All Things Wrong

Chapter 2818: Assignments

Taking advantage of these people's ignorance of the world, Li Huailin succeeded in smashing these holy levels, and the well-informed holy level was stunned, and others would not even have to say. It seems to them that they are dead and resurrected, and they have been drawn to such a place that is obviously not their original world. The simple warfare is just the level that is completely incomprehensible. Fighting, now these people have been shocked, and most people really believe in Li Huailin’s ghosts.

Of course, although most people believe it, there are still some people who do not believe it. However, this group of people who don’t believe it does not even come out to question, because they feel that Li Huailin doesn’t seem to be true, but they don’t know what it’s like. What’s going on now. Obviously beyond the scope they can imagine, it is impossible to guess the truth by guessing, so they can only take one step at a time.

Therefore, in the case that most people believe that a small number of people have not directly questioned, in the end everyone decided to start with Li Huailin. Of course, if you need to fight, then you need to command, who will command? Isn't this just a few holy levels to stand up?

Yes, most of the people are convinced when they are commanding a few holy levels. After all, most of them are civilians, and for civilians, the holy level is already the limit, in their eyes God's general existence, of course, listening to them is not very normal.

Of course, the actual situation is that several holy levels simply do not know how to command, because they are all acting alone. The reality is that the holy level cannot participate in large-scale wars, otherwise other holy levels will interfere, so They don't really have any commanding experience, but it doesn't matter because there are people who know the command among them.

Under the order of the Holy Order, the venue quickly began to clear. Ordinary civilians were ordered to start moving to the outside, and the rest, they were soldiers. Yes, the people who were killed by Li Huailin’s men were basically the troops. In the first place, there was the Silver Wind Guard of the Elf, and all the other ones were in addition to their leader. Then there are several legions of the Mozu, several legions of the Orcs, several legions of the Dwarfs, the rebel forces of the Terran, etc. They are all troops that were previously destroyed by Li Huailin. It was only because the scenes were chaotic that they didn't come together. Now, under the command of several holy levels, they quickly found their own troops. It was originally a unit, and now they are back in their own ranks. Even the compilation does not need to be changed, it is of course very convenient to assemble.

The speed of integration was very fast. It didn't take long for these troops to be assembled. Basically, they were divided into several units according to race. Of course, the command of each ethnic group was quickly selected. The commanders of these ethnic groups are basically the commanders of the army that had been killed by Li Huailin, such as the Gordon of the Mozu, and other generals. They are not only highly prestigious, but also understand the command, and soon Determine the location of the command.

So the team of a commanding group was formed very quickly. The holy level is the nominal commander, and these generals are very suitable as the actual command. With such a configuration, it is basically a bit of combat power.

After the team was assigned, the task was also scheduled to begin here. The first is a large number of civilians, whose task is... no trouble. Yes, all the commanders know that in this kind of battle, the role that civilians can basically play is negative. They can't be what fighting power. If they really fight, they can guarantee that they don't add chaos. After the discussion, they decided to let some of the stronger civilians become militia. Of course, they were not used for offense. They just let them manage the remaining civilians. They don’t want to mess around and add chaos.

Of course, they are also acceptable to these civilians. Yes, they didn't even think about participating in this battle. The war is really terrible. Although their score is now minus 100 points, Li Huailin doesn't say it, as long as they live to the end, they can get it. A score of 1000 points, then as long as you live, there will be no problem. They didn't even think about grabbing points. It was good to be alive, so most people accepted this arrangement after telling them.

Of course, there are also many civilians, especially the younger civilians who are stronger. They originally meant to join the army, so this time they intend to join the army directly. These people’s troops have basically been accepted. Although they can’t be combat strength, they can still be used as a reserve army or a logistics force. There is nothing wrong with moving things, so some of the vacancies in the army are directly filled.

Other civilians are basically arranged in safe places, mainly in the base camp and in several core positions around the base camp. They are hiding in the stronghold and are basically unlikely to participate in the battle.

On the side of the troops, their task is to be responsible for the attack. Yes, they are not satisfied just to get a basic score, Li Huailin does not say, points can be exchanged for everything they want, of course, everyone wants to try. You can get 5 points for killing an enemy and 50 points for a base. These scores are of course going to be grabbed.

Of course, these teams are also contradictory. For example, there are contradictions between the Terran and the Mozu troops. There are also contradictions between the Orcs and the Elves. There are also contradictions between the Terran and the Dwarfs. The Dwarfs are basically wars with the Terran. In the midst of death, these contradictions may have erupted, but now there are people of the holy level in this town, so they can't fight. The final result of the consultation is that they are divided into six teams to attack each other, to divide the six positions to occupy the various positions, and then to gather in the middle of the Great Plains. As a result, the possibility of fighting in the march is not great.

That is the last few holy levels. What are they doing? If they marched, they couldn’t help, and then they occupied the stronghold. They also felt that they didn’t want to do it. You ask why, because the number of points is too small, 50 points for occupying a stronghold, 50 points for others, but they think that killing a person has 5 points, killing 10 people has 50 points. And it takes 5 minutes to occupy a stronghold. Can you kill 10 people in 5 minutes?

Yes, they feel that they seem to have discovered the loopholes in the game rules set by Li Huailin. Because Li Huailin’s rules, killing everyone gets the same score, which is 5 points. A sacred value of 5 points, and a civilian can also be worth 5 points, then which one is worthwhile.

According to Li Huailin's previous statement, the configuration of the opposing teams is similar to that of them. That is to say, there should be a large number of civilians on the opposite side. If this is the case, these civilians are not all moving scores. Do you not take them yourself?

Yes, this sacred level has been discussed a bit, and decided to go directly to the opposite civilians. It is best to let the other party not respond and directly put a few big tricks into the crowd of others, which can help them brush. The score, then can hinder the deployment of the other side, killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, the proposal of the holy class, the command of several units feels very good, although it seems that the holy level will take away a lot of points, but the problem is that they are the holy level, they take the big head score, this distribution They feel that there is no problem, and that there is a holy level responsible for harassing the enemy's rear, their pressure will not be great, so in this way, everyone feels acceptable.

So the tactical allocation is over very quickly, and it begins to execute. The civilians began to move under the command of several people left by the troops and some temporary militia, and the order was relatively orderly. On the other side of the army, they began to march to the front of the base, and several holy levels also began to act directly, flying in the direction of the other's base camp.

The speed of integration of Li Huailin’s troops is really very fast, and what is the situation at the opposite of Hopes at this time? This matter may have to ask Li Huailin, because Li Huailin now appears directly on the other side of the base camp.

Yes, the skill that Li Huailin uses is the transfer skill. When I saw Hopes in the room before, although it was said that the two sides could not directly attack, but Li Huailin habitually placed a mark on the other side, he found that the mark can be.

After the official start of the game, Li Huailin first arranged the situation on his own side, helped them plan the outline, and then Li Huailin directly sent to Hopes. Yes, Li Huailin does not want a specific commander at all. This group of people is not their own direct staff. If they directly do their command, it is too much trouble, and it is easy to have various problems. The way Li Huailin chose was to give them a scent of the scent that they could see and let them grab. Li Huailin also considered that the people he killed were all self-made troops, so they did not have any problems in commanding themselves. They designed a direction for them to let them get their own.

What I want to do next, of course, is to hinder the opponent. I am not directly commanding myself, so the subtle operation can't be done, then I will mess up the opposite side. The ordinary commander will be able to guarantee his victory in the chaos of the previous regiment.

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