All Things Wrong

Chapter 2813: Command confrontation

"Is there someone?" Li Huailin saw that the figure was slightly stunned, but I thought about it and understood what was going on. Yes, this world task has to be eliminated from the beginning, so even if it is tested, it will not be tested by a single person. It is estimated that this one-to-one competition test is conducted, and the person in front of him is estimated to be his opponent. It is.

So who is your opponent? Li Huailin knew the other party's first moment. This is a man wearing black heavy armor. The armor of the other is very gorgeous. The shoulders are engraved with fearful embarrassment and the body is covered with purple patterns. Although wearing a heavy armor, but the other side did not wear a helmet, but wearing a black thing on the head is a bit like a crown, Li Huailin can of course directly see the other's face, and the appearance of the other is also very obvious, because At the first sight, Li Huailin saw that the other party was an undead.

Some dry faces, black hollow eyes, each other looks a bit like a dry corpse, but the other side's momentum is amazing, just sitting there gives a special pressure. Li Huailin has some experience with this kind of pressure, which can be said to be a kind of king's pressure. Of course, it is the name of the other person who is more able to determine the identity of the other party. This is written by "Hops". Li Huailin also knows a person named Hopps.

"The undead emperor Hopes?" Li Huailin asked directly.

The other person’s eyes flashed black, and the person was still sitting there, but his eyes turned to Li Huailin here. I looked at Li Huailin a little and then made a very hoarse voice: "You are Li Huailin? It seems that I have won the grand prize."

The name of the other party made Li Huailin a little surprised because he called Li Huailin’s name instead of the name of the game. The other party is of course an npc. The name on this head can explain the problem. Of course, npc will not necessarily call Li Huailin's game name. You let someone else call Li Huailin will call you Li Huailin, but you must know the name. Where did Hopps know the real name of Li Huailin? Li Huailin thought of a person for the first time, that is, the king of gods.

The king of God called Li Huailin's real name. The other party knew his name, and Li Huailin had guessed that the former holders of these swords had contact with the gods. Now it seems that this is proof of this.

"The king of God called you?" Li Huailin continued to ask, of course, the main reason is to inquire about the news.

Hopps did not directly answer the question of Li Huailin’s question. Instead, he slowly stood up from the ground and then twisted his neck slightly: “Less nonsense, I know that you are very curious about God’s king, defeat me. I can tell you something."

The other party immediately understood the meaning of Li Huailin. It seems that the IQ is not weak. Think about it. After all, the former emperor of the undead, and then the ups and downs on the mainland, can not do this. Of course, the other party said that if he defeated him, he would tell him something about the king of God. This is of course a good thing, and it is indeed a nonsense of the province.

Looking at the situation a little, Li Huailin found that the room was not very big. As a venue for combat, it was a bit small, but it was not said that it could not be played. It’s just that the surrounding light is not very good, this is still annoying.

The venue is second to none, and Li Huailin is not quite sure about the strength of this guy. According to the previous speculation, the other party also obtained some of the power of the Excalibur. This Excalibur of course refers to the glory. If the strength of the Excalibur acquired by the other party is the same as that of its own Excalibur, you must be careful. The effect of the halo on himself is not very large, but the rule of zeroing can still kill himself in ten seconds.

Of course, these already known abilities Li Huailin is not really worried. After all, they all know the specific content of the skills. It is still very simple to prevent. But the most troublesome part is that if the other person has the ability of the sword that he does not know, then it is a headache.

Of course, in other respects, Li Huailin’s Excalibur has limited effect on this guy. The other party is originally a user of the Excalibur, so the ability of the Excalibur must also know that Li Huailin does not believe that the other party will stand in the judgment of his own law of ruin and let himself die, plus the aura of death to the undead. There is no actual effect, but it is better to use the root cause, but Li Huailin does not know that this thing on the head of the other side is a bit like a crown...

The ability of the magic law is that the other party can directly kill the other person when wearing cloth or wearing equipment. Now Hops is full of heavy armor, the only thing is wearing a crown-like thing on his head. Li Huailin does not know this. The crown is a decoration or equipment, can you directly die, really Li Huailin does not want to directly kill the other party, after all, the other party just said that he defeated him and told Li Huailin some gods, Li Huailin really wants to know. .

Just as Li Huailin was still struggling with this, the opposite Hops suddenly started. Yes, the other party started so suddenly, there is no prelude at all. When Li Huailin reacted, the other party had disappeared.

A loud bang of Li Bing, Li Huailin squatted a little, because Hops in front of him directly hit a wall. Yes, at this time, the two talents found that they had a transparent air wall-like thing, and Hopps’ attack on the air wall completely did not cause any fluctuations. This air wall is of course not released by Li Huailin. Of course, it is obvious that Hops himself is not himself. If there is only one explanation, it is the provision of this trial.

"It seems that the battle has not yet begun." Opposite Hops certainly understands it. He touched the wall that he could not see before, and did not choose to try hard to break. It is not a question of whether it can be opened. It is unwise to waste your energy here now.

The "叮" moment, just after Hops’s words were finished, the whole room suddenly became brighter. This situation is similar to the situation of Li Huailin in the previous room. It seems that it should start.

Sure enough, the next second, a multicolored light group appeared in the middle of the room, and the sound also sounded: "The preparation has been completed, and now trials."

The light flashed, and the next second, Li Huailin saw a map-like thing in the room, just like a three-dimensional projection usually appeared in front of them. Li Huailin observed the map and found that the map should show an island. The map records the information of the entire island's geographical environment.

"Next, the goal of both of you is to compete for control of the island." The light group here said.

"Competing for the control of the island?" The two are a glimpse of the trial, the content of the trial is not directly to do, but to compete for an island.

The light group here also did not care about the surprise of the two and continued to manage themselves to begin to explain the rules. First of all, the island in front of them is divided into 32 areas, each of which has a similar center point, or core. This core is either a sentry post, or something like a slightly larger castle. In short, it is a defensive facility, and taking the core is to control this area.

And the way to control the core is also very simple, just let your soldiers reach the core position, and then ensure that there is no other soldier around the core, keep this situation for 5 minutes, this core is occupied by you.

The ultimate goal of the mission is to control more than half of the core, that is, more than 17 areas, for more than an hour, so that the final victory can be achieved.

Explain that Li Huailin probably understands this, so this is a war game similar to the sand table simulation. It is not directly related to the kind of cut. It is estimated that the assessment chosen by him is the relationship of leadership. In this case, the first direction of Hope's choice should also be leadership, so the system will directly separate the two.

To be honest, Li Huailin is really not too imaginary in the case of war simulation, but there are still many problems. The first problem is... The light group said that it depends on its own soldiers to occupy the area, but... Where are their soldiers? Is it with your own troops?

However, the soon light group answered the question of Li Huailin and talked about the soldiers: "At the beginning of the game, the two sides will receive soldiers, and these soldiers are those who have been killed by your men."

"Ha?" Li Huailin and Hopps are a glimpse. It is obvious that neither of them thought of this situation. According to the literal meaning, their soldiers are those who have been killed by their own subordinates, that is, those who have been killed by themselves in the war, let these people resurrect to become their own subordinates?

Because this system likes the wording, Li Huailin immediately thought about it. First of all, he said, it was someone who was killed by his own subordinates, not someone who was killed by himself, that is, he hacked himself. Of course, people do not count. Must be hacked to his own ministry. Li Huailin has a little headache. Because of this, this person is a bit more, because he is a person who is known as the Duke of Million. The person who hacked his own man is counted according to the number of millions, but the problem is that although the number is large, But most of them seem to be civilians.

Yes, before Li Huailin tried to smother the number of people, Li Huailin let his own handy massacre, resulting in the fact that most of the civilians in the city were all cleaned up by Li Huailin. According to this system, these gangs of civilians will have to be resurrected to become their own soldiers. This gang of civilians... Li Huailin said that there is no use at all. Apart from adding chaos to himself, there is no fighting power at all.

Of course, when I wanted to be myself, Li Huailin also looked subconsciously to Hopes. Yes, according to Li Huailin’s understanding, the opposite Hopps also hacked many people. The undead people declared war directly with the whole continent. The undead people invaded and invaded all the way, so the other’s There are also a lot of people estimated, and there may be a large number of civilians. In this case, the situation of the other party should be similar to that of oneself.

To be honest, this system is really a little insidious. The soldiers he picked were those who had been slaughtered by them. Can the other person see the people who killed you, can he work for him with peace of mind? So the first step in this trial is to conquer the people who have resentment against them. If you think about it, this trial is really a trial of leadership, not just leadership, personal charisma and intelligence. There are also tests, but they are really the ones that they have chosen to be more advanced. So what is the opposite of Hops?

However, I thought of it here, Li Huailin smiled a little, and said that he had a good feeling. Li Huailin said that he really didn’t know who he was, even though he said that his men are people who have been killed and resentful, but they want to convince them. Li Huai-lin is not very empty for what they use for themselves. However, the problem is that Li Huailin feels that the opposite is not very imaginary, because the opposite Hops also has a more disgusting way that Li Huailin can think of to deal with this matter.

The undead army, the other party, but the person who owns some of the power of the sword, Li Huailin feels that if the other party will use the skills of the undead army, then it is not a problem to brush the sensitivity, just hack their own hands directly, then put them Transformed into undead soldiers, the opponent's initial goodwill will be reset. The soldiers of the undead, Li Huailin dealt with the troubles of the other, the other party is not afraid of the aura, and Hopes may have a way to enhance the undead, which is a headache.

Of course, Li Huailin can do this himself, but the problem is that he has turned his own troops into undead troops. In fact, he does not have any advantage. The result is thinking about it, the next sentence of the light group here makes the two people look at it again.

"The command of the two sides may not participate in direct attacks, directly killing a unit, then directly sentenced." The light group here said.

"Ha?" Opposite Opposite seems to think of the same plan as Li Huailin. As a result, the system has come directly to this sentence. Can the command not directly participate in the war? In this case, you can only kill your own enemy, and kill a unit directly? Doesn't that mean that I can't directly work on my own hands? This makes both of them have a headache.

When I was thinking about what to do, the light group here spoke again: "There is no limit on the time of the game until the winner is decided, and the loser will die."

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