All Things Wrong

Chapter 2834: ask

"In addition to the king of God, there is another person?" Li Huailin squatted a little, but after thinking about it a little, he quickly thought of a person, "is the holder of another Excalibur?"

"Yes, his name is Bryant," Hopps replied.

"Brian." Li Huailin nodded, just like what he thought. Yes, Bryant is the last user of the root. The king wants to convince Hops that he must use the power of stealing the sword. To convince him, of course, there is no evidence to say that there is evidence. Bryant is obviously the evidence. According to the previous roots, her moments of being sealed are much longer than the light, so Bryant has to steal the power of the Excalibur much earlier than Hopes, so Hopps is talking about it. At the time, Li Huailin’s first person to think of was Bryant.

Bryant is still alive. In fact, Li Huailin has already guessed it. Although it is said that this pyramid was originally a Bryant's tombstone, it seems that the other party is no longer there. But since Li Huailin knows that the roots of the power have also been stolen, probably know that Bryant is also alive, or else the other part of the roots where the power goes, is it so out of thin air? So the other party is estimated to be alive, and it is now confirmed by this.

In this case, Bryant is also supporting the actions of the King of God. Before suppressing the behavior of this pyramid, Li Huailin had previously speculated that it was later modified by the King of God. It seems that Bryant is also likely to participate. Li Huailin’s mind moved a little, and of course he continued to listen to Hops’s remarks.

"You probably already guessed the things behind," said Hopes here.

"You have stolen the power of the Excalibur? Are you with that Shang Wennuo?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes," Hopps said. "I thought that the king of God appeared to deal with me. After all, I was already an enemy of the Protoss. I also killed a lot of Protoss, but I didn't think of God. I didn’t mention it at all, but I talked about something that I didn’t expect, and that’s the way to steal the power of the Excalibur.”

"I was addicted at the time, yes, I was addicted to strength, I am eager to get such power, so I made a decision, I ... betrayed the undead." Hopps said here, suddenly low At first, it seems that he is quite guilty about the depths of his inner life in betraying the undead. Yes, during the war, Hops suddenly disappeared, causing the undead to collapse. Finally, he was taken back to his hometown and the territory was divided up. It is obvious that Hopps also knows that he is himself. Responsibility, but even so, let him choose again at that time, it is estimated that he will choose strength.

"I understand your experience, but to be honest, these are not important. What I want to know is who is the king of God? What is his purpose?" Li Huailin said.

"I have already said, I don't know who the king of God is. It doesn't matter to me. He is just a **** king, but his purpose is clear to me." Hopps said, "his purpose It is to deal with you, this matter, when I joined, he already told me."

“He said that I would destroy the world like that?” Li Huailin asked.

"It seems that you have already known from the protoss mouth." Hopps said, "Yes, the king of God predicts that you will destroy the future of the world, so you must stop you from becoming a choice."

"So you believe it?" Li Huailin asked.

"I certainly didn't believe it at first, but the words of the king of God were confirmed again and again. It was like the world trials that have taken place now. I knew it a hundred years ago. You guess who told me? Mys," said Hopes here. "The four kings of the demon family are dead in your hands. Right, after the death of the four kings of the demon, it will trigger the world's trials. Wang has already made predictions. It is obvious that if you continue to develop this way, you will become the final winner, and finally... the world will be destroyed."

"First of all, I want to capture the position of the chosen person not because of the prophecy of the king of God. I can't just destroy the world because you said that I became a choice. But I will abstain directly. What if the plan of the king of God is done? Then I am not Li Huai-lin said, "I didn't mean to destroy the world. I wanted to win this trial because I wanted to hold the choice in my own hands. The king said that I would become a choice and destroy the world. I am also worried that he will destroy the world after he becomes a choice. If you have the ability to let him and I abstain from it, then I can consider it.

"Your words made me feel a bit surprised. I thought you were a person who wanted to destroy the world." Hops said here. "But these words should be directly related to the king of God, it seems to me. The king of God did not mean to be a chosen person. He always seemed to aim only to stop you."

"Is it?" Li Huailin nodded. This is an important news. "I really want to talk to him positively, but the problem is others. I tnd I haven't seen anyone who has seen him for most of the day." ""

"Of course he has already arrived. You should have guessed it. The king of God also has invited places. The way to get the quota is also told by the king of God." Hopps said, "Really, I didn't think of the first round. I can see you when I am, because according to the previous king, he should meet you in the first round."

"Oh?" Li Huailin squatted a little, listening to Hops's tone, and God King seems to find himself again? The other party is confident that the first round will meet with him, which means that he can match himself? The matching mechanism of the first round should be a few questions about the light group in the room before the start. If you match this way, the other party has this self-confidence. Maybe it means... The other party knows his choice?

Of course, the other party may know that they are their own choices. According to Li Huailin’s previous speculation, no matter how the gods see the future, the gods may see another future, and in that future, they seem to have become the choices and then Destroyed the world, and the choice that the king knows matches may be based on that future choice, but now there is a little accident, and his current choice is not the same as the future choice, so it is not matched with the **** king. It is matched with Hopes.

This is a bit strange. Why did Li Huailin’s choice when he chose God King, even if the King of God is really a future person, how could he know what option he chose? The only answer to this matter is that... This is what Li Huailin told him.

Of course, under normal circumstances, how can Li Huailin tell the king of God, so it is obvious that the guy should not be a god, or most likely his own friend.

Slightly, it is simply that the body of the **** king is his own friend. In a certain world, the **** king and Li Huailin participated in the world trial together. Li Huailin also exchanged with the **** king to participate in the trial. In the case, there should be a question of choice in the first round of the game. After that, Li Huailin’s destruction of the world occurred. Then the king of God might return to the past in some way, and then of course began to stop himself.

According to my own speculation, Li Huailin can figure out this idea. I have to say that if I want to go down this line of thought, Li Huailin thinks that there is really no logical problem, but the only important thing is... Who is the king of God? Yes, he and the king of God said that they have a choice of matching, that is to say, they are almost undefended against the king of God. The other party is a person they trust. Who is that? The person who followed Li Huailin to participate in the trial was to summon the Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Party. This is only the current situation in the world. It is also possible that the world of the King of God is not the two men. Li Huailin cannot doubt the two alone. Instead, find a friend you might know.

This incident, Li Huailin is also slightly inquiring with Hopes. After all, he knows that the king of God has more things than himself. There may be clues about the identity of the king. Unfortunately, he asked for a long time, here is Hops. Did not provide any useful information.

"As you said, we don't see a lot of gods," Hopps said. "I always feel that the other side has a lot of time and seems to be retreating. I can't find anyone at all. I think You still don't have to ask me, he should be looking for you too. You will continue to run in this trial and you will meet the guy sooner or later."

Hopps said that it was too lazy to answer Li Huailin's question. Li Huailin also looked at the time and left the last few minutes.

"I heard that you are now the new emperor of the undead?" Hopes was silent for a while and suddenly asked.

"Oh, do you know this?" Li Huailin took a glimpse of it. After all, the emperor of the undead in the Ming Dynasty was the Emperor Wacha, although it was only his own avatar.

Hopps did not answer Li Huailin’s question and said directly: “A Terran has become the emperor of the undead, hahaha...”

After a little smile, Hopps lowered his head again: "You will not destroy the world? You just said that it is not a lie."

"Of course." Li Huailin nodded.

"In that case, the future of the undead will be handed over to you to judge." Hopps just finished, here is a colorful flash of light in the sky, time is up.

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