All Things Wrong

Chapter 2921: One knife 999

"Ha?" Summon the Jade Emperor, of course, it is unclear. I saw that Li Huailin here did not know what was wrong, but also asked with a look of excitement.

"If you say it, you may not believe it. Just after I had a wave of inexplicable wave, I realized a homemade skill." Li Huailin thought about it and said to the summoning Jade Emperor.

"Hey?" Summon Jade Emperor is still a look, "Wave a wave? Comprehend a self-made skill?"

"Yeah, just when I was saying ‘swing a wave’, wasn’t it just a demonstration of wavering? Then I was prompted to comprehend a self-made skill...” Li Huailin said.

"Hey... is it so casual?" Summon the Jade Emperor carefully looked at Li Huailin's face and determined that the other party was not joking.

"Md is just saying, what's the situation, although I really want to comprehend some of my own skills, but the problem is that I can't accept this situation. I feel that it took 10 years to practice the gods and I didn't learn and then somehow one day. When you drop an apple in the sky, you suddenly learn it on your head. Is this tnd also in accordance with the Basic Law?" Li Huailin said.

"Well, it's good... The person who wants to vomit is me. Why do you spit all the slots yourself?" summoned the Jade Emperor. "In short, what kind of skill is it? Is it a combat skill? Can it now? Use it?"

"Oh... this skill has not been seen yet, but listening to the name always feels that it is not a good skill." Li Huailin said, while directly opening his skill page, of course, in the last position of a large row of skills. I found this new skill that I just realized.

One knife 999 (name tentatively): After the release, the next attack must be able to hit 999 damage, and if this attack can kill the target, the chance of dropping the advanced equipment will increase by 1000%. Need to equip weapons, instant, 0 power, cool for 2 seconds.

"Hey..." Seeing this skill attribute Li Huailin said that he didn't know how to say it. It really is a name that fits this skill very well. It really is a knife of 999, and then this 10% increase in the rate of the treasure is what makes trouble. Is it equipped with a second of blast? The cooling time is 2 seconds, so according to the game setting, the speed weapon attack interval is less than 1 second, the normal weapon is 1-2 seconds, and the slow weapon is more than 2 seconds interval. Therefore, it is always possible to use a two-handed sword or the like. Is this skill that triggers a knife 999? Is this tnd to be equipped with the Dragon Sword?

So this is obviously a skill that is larger than the actual use of the slot. Is it a good idea to think about this skill at all? A knife 999 looks very hang, but the problem is... its normal attack now has more than 20,000 damage, and then use this skill, which means that you deduct your own attack, and deduct 95% of the attack, this is what is wrong what.

Now Li Huailin is 100, and the boss of 100 is probably more than 5 million. If you use this skill to cut the boss, you need 5000 knives. According to the calculation of 2 seconds, it takes 10,000 seconds, which is almost 3 hours. What is the use of this 10 times loss rate? Is Li Hualin’s boss who can be hacked during this time not only 10? Open a halo for what ten seconds to burn the boss? So what is the use of this skill?

"One knife 999?" Li Huailin certainly directly put his skills to the next call to the jade emperor to see, of course, after the end of the call, the jade emperor is also a face of the ah, yes, even her ordinary attack on the milk ride It’s higher than 999. “What kind of ghost skill? Is there a hair? You also take a name that is so fashionable, what is it?”

"Hey, this is not the name I took. The default for this system is this name." Li Huailin was too lazy to change the name and decided it, so this skill is now called this name, of course, it is really appropriate.

"This is your own self-created skill. Of course, it is your own name." Summon Jade Emperor because he has not yet created his own successful skills, so he does not know the way his own skills are named.

"No, after you triggered your own skills..."

"Forget it, this is not important." Summon Jade directly interrupted, "I suddenly thought that this skill can still be used a little now, although it is not useful for you, but for this guy is still a bit Useful."

Summon Jade Emperor pointed to the side of the chicken sauce, Li Huailin also looked at the next side of the chicken sauce, is 100 is their own, so the fight is also 100 or more, this 999 blood is basically itching, but the problem It is now that the level of turkey sauce is low, and it is a low-level blame, and this 999 blood is still very threatening to these low-level blame. The most important thing is that this skill is basically cool (as long as you use two-handed weapons, it means no cooling), and there is no consumption, so for the current field chicken sauce, it is still a very suitable skill.

"md, so this skill is to give this guy a specific skill?" Li Huailin said that a little headache, yes, the homemade skills are of course better to use, this is a bit of a pit for the specific skills of this chicken sauce, this Isn't this useless after the trial is completed? This feels a bit of a loss. After all, it is difficult to comprehend a self-made skill. Although I already have a lot of self-created skills, I still don’t know how to comprehend it. Where is the trigger point?

Although unhappy, but the skills still have to pay, Li Huailin is also beckoning to the side of the chicken sauce: "come, come chicken sauce, come and teach you a skill."

"Oh!" The chicken sauce here is of course very happy to come over, looking forward to Li Huailin.

"This skill name is a knife 999. This is the killing technique that I spent ten seconds on. The power of this skill is that even if I want to blow it, it seems that I can't edit it... Li Huailin said with a wave.

"Okay, don't pull it, hurry..." next to the summoned Jade Emperor.

Of course, the skill teaching does not need such trouble, just operate on the chicken sauce directly. Li Huailin can teach 5 skills during this time, so there are also spaces, and the skills are directly pressed. Soon the chicken broth here began to be used. At this time, they are still on the way to Wangcheng. The strangeness encountered on the road is of course not strong. If you use this skill to cut a few knives casually, it’s really quite Effective. I have to say that, like this, there is no time to meditate and restore the power of the point. It is really good to use this skill to blame.

Of course, the more favorable situation is that Li Huailin found that the rate of the treasure has really improved. The chicken broth is the same as the average player. If you blame it, it will really fall off the equipment. This other npc has never seen it. It is estimated that it is a special case of trials. And the chicken sauce seems to have a certain ai will automatically choose their own equipment, put the good equipment directly on the body, and Li Huailin found that this guy's loss rate seems to be quite high, it is estimated that because of the system correction, after all, Growth is very fast, of course, the equipment is also relatively fast food, so it may be the trial to correct the loss rate, and now plus this 10 times the effect of the treasure, feels like a random mob is a place to burst.

Soon the field of chicken sauce directly changed a whole set of equipment, really Li Huailin did not know why these equipment can be worn on this chicken, and the size is really quite suitable, is this equipment? When making it, do you consider that there will be chickens to wear it? Of course, this can't be too serious. After all, the brave is a chicken, what do you want to do.

While playing blame, Li Huailin continued to move toward the north, and then walked a little bit. They had already seen the more formal roads (that is, the road that had been trimmed), and then walked for a while and appeared in them. In front of it is a city, although it is not close, but looking at this scale, it should be Wangcheng.

The two had a little walk into it and found this king city... It’s really a bit like a strange rpg game inside the city, the shape is really a little fairy wind, a huge castle in the middle, and then a circle around the wall, It’s a lively city, and it’s a bit strange about the layout, but... it’s been said anyway.

Li Huailin at the door of the city saw a lot of npcs, soldiers and ordinary civilians. Li Huailin’s arrival of course quickly caused everyone’s attention. Seeing the eyes of these people, Li Huailin felt that it was definitely by his side. The thing that only the chicken came out.

"Several people?" The soldiers here soon came over and asked Li Huailin.

"Oh, that's it. I heard that your kingdom was attacked by a dragon. Then, isn't it now that the princess has been taken away? The king seems to say that recruiting brave men to fight against the dragon and save the princess." Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, yes." The soldier here nodded. "The King’s Majesty really gave this order. Can you say that you are the brave man who came to apply?"

"Oh... I am the follower of the brave, the brave is this." Li Huailin pointed to the side of the chicken sauce said.

"Hey!" The chicken sauce on the side of the field directly raised his chest and made a pose to the soldiers here.

"..." The soldier on the side looked at the chicken sauce next to him, then silenced for five seconds, then suddenly changed into a professional smile. "Oh, that's it, sorry, sorry, little girl, this is the case." The position is the brave master, then according to the orders of the king, ask the brave and brave partners to go to the palace immediately to see him, please follow me."

After the soldiers on the side began to lead the way, and Li Huailin went to summon the jade emperor: "Seeing no, he suffocated for five seconds."

"Accepting is already a psychological quality is very good." Summon the Jade Emperor to help the amount, "professional quality is amazing..."

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