All Things Wrong

Chapter 2982: discuss

"I think we should vote for the spy in this round of tickets." The person who spoke here was the person with the name of Li Huailin. Seeing everyone looking at him, "Li Huailin" continued, "The score of this round is very obvious. The score of the 'days of each side' is very high, and the gap between the second and third is very large. Even if the second and third place are good people, the ticket has doubled, and the score is just that, it will not have any effect on the whole situation. To know our current situation, there are only three rounds of voting. We must cherish this opportunity. So we should choose a way that is more effective for the current situation, or is this round of voting not a waste?"

This "Li Huailin" is still a bit reasonable. It is indeed more than 20,000 points in the second and third place. Compared with the first Li Huailin, the difference is still too big. It is useless. The other orders are even more useless. It is better to look for this opportunity to find spies. After all, spies and the like can be found only if they vote for the ticket. If you know the identity of the spy, it is of course more beneficial to them.

"Of course, the identity of the spy is still relatively difficult to find, but we can try another method." "Li Huailin" here continues, "First of all, just the 'White Dragon' and 'Savior' are both At my side, I’ve been watching their scores all the time. They are very low-spirited, almost no. My tickets are not for them. I don’t see them, I I will choose one of the two kings, 'God King' and 'Summon Jade Emperor'. The reason is very simple. Both of them have the possibility of spying, but the score is not so high. Even if I choose to double the mistake, I think It is also an acceptable result."

This "Li Huailin" directly excluded the real Li Huailin. Of course, the reason is that he is afraid of choosing the wrong one and let Li Huailin’s score double again. In this case, the score of the other party is more than 140,000. This is really a bit. Hard to chase. As for his identity, he does not say that other people know that this product is basically a good person.

"So, my last choice is to 'call the jade emperor', I decided to hang the ticket on him." "Li Huailin" here seems to have thought about it for a while, of course, already thought about it, but only Let others think that he is a temporary consideration, and finally there is a bit of tangled look.

"Ha?" The summoned Jade Emperor directly stunned, then looked at "Li Huailin" and then spread the hand. "I don't care if you like it."

The summoning of the Jade Emperor’s reaction made many people think that his suspicion seemed to be a little bigger. At this time, he also remembered the sound of knocking on the table. Everyone turned around and saw that Li Huailin was gently here. Knocked on the table, because the rooms are quiet, so they still understand very well. It seems that I noticed everyone’s gaze. Li Huailin also stopped her finger and said, “Sorry, I am used to movement.”

They don't know if they are used to movements, but this situation makes them feel that Li Huailin seems to be a little annoyed. Just everyone is watching Li Huailin now, Li Huailin thought and said: "I just heard your statement, I have a new idea, I think it is a bit reasonable to find a spy, so I decided to change my before My opinion is that my ticket is not attached to this summoning Jade Emperor, because I think he is less likely to be a spy."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details." The opposite "Li Huailin" did not immediately refute Li Huailin, but asked directly.

"Mainly, it's still a question of scores." Li Huailin said, "In fact, I think the spies want to brush points. It's better than, slippery, it's a little harder than good people. After all, they can only attack people on the bright side of the camp. However, in the previous situation, there seems to be no major incident in the bright camp. Of course, except for the destruction of the wall, the reason why I said it is mainly because I have seen it before. The score of this summoning Jade Emperor is mainly What happened after this, if she was a spy, then she should score a lot when the wall was destroyed, so he is unlikely to be a spy."

"It turned out to be a bit reasonable." The opposite "Li Huailin" nodded. "However, I think it is still impossible to completely rule out this possibility. Who is the person who destroys the city wall? I think everyone is also aware of it, I am now It is suspected that this person is destroying the city wall not only to attract the attention of others, but to let them brush their points, or to give their teammates a cover."

"Oh? Listening to your meaning is like suspicion of me?" Li Huailin asked.

"Isn't it?" said Li Huailin, who was opposite. "There were only people who changed their scores at the time. The subsequent behavior also explained your purpose. You don't think you can hide it."

"I am definitely not me. I just brushed the brush. I don't know what to destroy the city wall. I think it is definitely a spy to destroy the city wall." Li Huailin continued to play stupid.

"I don't admit it." The opposite "Li Huailin" does not continue to argue with Li Huailin. After all, the facts are like how everyone can understand it and don't need to use his words. "You said you have to change your own." Vote, you haven't said who to change."

"My suggestion is two, here is the person called ‘弑神者’, and there is... you are.” Li Huailin said.

"Oh?" The opposite of "Li Huailin" is a little sigh, "Why?"

"I said before, it is more difficult for the spy to score, and the scores of the two of you are the bottom. I naturally doubt you, I think it is normal, isn't it?" Li Huailin said.

"As far as our two current scores are concerned, even if it is really a spy, the impact on the overall situation is not great." The opposite "Li Huailin" said that yes, his score is more than 600 points, and the beggars next to him are even lower. More than 300 points, really deducted so much, what is the use.

"I think the impact is great. It is not a question of scores, but a question of identity. Once we have made a vote, we can immediately determine an identity. I think it is still very useful." Li Huailin said, "Two spies. They should know each other's identity, so once we have caught one of them, the other should also appear very quickly. Isn't it effective for everyone to judge the situation?"

“Judge the situation?” The opposite “Li Huailin” smiled a little. “It seems that you want to continue to mislead everyone. After all, you are leading so much. I hope everyone will continue to focus on the judgment of identity. Let you continue to lead, but what I want to say is that the final decision is to rank points, not identity, so it is useless to transfer your attention to us. So I think this round If the vote is to be a bit effective, or if you want to vote for someone with a score, I personally recommend to vote for this 'call to the jade emperor'."

"Well..." Li Huailin frowned slightly, and then turned his head and looked at the call of the Jade Emperor. Then he continued: "I still don't think there is a possibility of this 'calling the Jade Emperor'. So I still believe in my judgment, I will hang the ticket on this '弑神者'."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I believe everyone has their own judgment." The opposite "Li Huailin" is also a staller.

Yes, the discussion went on here, and in fact the meeting time is almost the same. There are not many people who speak at the opening. Anyway, if there is no regulation, they must speak. In the end, only Li Huailin and the opposite fake Li Huailin have said what they want to vote for. Of course, the focus is also here.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the person who has gained the trust of everyone is of course the fake Li Huailin. The other party’s words are very reasonable. How do you see Li Huailin and this summoning Jade Emperor are all in a group, and now Li Huailin is temporarily The change of ticket is obviously to divert everyone's attention and help their teammates to cover. From the current situation, it is said that the jade emperor has already become a spy. But in theory, of course, everyone should vote for the summoned Jade Emperor, but the problem is that it is still in the camp now, even if you know that the other party is a spy, you can not vote.

Everyone thought for more than a minute, and no one spoke, but soon their thoughts were interrupted, because the light ball on the table suddenly glowed at this time.

"Ten minutes to go, now start voting." The colorful ball here said, just finished, everyone has a few numbers on the head, of course, it is simply a few figures from one to seven, just for everyone Just write a number. "Please raise your hand and vote for the person you think you want to exile. If you don't raise your hand, you will be considered as abandoning the ticket. Now, start three, two, one, please vote."

Soon everyone raised their hands and quickly looked at other people. Li Huailin glanced a little and probably understood the current situation.

The last person to win the bid is to summon the Jade Emperor and the number of votes is five. The people who voted for her have "Li Huailin", "God King", "Savior", "God of God", "White Dragon", one vote for themselves, the person who voted for himself is summoning the Jade Emperor, and the God of the God has one vote. It is my own vote.

"At the end of the vote, the person who received the highest number of votes summoned Jade Emperor." The ball of light here immediately announced, "Now ask everyone to leave the room and continue to enter the trial."

Li Huailin looked at the current points, and the points have not changed. Yes, it seems that it is still settled. I thought about it. It is estimated that the spies on my side have not voted yet. It is estimated that they will wait until they finish. Settlement.

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