All Things Wrong

Chapter 2833: Admit defeat

"What?" Seeing the sudden appearance of Li Huailin, the four people in front of him are all a glimpse.

"Send the mark?" The first person to respond was Hopes, and then closed his eyes a little. Sure enough, he found the mark on the body. Because the two people’s matchmaking rhythm was relatively compact, they simply There was no time to perceive this kind of thing, and the result was caught up by Li Huailin.

Of course, what he didn't know was that Li Huailin was not only marked on his body, because the protoss had been discovered before and it seemed to be able to remove the transmission mark, so Li Huailin was also on the side of a holy class for insurance. I got the mark, but Hops didn't find it, so I sent it directly with Hope's mark.

"You guy..." Hopps saw that Li Huailin couldn't wait to eat each other, and of course he still resisted his anger. Yes, Li Huailin has only one person, but he did not attack Li Huailin directly. The other party is not an idiot. It must be prepared to appear here. Although I don't know what to prepare, it should not be that simple.

"Hey, it seems like you still want to struggle." Li Huailin said, "I don't think you have to convince them to listen to your command. It seems that I came a little earlier, how is your movement?" So slow, I thought you have already done it, nothing, I am waiting for you, you continue, peace of mind, I will never interrupt."

As he talked, Li Huailin made a "please" action, which of course made Hops even more angry: "What do you mean by this?"

"I think your IQ may be a bit problematic." Li Huailin said with a smile. "You still can't see the winner yet?"

"Do you think you have won? It is true that your advantage is great now. I admit that I have looked down on you, but I don't have it..." The words of Hops were interrupted by Li Huailin.

"I don't have a big advantage. I am sure I have won." Li Huailin said faintly. "Do you think that you have persuaded these three holy levels to make them right against me, then do you have a chance to turn over? Not that I said, you I don’t understand it at all. Come, I will give you the opportunity to make you more desperate."

After talking about Li Huailin, he turned his head and said to the three holy levels: "You don't even think about it. Just listen to him. You just know the rules of this matchup. Listen to this guy's order. Maybe the other party is still Can you bring us back to life, is it not a good thing for you?"

After saying that Li Huailin didn't wait for a few holy grades to answer, he turned his head and said to Hops: "What else do you want to say, I will help you to persuade them."

"What do you mean..." Hopps was a little stunned.

"I still don't understand? Now these three guys are not the focus at all. I remind you that these three people will help you, but according to the rules, they are also people on my side, and the system recognizes the victory rule is not killing. How many enemy troops, but the land occupation, can the three of them listen to your orders, can you help you occupy the land?" Li Huailin spread his hands, "So you understand now? Who can help you occupy the land?"

"What... Wait, don't you..." Hearing Li Huailin's suggestion, Hops here suddenly seemed to understand something, and looked at Li Huailin a little surprised.

"It seems that you want to understand, yes, just after you left, I have let the holy people begin to clean up the people on your side. Although there are a lot of people, they are all civilians or ordinary soldiers. However, it is just concentrated in one place, and their strength is still relatively easy to solve. Of course, because of your special ability, I also let those people clean up as much as possible to crush a little, save you back to go back to life. After the settlement, several holy levels will fly to places you can't find. Do you understand? The people who have helped you occupy the land are gone. What do you want to turn over?" Li Huailin said faintly.

"You!" Hopps was anxious for a moment, and the subconscious was about to take off and rushed back, but he was stopped by Li Huailin before he left.

"Forget it, there are still ten minutes left. How can you stop now and stop their actions?" Li Huailin said, "Time is not enough."

Yes, I just got it. Li Huailin has dragged on for a lot of time. Now it’s about fifteen minutes. The system will judge Li Huailin’s victory. At present, Hopps’s people don’t even have a door. Even if Hops can immediately summon the troops here, and immediately rush out, it is estimated that it is too late to stop Li Huailin from winning.

Yes, Li Huailin now has more than 17 territories. Although there is no hint on the system, Li Huailin’s troops are not blocked at all. Of course, it is all the way. They still don't know what's going on, so they have 50 points for occupying a territory. Of course, they have rushed all the way, so Li Huailin has actually occupied more than 20 territories, and the rest of the time is Hope. I want to turn over and hit a piece of land. It is impossible to get back a piece of land. I have to take back seven or eight areas at once to stop Li Huailin’s victory countdown, but it is obvious that it takes 5 minutes to occupy a piece of land, so unless Hope There are more than a dozen holy grades under His hand, and then he can go to various places at the same time to help him quickly occupy the area, and he will not lose. But now, let alone be a dozen holy levels, can help him occupy the holy level, none of them.

Of course, there may be some wonderful tactics, such as he persuaded the three holy levels, and then let them fly with their own people, then clean up the site and let the person occupy the land. But now that Li Huailin is clearing his people, and Li Huailin’s holy level is more than him, will it not stop? And time is only the point left, Hopps thought for a long time, still can't think of a solution.


"Well, don't make mentally retarded." Li Huailin said faintly. "Since it is the undead emperor, lose and lose a little, it is too ugly. You feel like a mad dog." Interesting?"

"..." Hops heard a little bit of it, looked at Li Huailin, and then suddenly calmed down. "You are right... I lost."

"Very good." Li Huailin nodded and heard the other person admit defeat, he was relieved. In fact, Hopps still has some possibility of turning over the theory, because the biggest problem is that Li Huailin does not know which side of the undead soldiers who were resurrected by Hopes. Of course, he refers to the soldiers on his side who are resurrected by Hopps. If it is a person on Hopes's side, then Hopps persuaded the three holy levels and then let them go. The front line went directly to kill a wave of soldiers, and then Hops quickly picked up the resurrection skills, pulled people up to occupy the area, and maybe there was a chance to turn the plate.

Of course, these can only be done based on Li Huai-lin's complete non-interference. In fact, it is indeed impossible for the other party to want to turn over. Li Huailin was not actually used here. Of course, he came here not to laugh at Hops, but for other reasons.

"So you know why I will be here." Li Huailin asked.

"You... want to know the king of things?" Hopes asked. Yes, before the start of the duel, Li Huailin and Hops made an appointment. If Li Huailin defeated Hops, then Hopps would tell Li Huailin about the king. Considering that Hops could not hang directly after the game ended, Li Huailin would come here a little earlier to ask Hopes, otherwise he would not bother to come over.

"Now, tell me what you know," Li Huailin said.

"No wonder God King pays so much to you..." Hopps also said, "I know what you want to know, but for that guy, I don't know much."

"You should know about the war a hundred years ago," Hopps said. "I got the unbeatable power when I got the Excalibur. For a time, no one on the mainland is my opponent. I keep on The war was waged, but every battle was victorious. Even though all the opponents were united, I didn’t have any fear at that time until the guy appeared."

"You are talking about the king of God?" Li Huailin asked.

"No, I am talking about Shang Wennuo, the holder of another Excalibur," Hopps said. "I didn't expect to have another Excalibur holder besides me, but under him. The first time I tried to fail, the other's ability to excalibur was very restrained by me, and the undead army suffered the first failure."

"And I have had some doubts about myself when I have failed. My strength is brought by the Excalibur, and the strength of the opponent is also because of the relationship between the Excalibur. After all, it is not our strength. I am afraid of the powerful power of the Excalibur, and I am eager to acquire this power. I was lost at that time. I am no longer entangled in the revival of the undead, the glory of the race, etc., because I have seen the power of that level. These are no longer important," Hopps said.

"However, although I was eager, how did I get the power of the Excalibur? I did some experiments at the time, but there was nothing to gain. At this moment, they appeared in front of me." Hopps said, "Yes. That is the king of God...and..."

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