All Things Wrong

Chapter 2812: Talent

"It turned out to be like this." Li Huailin probably understands that his current situation should have already entered the observatory, so it is not necessary to find the door with such trouble in entering the observatory, and it is enough to touch the façade of the pyramid. It is estimated that each party has just touched it casually and then it has been sent in. After coming in, it is impossible to contact with the outside, so the opportunity for explanation has not disappeared.

Li Huailin tried it, and sure enough, he can't communicate with others now. There is no way, but it is estimated that the summoned Jade Emperor will enter immediately. Of course, Li Huailin probably understands why the gangs are not stopping them at this time, because the conditions for entering are really a bit simple, so it is estimated that they are not used, and the other party is not necessarily afraid of themselves, but they must stop themselves from touching the pyramid. The surface is still difficult, so it is better to start coming in and try it out.

Understand this point, Li Huailin also looked around. Because there was a colorful light in front of him, Li Huailin saw a little bit about the situation in his place. First of all, you should be in a closed room, the room is not very big, and there is nothing inside. The surrounding walls are all black metal. Li Huailin looked at it a little and found that there was nothing to export, so it was obvious that the only thing that could move was the colorful light group.

Seeing the light of this color, Li Huailin first thought of the colorful light in the sky, so it is obvious that this thing is similar to that of the situation. Is it estimated to tell the rules of the game? It seems that the rules are not published outside, and they will not be announced until they are inside.

Actually, there was nothing else to do. Li Huailin walked directly toward the light. I originally wanted to touch this thing directly to see what happened. The result was not met yet. This thing suddenly gave a strong light. All of a sudden, Li Huailin surrounded the whole person. When Li Huailin opened his eyes again, he found that the entire room seemed to be white, and the ball of light in front of him was obviously activated. It is now flashing.

"Participant, do you want to be a choice?" The light ball suddenly said, the voice is still a voice that is less toned, but what surprised Li Huailin is that the other party said this is actually a problem. Yes, the voice of heaven that Li Huailin heard so far has always been self-talking. Simply speaking, it is a bulletin board. There is no communication function. Now it is obviously different. The other party asked a question, it seems that I was waiting for my own feelings. This shows that the other person can communicate. This of course makes Li Huailin surprised.

"Who are you? The console of this game? System God?" Li Huailin asked directly.

"Participant, do you want to be a choice?" The result of the light ball here once again said his own question, and did not answer the question of Li Huailin's question. Li Huailin squatted a little, and did not know if this was the question that the other party avoided or was designed. After thinking about it, Li Huailin nodded and said, "Of course I think, or else come here?"

"Why do you want to be a choice?" asked the ball of light here.

Sure enough, it can be exchanged, but it seems to be a fixed answer to trigger the next question, a bit like the lower level of ai settings, but Li Huailin does not believe that the system **** only has this level of ai level, so Or is it that the other person is stupid, or that the thing in front of me is only part of the procedure responsible for the trial, not the body of the great god.

"Why do you want to be a choice?" Li Huailin nodded. "Say it out, you may not believe it, become a choice, but my dream of being a child!"

Of course, Li Huailin is talking nonsense. Not long ago, he only knew that there was something like choosing someone. The dream of being a child is a slap in the face. Just casually, Li Huailin just wants to hear the opposite reaction, but the opposite is obvious and there is no fluctuation.

"The choice of people as representatives of this world must have unparalleled ability." The light group here continues, "What do you think is your most outstanding ability as a necessary talent for choosing people? a. Leadership, b. Force, intelligence, d. charm, e. strong luck."

"Ha?" Li Huailin squatted a little, and did not expect the other party to ask such a strange question. After thinking about it, Li Huailin also said with a wave. "I don't think it is good. I think I am very hoisted. It is simply invincible."

"What do you think is your outstanding ability?" The light group here asked again. It seems that Li Huailin did not say the key words, so he repeated the question again.

It seems that I have to choose one. Li Huailin thinks a little. Of course, I don’t think about what it is, but why this guy has to ask himself this question. Li Huailin does not believe that this question is of no purpose. It is to ask questions casually. What Li Huailin is more willing to believe is that this question should be a question related to the next trial.

So what is the relationship? According to Li Huailin’s speculation, this question may affect the subsequent trial content, so he will not announce the rules of the competition from the beginning, but will ask for a little after the inquiry and then decide the direction of the trial, and then try the content. . So now this topic should be a topic of choice of direction, but what Li Huailin doesn't know is that it will choose the trial question according to the option provided by himself, or extract one from the options that he has not chosen.

Yes, this question is actually very strange. Li Huailin paid attention to every sentence of this thing. First of all, he said, "From the following as a necessary talent to choose", the focus is on the necessary two words, simply saying that he The meaning is that these abilities must be chosen by the people. Indeed, Li Huailin also feels that these abilities are very important. That is to say, this trial should not be taken alone. It is very likely that he will not be in you. I am good at the field, so Li Huailin chooses a partner that he is good at.

Of course, it is also possible to think more about yourself. If you choose to be smart, you are not good at it, and then the other party will test this. What should I do? That's awkward. Because he did not know the purpose of the other party, Li Huailin had a question of choice. After thinking about it, Li Huailin also replied: "a. Leadership."

Yes, Li Huailin actually thinks that what he is best at is the charm, because he is too handsome and too windy, is this person's charm simply bursting? The second option is intelligence. Although the system shows that its intelligence is negative, does Li Huailin never admit that he is mentally retarded? As for the force... Li Huailin is not very concerned, although he is now a rmb warrior, but this is not important at all. The least good thing is, of course, luck. Li Huailin said that he seems to have always been a savior. The **** dog association has no connection with himself.

In summary, Li Huailin chose the one in the middle. You love to take the test, but you can't take it. It is a reasonable choice.

"So what are the sorts of these qualities that you are good at and not good at?" The light group here asked again.

"Ha?" Li Huailin lifted the amount, but did not expect to have this question, that is to say, order these capabilities. In fact, Li Huailin actually has an answer. Of course, it is the sort of charm, intelligence, leadership, force, and strong luck. However, in answer to this light group, Li Huailin certainly cannot answer this simple.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin arranged a little. First of all, he just answered the leadership, so the first one is of course leadership. After that, it was natural charm and intelligence, and then it should have been exhausted, but Li Huailin thought about it. He was afraid that the other party would directly pick the one that he was least good at, so he changed the strong and the force.

In the end, Li Huailin’s answer is that leadership, charisma, intelligence, strength, and force are very different from the answers in his own heart, but they are still submitted.

"It turns out that." The light group here paused for a while, then said, "As a choice, the first thing you need is a correct understanding of yourself."

"Ha?" Li Huailin is a glimpse of the whole person. I didn't expect the other person to come to this move. Can this tnd play?

"So let's see if your understanding of the self is correct. Your trial is ready. Go ahead now." The light group here finished, and suddenly the white light in the whole room suddenly disappeared. It disappeared, and the darkness was restored again. However, the colorful light in front of Li Huailin directly emitted a light that illumined the wall next to it, and the illuminated wall suddenly opened a passage, obviously This is where Li Huailin is going.

"Amount..." Li Huailin had a little headache. Listening to what this Guanguan said should be a good aspect of the test. I knew that it was good at the test. I chose the charm directly. Now it seems to rely on leadership. content? However, it is still good that Li Huailin is not very imaginary. As long as it is not a matter of luck, Li Huailin said that he can still play.

While thinking about it, Li Huailin walked toward the front channel. After all, it is now the way to go. A little forward, I walked for a while, Li Huailin saw a white light flashing in front, and then the next second, Li Huailin appeared in a white room. Just coming in, Li Huailin saw that there was already someone in the room, and it seemed to be waiting for him.

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