All Things Wrong

Chapter 2920: Comprehension

"Oh!" Just as Li Huailin was still thinking about it, Penena under him suddenly sighed, and Li Huailin knew that the other party had to do something, so the subconscious slap directly shot below. In the past, the result did not expect a sudden explosion of "bang", Li Huailin suddenly felt that his whole person was bombed and flew out.

Like Li Huailin, there is also Penena. Yes, Li Huailin is a reaction. The skill used by this guy is an aoe skill, and it seems that even the ones that he has fried are like self-explosive skills. Of course, the other party would not have died, so self-destruction as aoe is also a relatively normal situation, but it is really a bit bold to use aoe skills here. If it is fried to another unit, it is very likely to be directly eliminated. .

However, there are really no other units in the vicinity. Yes, there are still a lot of wild monsters around. Now they are basically running out. In fact, Li Huailin’s field of vision can’t see other units. It is estimated that Penena is also seeing this situation, and then there is really no way to do it.

Of course, Li Huailin’s handful shot is still giving Penena a second. The other’s skills don’t know if it’s half-baked and forced to interrupt. Anyway, when Li Huailin flies out, here’s Pene. Na was also full of injuries and flew out at the same time. "啪叽" fell on the ground not far away like a rotten meat, but before said, her resilience is not ordinary, even in the native form, even this In a situation, she almost immediately recovered immediately, and soon changed from a rotten meat to an original state.

"Come on!" Penena, who had just finished replying, immediately stood up and shouted at Lores and the newly hatched brave over there.

Lorez had a slight glimpse here, and then immediately reacted. Yes, although he looked at Penena, he was a bit uncomfortable, but he was still his teammate. But now that Li Huailin is obstructing them is also a normal situation, but did not say that they can not resist, if they can avoid, of course, they can still avoid. Thinking of this, Lorez here is also directly picking up the brave children next to start running.

Of course, Penena also followed up immediately. Of course, she ran while paying attention to the movement of Li Huailin. However, she did not see Li Huailin immediately catching up. Penena followed by waving her hand, the air around her. Suddenly, a blue, foggy thing appeared, directly covering a large space around, and of course directly blocked the two figures.

"Catch up?" Lorez's speed was slightly faster than Penena, but at this time it was a little bit full of speed and came to Penena. Yes, this misty skill released by Penena can cover a certain amount of perception, so now Lorez can't see Li Huailin over there, but the release of the skills of Penena should be visible, so he Also asked directly to Penena.

In the face of this pig teammate, Penena really wants to marry her, but the situation is more urgent, so she still stunned. I closed my eyes and felt it for a moment, then said: "He didn't enter the fog."

"Is this guy not a skill to transmit?" said Lorez here. "What if you send it directly?"

"Just the attack should have not hurt the other party. If he wants to come over, it is estimated that he has already come over." Peneina thought about it here. "If we really come over now, we are more dangerous. But it doesn't appear now, indicating the other party's transfer skills...may be limited by usage."

"It's possible." Lorez nodded. "What to do, the other person seems to have released the transmitted mark on me. Can you cancel this mark?"

"I'm not good at this kind of magic," said Peneina here. "But you can try it for a while, now... still run all the way, I will release a fog in the right direction, let the other side think we might go to the right. Go, then we both run to the left."

"Good." Lores, of course, nodded immediately.

When the two men discussed how to escape from Li Huailin, Li Huailin did not have any action here. Yes, before Penena’s attack was interrupted by Li Huailin because she was released halfway, so there is actually not much damage. Li Huailin’s blood volume is now more than half. He turned a little in the air and fell directly back to the ground. However, in the face of the two people who fled, Li Huailin did not intend to chase them.

Yes, I said before, Li Huailin did not intend to directly start the brave, so the other party ran and ran. In fact, there is still a chance to transmit on his side, but he has no intention of using it directly. Anyway, Li Huailin has already given Blaines a pigeon, so I am not in a hurry now. After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to go back and look at the situation of summoning Jade Emperor.

Of course, the way to go back is much simpler. This Li Huailin is very good at it, that is... death. Yes, anyway, after the death, it will be resurrected directly by the brave, so of course, there is no need to waste the transmission. The best way now is to fall directly. This Li Huailin is still very skilled.

Riding on Xiaomi, Li Huailin flew in the air and looked like he was looking for two people. He looked for a little while, then Li Huailin directly pulled up the height, and then it was a crash.

The effect is not ideal. It is a bit more blood after I have added the blood volume. Although Penena has already helped to get rid of half of it, the damage is not very good. However, after all, it was not in a hurry. Li Huailin jumped a few times forcibly, and then, in conjunction with the blood bottle, directly drunk himself to death.

The white light flashed, and Li Huailin was directly resurrected in the next second. Yes, it was similar to the general death at the resurrection point, and Li Huailin found that there was no time interval between the resurrection, as if it was the feeling of resurrection after death.

"Is it dead?" Of course, the call of the Jade Emperor was immediately passed on. "Is it hacked to the opposite side?"

"No, I am probably clear about the situation of the two guys opposite, not my opponent." Li Huailin waved and said, "I am coming back, look at the situation."

Li Huailin looked at the brave man next to him, which was the chicken sauce. Then he was a little surprised to find that the appearance of the chicken sauce actually changed a little. Yes, the other party has become bigger. Before Li Huailin walked, the chicken sauce here stood up one meter high, just to the position of Li Huailin’s waist, and now I saw the chicken sauce... he has already Li Huailin is still a little taller.

Yes, what is now in front of Li Huailin is a very large chicken. Although the system described earlier said that the brave people here have grown very fast, but they did not expect it to be so fast, this is to eat hormones. The most important thing is that this guy is still a chicken. Why is the opposite of a normal human child? This is not fair to Li Huailin.

"What is the expression of your unhappy face? I have been working hard to train this guy's grade, but there is no way, you are not able to teach your skills, just use my knight skills is not good. Attack skills, so far have been using that magic skills to level, but with the level of improvement, the power of the current magic is also improved a lot." Summon Jade said.

"I am not so upset because of the level of problems?" Li Huailin also summoned the jade emperor to quickly explain the information on his side, saying that the opposite egg hatched was a human child. At the time, the summoning jade emperor here is also a glimpse.

"Hey? Isn't the chicken hatched from the opposite egg?" Summon the Jade Emperor.

"Yeah, the opposite directly hatched a child, why are we chickens here?" Li Huailin helped the forehead.

"...Is we taking the wrong egg?" Calling Jade Emperor is also a headache.

"I think too, but you see that when I am dead, I will be resurrected by this guy. Is there any doubt that this thing is our brave? I am not balanced, why is it not a chicken?" Li Huailin said. .

"Forget it, what else can you do, can you return it now?" Summon Jade Emperor also said that he had a headache. "Or let me talk about the trial. Let's go back and follow them all the way." ?"

"Slightly tried the strength of the other side, I suddenly didn't worry so much." Li Huailin said, "Before I was worried but I found the dragon in the opposite direction and then interfered with us all the time, but now I can suppress the two people casually, so In this respect, I feel relieved. If the other party is really upset, I can't stand up without them. The main thing is that I worry that if I kill the opposite brave, it will lead to a negative situation. Now the advantage is so Big, no need to take risks."

"Well..." Summon Jade Emperor also nodded, this is what the problem is.

"What is the situation now? Haven't you been to Wangcheng yet?" Li Huailin asked, yes, now they are still in the wild, and there is no shadow of Wangcheng.

"I have already asked, Wangcheng is not far away." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "When you practice leveling, you will certainly be a little slower."

"That line, we don't level up first, go all the way to the direction of Wangcheng." Li Huailin said, "The progress of the other party is now much slower than us. We follow the normal one, and then I will go to see the situation there." ”

Summon Jade Emperor also nodded, and Li Huailin directly recruited the next chicken sauce: "Come and come, Tianji Sauce, I will teach you two new skills."

"Hey!" The chicken sauce here was very happy to come to Li Huailin.

Although the chicken sauce is quite obedient, but looking at the huge chicken in front of him, Li Huailin always feels uncomfortable, why is it a chicken, Li Huailin still can not accept it. No matter how it is already, it’s just a bad thing. Li Huailin is also a new teacher who has several skills. It’s a pity that Li Huailin’s more useful skills are not his own skills. For example, the transfer skill is The skills of the equipment, the skills of the Excalibur can of course not be used. Even the Vientiane Heavens are stealing skills. Li Huailin tried it and could not teach directly.

Therefore, Li Huailin thought about it. At present, because the power point has always been used to level up, I don’t teach other magical skills. Anyway, there are no extra points. Now the level is a little higher, the magic is empty, you can give more skills to consume magic, but Li Huailin will not be aoe type. So I first handed over a few single skills, such as the sun spear, the deadly throwing skill, and then the control skills, the eye of Titan. Li Huailin tried to test his field skills in the end. In fact, he can really teach. Although this skill is learned when he is at the holy level, he does not ask for the teaching in this trial. The level of learning skills can be as long as it is a general skill.

The brave, it seems that it can't be added. Yes, the current chicken sauce is wearing a set of armor that doesn't know where to shoot it. Then the sword is in the left hand and the staff is in the right hand. (Please don't ask why the chicken can still take things) It is completely a battle mage. It is estimated that the attribute is also the kind of comprehensive development. It belongs to the development of the bucket number, and everything will be, which is convenient.

"Created skills should also be taught," Li Huailin said.

"So whether you are transferring skills or experimenting." The summoned Jade Emperor next to him couldn't help but say.

"Oh, if I can create the skills of flying dragons, can this chicken throw the dragon?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say, "That scene... I think it's hanging, but the problem is this homemade. How can the skill be triggered in the end, completely unable to understand, my dragon is flashing."

"How much do you care about throwing dragons." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "But it’s said that the self-created skills, in addition to the fan-slung skills that you made last time, have come up with some more self-sufficient skills. ?"

"No, this really doesn't know how to trigger your own skills." Li Huailin said, "I don't want to wave a hand and create a skill like 999, but the problem is that there is something like this..."

Li Huailin’s words have not been finished yet, and suddenly he heard a strange voice in his ear.

System Tip: You have learned a self-created skill, the default skill name is a knife 999, whether to change the skill name.

Li Huailin: "..."

"What's wrong?" Summon Jade Emperor couldn't hear Li Huailin's system prompts, and looked at Li Huailin, who was suddenly stunned, strangely asked.

"The trough..." Li Huailin wiped his face, " Nima..."

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