Li Huailin said directly, "Md can't force me to die!"

"No, you are uncomfortable if you don't find something for a while?" The summoned jade emperor next to him couldn't help but say.

"Yeah yeah." Li Huailin said, "I just turned into a rmb warrior. How can I not install a wave? I just want to tell these guys, if you have money, you can really do whatever you want!"

"When you do, you will pay it to you." Called the Jade Emperor to help the road.

"No problem, give it to me." Li Huailin waved his hand, "Come, Regg, pass my orders and send a wave."

"Ha?" Reggae looked at Li Huailin with a stern look. What does it mean to send a wave?

"Take a group of people to go to the west to search, just look for it." Li Huailin said, "Right right, or Long Ma, you can help bring a team."

Iowaum next to "Well?" was originally resting. He heard Li Hualin’s words and opened his eyes. "Let me go?"

"Yes, if you don't leave, the other party won't necessarily attack, so you still have to leave for insurance." Li Huailin said, "The west is estimated to be a bit too human, you can clean it up a bit."

"It’s not the mainland emperor, it’s really going to call people.” Iofam stood up as he spoke. "But are you really okay? The other person may not be the one who participated in the trial." what."

"Of course." Li Huailin nodded. He also knew that the people who came here must be more than the participants of the trial, and those who were resurrected did not know the age of the fierce people, like the demon king or the wolf king. The purpose of those who are resurrected is also sacrifice, and now the sacrifice points are occupied by them, so it is relatively simple for the participants to join them first. According to Nero’s diplomatic level, it is estimated that many people have been convinced. Therefore, Li Huailin may face a lot of monsters.

Of course, if an hour ago, Li Huailin would definitely let Eofarm take the shot, and let her do the main output, it will not be here. But now Li Huailin is really a little inflated, so I don't worry about how many people there are.

"Nothing is ok, people here have been handed over to me, it is time for me to install a big wave." Li Huailin waved his hand and said.

"That's all right..." Ioofam said casually. Yes, Li Huailin was very strong in her eyes, so she didn't know what the other party was excited about. Anyway, she just got up and walked to the west. It is. Li Huailin certainly arranged a lot of people to follow Iofam, mainly not to fight, but to make this side slightly empty.

On the other hand, in the southeast direction of the altar, the troops have been ambushing here now. Yes, of course, this is the one that is preparing to attack the altar. Like Li Huailin’s conjecture, this unit can be used not only for the trial participants, but also for those who are resurrected. Their purpose is now the same. Lay down the altar.

It is not only the mouth guns of Nero, but also the situation that can unite them. Yes, they had a little understanding of what happened before, especially the situation of the demon Wang Dunskoi. It was the result of someone who just happened to see Li Huailin and Donskoy. Although the process was not seen, he was then That is, I heard the sound of the battle and looked at it. I saw that Li Huailin took Donskoy away, and he just met Donskoy and knew what level of Donskoy was. This happens now. If you don't see this scene, they will have already killed them in accordance with the revival of these arrogant people.

In short, when Li Huailin dealt with the Protoss, they were also expanding their own troops. Anyway, if they were willing to cooperate, they would directly pull into the ranks, and then those who were unwilling to cooperate would of course become their sacrifices. And now many people have already scored enough sacrifices, but there is no way to reach the altar. Of course, they also know the purpose of Li Huailin. In the current situation, they have to unite to deal with Li Huailin.

Of course, Nero is indeed in this team. This is the same as Li Huailin’s guess. The current implementation plan is indeed the plan that Li Huailin said before that the tiger’s departure from the mountain is also proposed by Nero, but it is not said. Nero really has this level, and Li Huailin has played against it so many times. Nero certainly has a long-term growth, but the problem is... This team is not his command.

Yes, it is totally different from Li Huailin’s situation in which he is a master. Although the teams here are united, they are also temporarily united. It’s just that everyone’s goals are the same, they will act together, simply say It is the appearance of the gods, once they really defeated Li Huailin, they are likely to fight themselves at any time.

Nero is not the leader in this team. Yes, these people who are resurrected are all arrogant, and the most favorite thing is to rely on the old and the old, but their strength is really a bit strong, so in fact, several leaders are resurrected, Nepal Lu is not only trying to deal with Li Huailin, but also trying to deal with the internal situation. It is really a headache. There is no way to have a good confrontation with Li Huailin.

The only way to let these guys surrender is that the strength is crushed, but the problem is that Nero’s own strength is not strong, even if it is not strong in the players, it is even more difficult to tame them, so At present, I can only say that I have made comments.

"Someone left, as if... it was the white dragon." Because Li Huailin is an altar, there is nothing to obscure the line of sight. It is obvious that people can see the movement. So Iopham just started to act and the other party found out.

The action of Li Huailin is still relatively normal in their view. When the person disappeared, he called the patrol back, and then waited a little while, and sent someone to check the situation in the west. This is in their plan. In the middle, it seems that the strategy has become, and since it has already succeeded, Iowam, who has also taken the main combat power, has been attracted. Is this supposed to be done?

"Prepare..." One of the leaders here just wanted to start without action, and a person suddenly interrupted him.

"I don't think it's right." The person who interrupted him was of course Nero. Although the apparent plan was smooth, Nero felt that something was wrong for the first time.

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