All Things Wrong

Chapter 2824: accident

The 剑 伦 剑 剑 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 属于 ? Although I don't know which side of the other side is the army, but they have said the past, but it is too much for the civilians below.

However, these holy levels obviously did not care about the meaning of the 珂芙伦剑圣, they are still in charge of their own attacks on other people, in the face of this situation, 珂芙伦剑圣 can not stand, so she acted.

"Stop!" shouting, while 珂芙伦剑圣 directly rushed toward one of the holy levels that had to be done. This behavior is actually very dangerous. After all, now you don't quite understand the strength of the other's holy level, at least next to the Medela Dharma and Saatchi Juggernaut, they have not acted. In their view, this group of civilians was attacked and managed by them. I don’t know why these holy ranks should be used against civilians. But taking the opportunity to observe the strength of the other party is not very good. Now, the 珂芙伦剑圣 suddenly rushes. Going up is a bit messing up their rhythm.

However, they all felt that the accident happened. At the beginning, they thought that the new sacred priests had special plans for attacking civilians. For example, they are tempting one of them to act like now. Then suddenly counterattack something, and the act of rushing up the sorcerer’s sword is indeed more dangerous. However, the other side faced this situation, the first choice was to avoid, the other party directly flashed the attack of the 珂芙伦剑圣, and then launched the attack on the crowd below.

Yes, they understand it. The purpose of the other party is indeed the following civilians. They really don’t know what it is because of it, but...what should be the plan, or why? Do it?

"Who are they in the end, is it helping Hops?" Seeing this situation, Medela couldn't help but say.

"Is it to make Hopes soldiers for the undead? But... it doesn't look like that." said Saatchi Juggernaut next to him.

Yes, a few new sacred priests at first. They suspected that they were relying on Hopes. The attack on civilians seemed to help Hopes to make undead soldiers. However, after seeing each other’s behavior, they thought it might not be like this. Because they are a bit too embarrassed to do it.

After all, they are the holy ranks that have fought with the undead before, and they still have some understanding of the situation of the undead. Although the undead can resurrect dead bodies, it is also a bit of a condition. At the very least, you must have a body to be resurrected. So if they come to help Hopes build the army of the undead, your attack should not be so violently bombed, killing these civilians and keeping the body as much as possible, which should be for those of the holy level. Not a difficult thing.

Now, their attacks are too violent, such as the previous fireball attack, which has evaporated the entire burning of the people below, even if Hopes can not resurrect the evaporated people. So from this point of view, this group of people seems to be not doing this.

Therefore, the purpose of the other party is really very strange. Why do you want to attack these civilians? Just because I can't understand the purpose, the two holy levels will not start at first. Now they still don’t understand each other’s purpose, but they have to do it, because the 剑 伦 剑 剑 剑 剑 这 这 这 这 这 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑Passive, so can only go up to cover.

However, when they met, they found that the other party did not seem to play with them, directly evading their attacks, and then took the time to attack the civilians below. In the face of such a situation, they... there is really no way for a moment.

Yes, the level of both sides is holy, and the strength is similar. If the other party is not arguing with you, he will not be able to grasp him. In terms of quantity, there are five people in the other side. There are three here, one person is staring at one and there are two people who are not in charge. How can this prevent them from doing things to the civilians? So after a fierce chase in the air, there is nothing wrong with the holy level, but the civilians here have died a lot.

"Bastard, what are you doing? Why do you want to do it to them, are you a holy class?" The sorcerer Jupiter here also found himself unable to stop the guys from killing civilians, stopping to point at One of them shouted. The purpose of course is to irritate the other party to let the other party face the battle with himself, but the problem is... these holy levels simply ignore their meaning.

Yes, there are 5 points for civilians and 5 points for holy level. If there is any good consideration, they have already set a strategy when they come. The purpose is to kill civilians. As for the other's holy level, they of course also considered it. They can hide and hide, and they can run away without hiding.

Yes, their consumption is actually quite big. After all, these large magic and sword skills are consumed. If they want to compete with these sacred priests, they will not waste their magic and vindictiveness. Skills, now that they have thrown, of course, it is impossible to do something with them again, or else it is not a pit.

"Drink!" The holy level here has no need to provoke the 珂 伦 伦 剑 剑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I smashed the past. Yes, the civilians below are already trying their best to avoid it, but there is really no place to run. I said that the location of this base camp is very dangerous. Like Li Huailin, the entire base camp is an entrance and exit. It is on the front side. Although it is good for defense, if they want to go out, they will be very pitted. The exit position cannot be found at all. And with this chaotic situation now, there are people everywhere who are fleeing. Everyone is running around. I don't know how to go when you think that the people around you know the way, you follow the other side, and everyone doesn't know how to go, but also gather together. And these holy levels are those who look at the people who gather together will launch an attack. After all, the scores of playing one after the other are more.

"Damn!" Seeing this situation, Furun Swordsman rushed directly toward the opponent's attack route. Yes, she wanted to directly block this holy attack and protect the civilians below. But the problem is that the other party is also a holy level. He also calculated the speed of the Jubilee Juggernaut. It is unlikely that the opponent will be down.

The result is exactly the same as that calculated by Juggernaut. The 剑 伦 剑 剑 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在

"What?" The holy level of the shot is also a glimpse, because he has been observing the surrounding situation all the time, according to his ability to perceive how it might be a leak, so this person suddenly appears on the attack route. It was what he did not expect. And the other party appears here, or is the other party has any special transmission ability or props, that is not the strength is really higher than his calculation, which one is it? Soon there will be an answer.

Yes, the holy attack has not stopped yet, and it is directly hit by this sudden appearance. However, in the face of this holy level of attack, the other party only extends a hand and then faces the phoenix in front. The spear is pressed.

A loud bang of "Boom", a strong wind blowing around, the huge phoenix spear directly broken, turned into a powerful airflow dissipated. The person who blocked the attack did not have anything at all. It was in the original position in the air and did not move.

"What?" Seeing that his attack was blocked, the holy level of the move was also directly smashed. Yes, this is not a full blow of oneself, but it is also an attack of the holy level. It is actually easily stopped by people, and it is sacred to stop the person.

"Undead?" Looked at the other person's face, and of course recognized the other's race. At this time, everyone's eyes on the field are of course attracted to this side, and everyone who sees the situation can't believe what they see.

"How is it possible?" Even the beggar Juggernaut next to it also made such a voice. Yes, because she also saw the people who blocked the attack at this time, and this person... actually is Hopes.

Yes, everyone did not expect that Hops actually blocked this holy attack at this time. What is going on? Isn't Hops and these new sacred priests a group? Most importantly, why is Hopes saving them? What has happened so far has made them a little bit confused.

"This guy...not ordinary." At this time, Li Huailin’s several holy levels were temporarily gathered together. Yes, they also found the strength of Hopps, obviously above them. Of course, they don't know that Hopps didn't dare to attack them. In the face of this threat, they talked a little...

Yes, in fact, their brushing tasks have almost been completed. The civilians here have suffered heavy losses and countless casualties. They also consumed a wave, and now there is such a strong who does not know the level, the current situation is of course more sensible to withdraw directly.

"Go!" Several people greeted each other and then flew out in all directions.

"Damn, don't run!" When Fu Lun's Juggernaut reacted here, it was too late to catch up, and he couldn't keep up with it. He could only watch these holy levels leave.

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