All Things Wrong

Chapter 2797: Right

"What do you say?" Hearing Nero's words, the next five big three thick guys immediately stood up. This is an orc who is more than 3 meters tall. Of course, it should be an ancient orc. It is different from the current orc. The ancient orcs are more serious and more brutal.

The name of this ancient orc is called Jabals, one of the ancient orc tribal chiefs. The ancient orcs are also tribal, so the chief is equal to the identity of the lords in the human empire. Of course, as a non-falling chief, the only strength of the other party is that you can play. Looking at the number of 87 displayed on the opponent's head, I know that this guy is really amazing.

"I don't think it's right, that guy, it's so easy to be fooled. I don't think it's very possible." Nero also got up and said, after all, it has been played many times with Li Huailin. Nero is enough to eat and he understands it. . Every time I feel that Li Huailin’s calculations are the beginning of the other’s digging, not to mention that Nero feels that their plan is not very subtle. According to Li Huailin’s level, it’s possible to see it. Obviously, it made him feel a little fake.

Yes, Nero feels that if you want to set up Li Huailin's words, at least you have to set a circle of more than two weights, and the other party will be able to get in. It is so simple to set up a trap to adjust the tiger from the mountain. You can see through it. Is Li Huailin going to count?

"Isn't it right? Isn't this a plan you proposed yourself?" said Jabals here.

"This is just a tentative plan." Nero said, "The other party is not so simple. I can't beat the other side by adjusting the tiger away from the mountain. I won't..."

"Well, I don't know what you are talking about. In short, I can't go up now." Jabals said here uncomfortably. Yes, he said before, he is a coward, and he is not. Like what kind of strategy, according to his thoughts, and Li Huailin is just positive, is it not finished? How much is Eofarm hanging? Jabals said that he did not know at all, but he did not encounter it when he was alive. If he met, Jabals felt that he could kill the dragon.

"I think... still should be observed a little..." Nero thought about it.

"Observation, still observing?" Jabals was upset, and he waited for a long time. He couldn't wait, but he just had to say something, and another person stood up next to him.

"Don't worry, Jabals." The guy who spoke in a black cloak looked like a personal, but in fact it was just a changing shape. Yes, this guy is actually a dragon, and of course the ancient dragon, the black dragon lord of the world who was previously known as the world destroyer. Although it is older than Iofam, but the strength is almost equal to Eofarm, after all, the figures on both of them are 99.

In addition to Jabals and Hot Miller, there are four other figures in the team who are above 80. The rest of the team is not bad. Even several holy levels are not ranked in this team. It can be really a monster force.

Of course, Hot Miller is the highest value here, and the strongest, so he is the leader here. Of course, the position of this leader has not been officially confirmed, just like Jabals. Although he is not as good as Hot Miller, he did not say that he surrendered to him, but he is now cooperating.

"Iofarm's strength is still very strong." Hort Miller said that he and Iofam are also old-fashioned, of course, know the strength of the other side, "If you can avoid fighting with each other, then of course it is best. However, when we confirm that Iofam has left, I will start to act."

Yes, Hotmüller doesn’t care about the problems that Nero said. He mainly doesn’t want to confront Eofam. Although he doesn’t mean he can’t beat each other, he wants to win the game. I can't finish it in a few nights, but now he needs to be resurrected. Where is the time to play with Iofam for a few days.

As for the other person who said that Li Huailin’s human adventurer defeated the demon king? Hot Miller doesn't know how strong Donskoy is, but he thinks that a human being can't be so powerful. He didn't see it with his own eyes. It is estimated that the person who started it is Iopham. Li Huailin is only responsible for collecting the body. He It is impossible to imagine how powerful a human being is. So now the situation Hotter Miller feels very good, if Eofarm really leaves, they must rush this wave, there is nothing better than this. As long as his sacrifice is successful, he will be completely resurrected. Even if he is coming back from Iopham, he is not empty. He is just right.

And obviously the other four people also agree with Hot Miller's opinion. They are known to Eofarm. The fame is too big. This is really powerful, but Li Huailin? Sorry for what humans are, that is the weak weeds. Of course, they also heard that someone said that Li Huailin had left, and that the people in their ranks now said, but the problem is that the person who said this is the highest level of the holy level, and in their eyes, the holy level... What? You can't beat Li Huailin at the holy level. Can you say that they can't beat it? So they completely don't care about Li Huailin's existence.

Nero also sighed when he saw this situation. Yes, he didn't have any right to speak. Now it is simply unrealistic to persuade the other party to be in the middle of it. These guys are simply proud of cancer. You go and tell them they will have a human being. Is it useful? Will the other party listen? Nero said that he really couldn't bring this team.

There was a loud bang in the "Boom". At this time, the direction of the west side of the altar suddenly heard the sound of the explosion. It was obvious that someone was playing there.

"Prepare for action." Here's Holtmüller said immediately, yes, the west must be that Iowam is fighting with the people who arrange it there, or else there will not be such a big movement, so to speak, Iofar is 100% going to the west, so there is nothing to be afraid of, and then rushed down to the altar to sacrifice. The person who arranged there was estimated to be unable to beat Eofarm, but it would be no problem to drag it for a while, so Iowamu really came back. Of course, the sacrifice was finished here. All right.

A team of people started the action directly and rushed toward the altar. Nero once again sighed, and now there is no way to follow.

Of course, such a big movement, Li Huailin on the altar also noticed that it is almost the same as what he expected. The other party is really this plan.

"Well... it’s coming." Li Huailin pressed his hand. "The time for the show is over, the little ones are listening."

The soldiers next to "Ha?" are a glimpse. Although they know that Li Huailin is calling himself, but what are the names of the little ones, we are not thieves, they are regular troops.

Of course, although the symmetry call is a bit questionable, everyone is ready for the battle. As long as Li Huailin screams for attack, they will rush to the enemy without hesitation, no matter how strong the opponent is.

"You don't move, the job of calling 666 will be handed over to you." Li Huailing said with a wave.

"Ha?" All the soldiers looked at Li Huailin with a look of surprise. What is the situation with 666?

"This wave is forced, I am alone." Li Huailin jumped directly from the altar and said that he just stood in front of the troops coming in front. Seeing this situation, Li Huailin’s men are of course anxious. So many people across the street, Li Huailin alone? But the problem is that Li Huailin’s order is to let them not move. This... there is no way to defy it.

"Not that I said, all of you guys are rubbish, and none of them can be played." Li Huailin stood in front of the other side and opened the group.

"What do you mean by the kid?" The temperamental old orc chief, Jabals, is of course the first to be irritated. This kind of guy has no immunity to taunting skills.

"You are the human adventurer called Huai Ruolin?" Black Dragon Hot Miller looked at the other side a little, looked at the number on the other side, and wrote 5... more sure that this guy has no strength, too I don't know what the illusion is that I can fight with them.

"Where is the trough, is it 99 points?" Li Huailin certainly saw 99 points on Hotmüller's head. This guy is the highest score inside. It is estimated to be the leader. "Is it you, do you have the courage to come up?" ?"

"You guy!" Hort Miller still did not move, next to Jabals was unhappy, because Li Huailin actually ignored him? This little human did not answer his words. This is too much. With the previous ridicule, Jabals couldn’t stand it anymore. He flashed straight and rushed toward Li Huailin.

"It doesn't matter!" Li Huailin saw the other party start, although not his own to find Hot Miller, but also a 87-point guy. And I have to fight all the time, it doesn't matter if I come first.

In the past, in the face of this situation, Li Huailin had to play a little bit of a trick, but this time, Li Huailin simply did not want to. Directly waved, a huge black flame spouted from his right arm, just in front of Jabals had already slammed into Li Huailin’s side, Li Huailin raised his hand directly, and punched a fist toward the other side. Hit the past.

The bang of the "bang", the two fists directly hit together, the black flame flew around, and then in a flash, a figure flew out from the flame of a large group. Li Huailin’s men exclaimed, because the person who flew out was Li Huailin.

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