All Things Wrong

Chapter 2798: Do whatever you want

Yes, it is obvious that the person who flew out was Li Huailin, who also flew in the direction of the altar. After a loud bang, Li Huailin directly hit the stage of the altar. Fortunately, the table of the altar was hard and extraordinary. Although the sound of the collision was exaggerated, there was no damage.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing this situation, of course, everyone looked at Li Huailin nervously, in addition to summoning the Jade Emperor. Yes, Li Huailin’s law of eternal life is still there, and it is impossible to die in the worst case. Sure enough, everyone heard the voice of Li Huailin.

"Md this cargo is open, the power is so high?" Li Huailin certainly knows why he was shot. The difference in strength between the two sides is too great, so a pair of boxing Li Huailin was directly shot. In the case of 100 meters, it is better to be an altar behind him. Otherwise, I don’t know where to fly.

"Is this level?" The team who saw the opposite of this situation was of course very happy, especially the last few rounds of Li Shenglin’s sacred priests. They had a resentment against Li Huailin and saw Li Huailin is now being kicked by a boxer. Although he is not doing it himself, he also has a feeling of deflation.

However, the only ones who followed the ridiculous look were the ones behind them. The five people who took the lead did not react at all. No... It should be said that their faces sank, as if suddenly they were serious.

At this time, the flame in the middle of the battlefield gradually dissipated. Another figure of the boxer, Jabals, appeared in front of everyone, and everyone saw the situation of the other party.

Yes, now the flames of Jabals are still burning. The whole person is going to become a fireman. Although you are better than you, you don’t have to be burned by this fire. You can’t use your anger. Does the flame shake off?

Just a group of people can't read why this guy has been standing in the fire for a while, suddenly "squeaky", Jabals suddenly suddenly the whole person stumbled, the eye-catching person has discovered, this guy is not The general tripping, but the upper body collapsed directly, it feels like it was blown by the flame.

"This... how is this possible?" At this time, these holy levels also found that something was wrong. Yes, they noticed that Jabals in front of him... now seems to have completely lost interest.

Yes, Jabals is already dead. This situation has been discovered by Hort Miller in the first time, and several holy levels should have been found, but because the scene is clearly that Li Huailin was shot. In their opinion, it should be that Jabals is dominant. How suddenly did this happen?

In fact, the interpretation is also very simple. In terms of the power of light, Jabals is of course much higher than Li Huailin, so Li Huailin was shot, but the problem is that Li Huailin’s attack also caused damage to Jabals. And these injuries, Jabals can not hold back, just a second.

Li Huailin said that this Jabbars himself is equal to saying that he is directly smothered with money. Simply put, he directly injects 5 million divine power points and then fights the other side for damage. The attack of the other side also killed Li Huailin, but he had the law of eternal life, and his own attack, it is obvious that the other party did not expect it to be so strong. The transformation of the damage of the ten-level black inflammation skill is already very horrible, and this Jabalis obviously does not use the energy of the divine power type, so Shenli still has a relatively high judgment on him, which will lead to Li Huailin directly. It’s the second time.

Really, Li Huailin didn’t think that he could directly cross the second. After all, he couldn’t see how much blood the other person had, but he took it directly and hit it. Seeing this situation, Li Huailin finally understood why the king looked. Going up to such invincibility, let alone the other's own skills, it is too exaggerated by the skill of the gods.

"Is this level?" Li Huailin also stood up and looked at the person in front and said, "It is weaker than I thought, what is the cheer of Lao Tzu?"

"666..." The soldiers behind him were scared at the beginning, but when they heard Li Huailin, they also came back to God. They also remembered the task that Li Huailin had arranged before and started to help Li Huailin call 666.

At this time, the people in front of them all returned to God. Of course, everyone’s face is not good. The strength of Li Huailin is far beyond their expectations. They are still recognized by the strength of Jabals. Now they are actually killed by Li Huailin. This has to be taken seriously, no, even a little scared.

"It turned out to be the case." Nero, who has been seeing this situation at this time, understands what happened. At the beginning, he wondered why Li Huailin sent Eofarm here. Now he understands, this It is obvious that Li Huailin has the ability to be positive, so there is no need for any strategy, just waiting for you to come.

"What about this..."? Hott Miller, a guy with a green scale and skin that doesn't know what the family is, is a little worried and asks to Hott Miller. Yes, his strength is similar to that of Jabals. If you really fight, it is estimated that it will take a few days and a few nights to win the game. Now Li Huailin is a direct blow to Jabals, which is a bit scary to him.

" can humans be so powerful..." Hort Miller looked at Li Huailin and said, "This guy must have borrowed Iopham temporarily because of the mystery invented by Iofarm. Energy and the like..."

"Yes... is it?" Hort Miller’s words were completely unfounded, but the people next to him were more willing to believe this explanation. After all, being killed by a human being, this is too ridiculous for them to accept. It is still this human who borrowed the power of Iopham to defeat them and let them accept a little.

"It's a bit interesting, however... no matter how hard you are to comfort yourself, you have to stay here all the time." Li Huailin said that he waved his hand directly, and the golden light of his hand rose directly and then illumined the air. . Soon the sky began to dim, and then a huge light directly penetrated the clouds, as if the lightning was directly hit in the middle of the team ahead.

"What?" Li Huailin's attack does not seem to be a long time to prepare, but it is actually very fast after the start. The people in front are obviously not ordinary, their reaction speed is very fast, and then they can't hide the attack of the falling beam. After all, they attack the beam, they can't escape the light any faster. Attack.

"砰", the ground that was hit was directly blown up, and several people standing near the attack point were completely covered by the light without any reaction. For a moment, these people appeared to appear. After being burned by high temperature, after three screams, three of them disappeared into the light instantly, while others who were not hit by the front were all shaken to the side and watched their wounds. Extremely serious.

And this is only the first beam of light. In the sky, several beams of light have fallen. Yes, this is the ao's magical skill of Li Huailin's society. The name is called God's ruling. Simply put, it is to set the front area and then randomly drop the beam to cause damage. This skill... very consumes the power, how much into the power It not only affects the power, but also affects the attack range of the falling beam and the number of attacks. However, the problem is that Li Huailin is now more divine. At present, the power of the power is more than 230 million, which can be easily waved, although there is a better solution to this. The guy's way, but Li Huailin has not wanted to use it, so how come it is.

"砰砰砰" a variety of explosions came from the front, and soon Li Huailin’s line of sight was also blocked by the rising dust. However, Li Huailin also quickly saw a few black shadows directly from the dust, and broke away from the attack range of Li Huailin's aoe skill. Li Huailin also looked up and saw that it was a few of the guys with higher scores, including Hort Miller.

"This is impossible..." Hot Miller seems to have failed to completely escape the attack of Li Huailin's aoe. His back seems to have been hit by a light beam. He is still smoking himself. Li Huailin looks It seems that the injury to the other party is not serious, but it is not completely okay.

Of course, Holt Miller’s injury is only known to him. The injury is already very serious. Yes, now he also has doubts about his previous judgments. Does Li Huailin really use the power of Iopham? It is well known that Io'am's strongest spells are of course Crystal Magic and Ancient Dragon Magic, but Li Huailin's use is not the magic of this series. After a while, Hot Miller has understood this spell and Iofam. The use is completely different, it is the kind of difference in roots, but what is the spell... Hot Miller does not understand very well. But if you say this, is this guy using his own abilities? Hot Miller said he couldn't believe how a human might be able to defeat them.

"This guy, is the Protoss?" A man standing next to Hotter Miller suddenly pointed to Li Huailin. Yes, he is a member of the old family. He used to be killed in the battle with the Protoss. Unlike Hotter Miller, he has seen similar magic, that is, the Protoss of the Protoss, although he does not have this skill of Li Huailin. I have seen it, but on the source he feels the similarities of these gods.

"Protoss? What is that?" Hort Miller asked a little strangely. Yes, when he was there, the Protoss had not yet been born, or he had not changed his name to the Protoss. Of course he did not know what the people next to said. meaning.

"You guy, is it a Protoss?" The other party did not pay attention to Hot Miller, but said a little excited to Li Huailin. Yes, he was once killed by the Protoss. Of course, he also had deep hatred against the Protoss. Apart from hatred and some fear, the two are not contradictory, so they think they have discovered the identity of Li Huailin. Very excited.

"The Protoss? The defeat of the hand." Li Huailin also knows that the other person is estimated to have seen the Protoss, casually said, "What's the matter, do you think my identity is so important? Just like death, I feel dead in a human hand. Unacceptable, and then desperately trying to prove that I am not human, are you very interesting."

"You..." Everyone was angered by Li Huailin, but no one chose to go straight up at this time, because the previous two skills have proved Li Huailin's strength. People can really single out and you will choose to wait here. Yours, this is terrible.

Just saying, Li Huailin’s aoe magic is over. The smoke slowly dissipated, and soon, the completely unseen ground that had been hit was revealed. Seeing the situation on the ground, the faces of several people changed a little. Yes, there are no people who can stand there in Li Huailin’s attack. Everyone is on the ground, and there are a few of them. The individual is still struggling, as if he was seriously injured, but most of the people are already lying there and life and death are unknown, and they completely lose their fighting power.

Such an attack is a bit too exaggerated. You must know that except for a few of them, the rest of the people are not weak. Li Huailin’s aoe skill directly solves them almost completely. Described.

Hotm Miller's face is very dark, he also smashed the ruling skills, so probably know the power of this skill, but the actual effect of seeing it can not help but exclaimed in my heart. Seriously, even if he is allowed to come, it seems that he can't do this. Now it seems that the other party is even more likely to borrow the power of Iofarm, because Iofar and his level are similar, how can he borrow? This guy is more powerful than his own.

Looking at Li Huailin walking towards them, Hotmüller was a little panicked, and at this moment, another person next to him suddenly said to Li Huailin: "Wait, maybe we can talk..."

"Talk about a wool thread." Li Huailin said with a wave. "I used to talk about it because I really can't talk about it. Now I am invincible, the pure rmb warrior blood, but also talk about a hair." Ah, Laozi has money, do whatever he wants, understand?"

After talking about Li Huailin, he waved his hand directly. The person who spoke to him was a soul-precipitating skill. When he saw this black thing flying toward him, the first reaction of the other party was to run. Yes, although I have never seen the skills, but before I saw the situation, he still dared to pick up Li Huailin’s tricks. "

However, although the dodge action was made, the soul-precipitation skill was self-hit correction. One turn, "砰", the other party has been swallowed up by the black matter.

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