All Things Wrong

Chapter 2811: enter

Li Huailin looked at the time, and it was already 12 o'clock, which means that the next step in the world trial has begun, but the problem is that he has not found his own team. Of course, there is no time to manage any of the men, and Li Huailin is also an explanation that immediately raises his ears and begins to listen to the sounds of the sky.

However, what surprised Li Huailin was that the voice in the sky did not say too much. He just said, "The gate of the observatory has been opened, now you can enter the observatory" and then it will end directly. Li Huailin waited for a while. Still didn't hear anything, it seems that they just let them enter the observatory.

"Is this gone?" Li Huailin is also a bit embarrassed. He thought that he would introduce rules and the like. The result was completely unheard. This is what is going on. Even more exaggerated is that he did not say a time, that is, the deadline, for example, must go to the observatory before a few points, or else directly cancel the qualifications, so that is normal is not it. If you don't limit the time of entry, that is, you can't go in now?

Li Huailin thought about it, it should not be like this. When I announced the task before, I said that there is only one final choice, which means that this trial will be eliminated in any case. Not specifying time does not mean that there is no time limit, but if someone is faster than you, then the other party can directly obtain the identity of the person.

Li Huailin said that his own guess was next to the summoned Jade Emperor and Tian Tian. The two of them thought that they were similar to Li Huailin. Although the voice did not ask them to hurry in, they should actually enter the pyramid as soon as possible. .

Originally, Li Huailin was looking for someone to find himself. After all, how good people are, but now he hears this voice and he thinks he should first enter the pyramid to avoid any accidents. And those of your own, if you can still live, you should be able to hear the sound, which means that the other party should also think of concentrated in the pyramid. Of course, Li Huailin also let An Ran help me a lot, that is, let him go to find his own men, anyway, Enron is now eliminated, do not have to participate in trials, let her find someone, anyway, see Li Huailin's men Just tell them to go to the pyramid to gather.

"Will those people stay at the door of the pyramid?" The summoned Jade Emperor suddenly said that those who are referring are of course the former Excalibur holders they have to face. Li Huailin thought for a moment and thought it was possible. For example, letting the gods go in, and then they kept the door outside and they did not let Li Huailin enter. This is also a way. Although it has not been proved that these people and the gods are a group, Li Huailin feels that there must be a relationship between the two sides.

"Watching is also awkward." Li Huailin said, "Be careful to go and see the situation first."

Enron here went to find his men in accordance with Li Huailin’s instructions. At present, there are only Li Huailin, summoning Jade Emperor, and Tian Tian’s three people to form a team. Since the other two did not fly, Li Huailin could only walk with them. Fortunately, before, the area of ​​the island was not very large, and the pyramid was just in the middle of the island, and walked for a while. Li Huailin came to the side of the pyramid.

"I haven't found anyone yet." The three people's attention is in the air. After all, the people who just attacked them flew directly. At present, Li Huailin has not been attacked yet, but the situation before it is also the attack distance of the other party. Very far away, it’s not surprising that anything happens at any time. The closer the three people are to the pyramid, the more likely they are to be attacked. Of course, pay attention.

At this time, the aura of summoning the Jade Emperor has already been opened, of course, but the problem is that now that the other side may have some strength of the Excalibur, and what kind of Excalibur exists, so the other side has the ability to directly ignore the aura of death. Not surprisingly, after all, Li Huailin himself can rely on the magical ability of the Excalibur to directly ignore the aura, but the rule of eternal life skills do not know whether it can be broken, Li Huailin thinks it is unlikely, but in the event of this happening, Li Huailin did not think that he could not understand. After all, there are powers of Excalibur on both sides. It is not high or low.

However, I waited until Li Huailin walked to the edge of the pyramid. They still did not suffer any attacks, and they did not encounter any strange things. Everything was calm. Of course, the more this kind of calm situation, the more strange it seems.

"Isn't the vision here is not very good, the other party did not find our position?" Summon the Jade Emperor asked, yes, they really shuttled to the side of the pyramid in the woods. Under normal circumstances, even if the other side has a higher view They may not be able to find Li Huailin.

"Don't tease, people can break the island with a sword." Li Huailin said. Yes, the other side can directly change the terrain of the whole island before a sword, so it is really impossible to find Li Huailin’s words because of the vision problem. The other side will just kill a few swords and destroy all the surrounding trees. But now the trees around are all around. In that, it means that the other party should feel that they can find Li Huailin, and they don’t need to waste energy to cut trees.

"Then why don't they come?" summoned the Jade Emperor's spreader.

"Who knows, maybe we have already stared at us, and now we are waiting for the opportunity." Li Huailin spread his hand. "It doesn't matter, don't worry about them, the other party will appear. If it doesn't appear, then we still have to wait, still want to The way to go in. The question now is how this pyramid should go in. I remember that there is no door to this thing."

Yes, this pyramid has no entrance. This Li Huailin has already studied before. The whole pyramid is a smooth triangular pyramidal metal. There is no place that looks like it can go in. Otherwise, Li Huailin has already gone in to see it. Look at the situation. But before the voice of the sky has already been said, the gate of the observatory has been opened, which means that it may have opened a door now, but Li Huailin does not know where the gate is.

"You can only take a look around this thing." Li Huailin said, "Is maybe the other party is waiting for us at the gate. If there is only one entrance, the other party will block the door, and there is no need to look around." We, aren't we?"

Li Huailin said as he subconsciously looked behind him. He put forward his own opinions here. Of course, he also wants to summon the consent of the Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Party. Especially on the other side of the heavens, the relationship between the two is not so good, but it is still the state of cooperation. Li Huailin is also loaded. More respect for each other's opinions. So when he finished speaking, he looked down on the side of each other, that is, giving him a feeling that I respect you very much.

However, Li Huailin did not receive any response. It was a turn. Li Huailin found that the parties standing behind him did not know when they were not there. Immediately looked around, Li Huailin suddenly found that the person standing next to him was only calling the Jade Emperor alone.

The summoned Jade Emperor here also found this situation, and also looked around.

"What about each side of the sky?" Li Huailin asked strangely.

"I don't know, I just didn't know if I didn't know when I was gone." Summon Jade Emperor did not notice when the parties were not there at the time. It felt like a momentary thing.

"What's the situation?" Li Huailin is also a look of sorrow. After all, every day has not completely cleaned up his suspicions. Although the two sides of the discussion have been discussed as a speculation that can be said, it is entirely possible to attack. Their people are all the other side of the world. Li Huailin and the various parties in the sky also have some intentions to monitor each other. As a result, suddenly this guy is gone, and of course it is very strange.

"Contact." Li Huailin immediately said.

Of course, the contact is to directly ask the other party by remote call, but the summoned Jade Emperor here immediately said: "No, it shows that the other party can't contact on the special map."

"Well?" Li Huailin also tried it immediately, and it really showed the same situation. Of course, this situation has not happened. Li Huailin has also encountered things that cannot be contacted by entering a special map. However, since it is displayed on a special map, it may be that each party does not suddenly leave, because it is most obvious at present. The special map, that is the pyramid next to it.

"That is to say, each side of the sky has gone in?" Li Huailin said, "How come in?"

"Well..." The caller Jade Emperor here doesn't know much. "I just didn't pay attention to it. Maybe the guy just studied it, and then opened the door inexplicably and was sent in."

"Is it?" Li Huailin also walked to the side of the pyramid and said, "I remember seeing him last time at this position, then here..."

Li Huailin said as he touched the wall of the pyramid. As a result, he still hadn't finished talking. Suddenly, Li Huailin felt the black light flashing around, and then suddenly he felt a weightless feeling. This feels that Li Huailin is a little familiar, just like the transfer.

When Li Huailin felt that he was standing on the ground again, Li Huailin found himself in a darker room, surrounded by a very dark, almost invisible.

"Is it coming in?" Li Huailin took a look, but before he could react, the sudden flash of light flashed in front of him, and a colorful ball of light appeared in front of him.

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