All Things Wrong

Chapter 2823: Attack

The so-called holy level, said that the crane is very sling, said that the fragility is still very fragile, especially when the other side has the advantage of crushing you, the holy invincible aura is broken, they will become particularly vulnerable . Li Huailin is of course the clearest thing about this matter. After all, he is doing the same, so if he doesn't care, the three "fragile" holy levels are really likely to be convinced by the opposite Hops, so he Will only speak out.

Of course, his current status can not teach the Holy Class, so Li Huailin will continue to pull the banner of the Protoss, of course, the role is still there. The strength that was shown by Hopes before several holy levels was shocked, but when they heard the name of the Protoss, they returned to God. Even in the eyes of the Holy Order, the Protoss is still God. They believe that the God of the Gods can do anything, so when they hear the voice of Li Huailin, they are a little more awake, and they also think of another answer.

Yes, why does Hopes not kill them? He must be fearful. What is fear, of course not them, but the gods behind them. Yes, it’s not true that the three of them are faint, but Hops is their enemy. This is for sure, so the enemy’s words are not believed, so they would rather believe in themselves. Imagine the answer.

But even so, they did not expect Hops to say such a thing, this guy actually said that the king of God and him are a group? Are you not funny? The people who launched the whole continent against the invasion of your undead are the Protoss. Do you say this is possible?

However, the strange place is here. Although this is a lie, it is why Hopps wants to say it. You said that his purpose is to lie to them, why not say something that at least sounds like a truth, and what does it mean to say that it is a lie?

Things are strange to a certain extent, but people feel curious. Yes, the three holy levels are also a little old people. Some of the darkness of the zheng rule is also known. Is there any hidden feelings like this invasion of the undead?

"What do you mean?" The Medela Actuary was spoken. The other two did not speak, but they did not start again. It seems that they decided to listen to Hope's explanation here. Of course, the main reason for this situation is not that they are curious, but... strength.

In the end, they still know that there is a gap between themselves and Hopes. It is true that they have protoss support, but the Protoss does not appear at present. Without the reinforcements, the three of them could not deal with Hopes, so whether it is delaying time or a little curious, in short, it is not wise to play directly. Listening to the other party’s statement is still relatively stable. s Choice.

Hopps smiled a little. It was good that the other party would calm down and listen to him. He always wanted to explain the current situation. I believe that if you make things clear, these three holy levels may be turned over to him. Here. In fact, he had long wanted to do this. The problem was that there was no chance before, because Li Huailin’s unrest has been forced to be tight, and now there is finally a chance.

Li Huailin is of course a little annoyed. If he has been playing this way, then the three holy levels can suppress Hops, because Hopps can't just counterattack, and the other party dares to find the opportunity to let him directly eliminate it. If the three holy levels know this, they can definitely get the goods with him. But the problem is that they don't know, and Li Huailin can't explain it to them, because their identity should not know the current situation.

The temporary suspension of the battle is the situation that Li Huailin does not want to see. If Hopes can explain it clearly, it is not impossible to convince several holy levels. After all, the war against the undead is indeed over, and now Hope. Sis should be really a group with the King of God. If this continues, the situation may be unfavorable to him.

"Be sure to stop it, but do it..." Li Huailin began to think of a solution, but he didn't wait for him to think about what to do. Suddenly, not far from his side, a huge explosion sounded.

Li Huailin was also shocked. When he looked up, he found that a huge fire was not far from the sky. When I saw this scene, Li Huailin thought of magic for the first time. Some people attacked them with fire magic, but who moved?

The sudden explosion was estimated to have been unimagined by everyone, and of course no one can react. When they found out, this giant fireball had fallen into the crowd, and the damage caused was very amazing. The place where the explosion occurred was in the crowd, and most of the people who were attacked were civilians. How could they defend against such a fireball? In a flash, a large group of people were evaporated by the high-temperature fireball, and the surrounding civilians were affected. Or it was burned by fire, or it was directly blown out by the impact of the explosion. There were countless wounded people in a flash.

"Who is it!" It is obvious that this sudden attack interrupted Hope's words. Several holy levels also looked at the direction of the fireball, and they quickly discovered the hands-on people, that is A few guys flying in the air.

"Holy?" Everyone is a glimpse. These people who fly in the air are certainly holy, but the question is who are they? They have never seen a few guys who are now in front of them. As a holy class, they have seen all the holy people, but they really don’t have any impressions. . This is of course also the case. After all, the people who come here are the holy level after a hundred years, and they can be blamed if they know.

Yes, other people don’t know, but Li Huailin has already recognized it. These guys are the holy level of their own. After all, Li Huailin just threatened them. Now it’s just another place to meet again. Li Huailin naturally Can recognize it. However, Li Huailin did not expect that the other party would appear here, how come they come back here?

Of course, it took a few seconds for Li Huailin to react. The purpose of the other party is to brush points. This is really something that I have done. I have to say that they have five points to kill a person. This group of people will come over. Brushed, this brain is moving very fast. Of course, the appearance of these holy levels has to be said to be a good thing. Originally, Li Huailin was still worried about how to let this side continue to mess up. As a result, the troubled people appeared, not very good.

"Who are you?" The sorcerer Jupiter here directly pointed to the several holy levels of this side. He was originally seen as a holy class and thought that the other party was to support them to help fight Hopes, but just The magic is obviously not released to Hopes, but released to the crowd below. This 珂芙伦剑圣 can still be understood, so the purpose of the other party is not Hopes, which is very strange. These guys are obviously not the undead, why should they attack the civilians below, is it Hopes? I thought that Hopps hadn’t just recruited them. Is there a holy rank to join Hopes’ camp?

"Four, it is almost the same as ours." And Li Huailin's several holy levels completely ignored the meaning of the 剑芙伦剑圣, they are now watching the number of enemies. A look at the current airborne people have four (including Hops), it also determines the other's configuration. Yes, for them, they are just the opponents of the infinite world who have arranged for them, and they don’t need to talk nonsense with them.

"The guys are really stupid, but they haven't started to move yet." At this point, it seems that the troops are still being sorted out. Several holy levels are very happy. They think that these people and they have received the same instructions, but only The movements are a little slower than them. It is really good. Now it’s so concentrated for the civilians, it’s too convenient to brush them.

"Be careful, separate actions." The five holy levels greeted each other and then immediately dispersed in several directions. While spreading, they launched an attack again, starting various kinds of civilians on the ground. Sword and magic bombing, the entire stronghold became a **** on earth, and screams.

"What?" They have been watching a few of them. What is the situation, why are these holy levels directly working, and the most important thing is why they should work on these civilians. As far as the holy level is concerned, these civilians are basically the existence of ants, is it necessary for them to do it? These sacred levels seem to be aimed at the gang of civilians. What is going on?

"Damn!" But Hopes here understands that this is estimated to be arranged by Li Huailin, but he did not expect this to happen. Yes and it is too fast, why Li Huailin can persuade these sacred priests to attack them. Seeing this way, Li Huailin seems to have completely conquered them. How is this possible? At first, Hops saw that Li Huailin appeared here and thought that the other party gave up and persuaded himself. He turned to him directly to his troubles. He thought about the mess after him, but now it seems This is not the case. It seems that Li Huailin has even convinced people on his side to come over. How did this happen? Li Huailin’s people should have been killed by Li Huailin’s men. They should also hate Li Huailin. Why did Li Huailin persuade them so quickly? What is the solution?

What Hopes can't figure out is how to do it, but I also think that the reason is not important, or I just have to find a way to deal with it. But he still didn't think of what to do, here the 珂芙伦剑圣 has already rushed out, "Stop!"

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