All Things Wrong

Chapter 2819: Show up

When the white light flashed, Li Huailin was shocked by the scene when he just landed, because the situation on the spot was a bit too confusing. No, this situation can no longer be described by chaos. Is it really already played?

Li Huailin’s current position is directly in the middle of the crowd. Li Huailin, who is next to the position, saw that several soldiers had already been together. He looked a little and saw Li Huailin’s discovery that he was a Terran soldier and the other was a Mozu soldier. The Terran and the Mozu have a feud, and it is very normal to fight on both sides, but... is nobody in charge?

Of course, Li Huailin quickly figured out what was going on. This is not really unintentional. If it is like Li Huailin, if all the troops have completed the whole team, the minimum order is there. If there is a conflict, someone will come to mediate, but the problem is that it is obviously not completed by the whole team. In the case of a lot of people standing in confusion, once the conflict has arisen, how can we manage it? .

But nobody else, does Hopes care? Li Huailin turned his head and looked at it. Then he found Hopes not far away. However, this guy not only has no meaning, but he still hides his figure. When Li Huailin saw the other party, the place was actually wearing a cloak standing in the middle of the crowd. Li Huailin also saw the name on the other side to determine the identity of the other party, and looked at the soldiers who had been beaten there. Actually, I was watching the movie.

Obviously, Hops did not notice that Li Huailin suddenly appeared on his side, because Li Huailin’s transmission was randomly appearing around the target. This position was not fixed, and Li Huailin appeared in Hope this time. The position behind Stoudemire is obviously obvious if there are no people around Hopps, but Hopps is now standing in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by people, then confused, and Hope’s attention seems to be again In the first few people fighting, Li Hualin’s flashing out of the other side did not seem to be found.

"This guy won't really think about his own opinion." Li Huailin suddenly thought of the situation of the other party. Yes, in fact, Li Huailin has always been wondering what Hops will do when he faces this trial. This is actually very troublesome. These temporary men are those who have been killed by Hopes. Li Huailin now looks at it and finds that the people he can see now are basically the same as his own. They are all human, demonic, and elf orcs. Guys, they should all be the ones who died during the 100-year war against the invasion of the undead. Hopes’s identity is also very embarrassing. If he shows up directly, this group of people is estimated to be directly involved.

Yes, Hops and the gang are sure to know. Since they all have memories of their lives, most of them should feel that they are still uniting to deal with the undead, and Hopes is the undead. As soon as the leader appeared, do you think they might believe what the guy said?

So in the face of this situation, whether Hops is directly showing up in the scene, and then accepting this group of people, or else can only find another way, and now it is obvious that Hops feels that he can't live with them. After all, there is still a limit to the task now that he can't kill people directly, which is really too pit for Hops.

So after thinking for a while, Hopps thought that the plan that Li Huailin said could really be considered. Yes, compared with Li Huailin, Hopps also has a limitation, that is, the other person is originally a dead soul. He is not the same as Li Huailin. He has some sense of racial superiority. In his view, the undead is the greatest race, and the people he trusts are only the troops of the undead, such as the Terran, the Mozu and the like. People, he didn't believe them. Even if these people were really conquered by him, Hopps felt uncomfortable. In his opinion, the army that led the undead was swept the most powerful.

In that case, Hopps’s thoughts really turned to Li Huailin’s direct resurrection of the undead, and then swept the map to win. However, he also understands that Li Huailin’s words must be pitted. If you are an opponent, how can you believe it? So Hopes also thought about what pits Li Huailin had buried.

First of all, he immediately wanted to understand the problem of the aura. In this game, he couldn’t just open the halo, and the person who was on the opposite side was directly sentenced, which of course could not be opened casually. However, in addition to this problem, Hopps couldn't think of other pits. Yes, it seems that he can't open the aura, and it is invincible to directly assemble a unit of the undead, sweeping the entire map. Moreover, the resurrected undead troops will listen to their own orders. Compared with the people who are not the ones themselves, Hopps thinks that he is still more reliable.

Of course, another problem is how to turn these guys into their own undead army. Now the people here are almost beautiful. The troops of the undead are so sporadic that they were executed by Hopes. A traitor to the undead, he could not afford to pull the troops. But just when he wants to do it again, the people below have already fought themselves.

There is a contradiction between the various ethnic groups. Now everyone is inexplicably resurrected here, and no one tells them what is going on. In fact, everyone’s heart is very confused. In this case, once the contradiction occurs, it is easy to There is confusion. So Hops did not do it, and the people here were playing on their own. This is of course very good. Hopps felt that he didn’t have to be guilty until he helped himself to fight himself. When he played some bodies, he Pulling a wave directly, and then relying on the undead to pull down the other people, and soon you will have a dead army, and there is no problem in sweeping the battlefield.

Yes, he didn’t even think that Li Huailin could handle it so quickly. In his opinion, Li Huailin’s situation should be the same as his own. Although he did not know what the other party used, he would pull the undead army like himself. Or just jump out and convince these people, it all takes time. Even if I really persuaded the people, compiled the troops, and arranged the tactics, it would take time. The time required is really long. According to Hopps’ calculation, if I pull up the troops here, I might spend The time is long, but waiting for the formation of the undead army, it is more time-saving to compile and arrange tactics, because he is the leader, everyone listens to his arrangement, of course, does not need any discussion, just order it. Li Huailin is at most the same plan as him. If he chooses not to pull the undead troops, the other party should be slower than himself.

Of course, he couldn’t think of Li Huai-lin’s preparation of troops and arranging tactics. He didn’t plan to do anything. He let them solve them themselves. The crazy Fawning Li Huailin ran to the side for the first time. This is really unexpected. Therefore, Hopps did not pay attention to Li Huailin's transmission to his side, he did not have this idea in his mind.

At this time, Hops did not intend to officially appear, because the body on the ground is not too much, he is ready to wait for the grace here to play for a while, then directly appear strong, pull up a ticket to the undead army, live in town The whole scene, the rest of the things are easier to handle.

"It's a pity." Li Huailin probably understood Hops's thoughts and sighed. In Hops's view, this commanding matchup has to wait until both sides have pulled up their own troops, and then they will be on the battlefield. This is really too big mistake, in Li Huailin’s view, At the beginning of the game, this matchup has already begun. Hopes didn't want to understand this. Even if the commanding ability of the battlefield is strong, it will be defeated here.

Of course, Li Huailin will not give the other party a reaction time. He is ill and wants his life. Li Huailin saw this situation and pushed the crowd away.

"All stopped!" Li Huailin directly accelerated, directly rushed into the middle of several soldiers fighting, while the skills of the body's power shield opened, a burst of light. The soldiers on both sides had heard the sounds, but they did not stop and continued to slash toward each other, but the "squeaky" slammed directly into Li Huailin who appeared among them.

Of course, the attack of these soldiers is impossible to cut through Li Huailin’s divine shield. The holy level can’t be broken, let alone them. This shot, Li Huailin lived on both sides.

"Hold it all!" Li Huailin screamed again. This time, he used the power of the power of the gods. In a flash, everyone was shocked by Li Huailin. In their opinion, Li Huailin must be a very powerful magician. The magic shield can be easily Blocking their attacks, the sound of magic is also very skilled.

Of course, everyone does not know Li Huailin. After all, they are the ones who died in the Hundred Years' War. How can they know Li Huailin’s 100-year-old person? The only person in the crowd who knows Li Huailin is naturally Hopes, but this time Hopps was shocked. How could Li Huailin appear here... Shouldn't this guy integrate his troops?

At this time, Li Huailin has certainly attracted everyone's attention. The scene was a little quieter. Everyone stopped the confusion and temporarily turned their attention to this side.

"Everyone should be like me, accepting the deity of the Protoss and working together to deal with the invasion of the undead." Li Huailin suddenly said.

"You are..." A human race officer next to him asked Li Huailin.

"I am the ‘Ye Jiu Shi 琉’ continent, the ‘Kend’s Jiu Shili’ empire’s emperor’s dog, I also received the decree, came to the mainland to support the invasion of the undead.” Li Huailin said with a wave.

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