All Things Wrong

Chapter 2983: Spy conference

"This can be escaped by you, the eloquence is good." At this time, the results have not been announced, Li Huailin got up and said directly to the opposite "Li Huailin".

"I am not a spy. In the end, who is a spy, it will be revealed in a moment, isn't it?" said the "Li Huailin" spreader here.

Li Huailin did not answer, yes, Li Huailin went directly to provoke the other party mainly for two purposes. First, he judged that this person named Li Huailin should not really be his own spy teammate. The second point is that the person named Li Huailin and the summoned Jade Emperor seem to be opposite. Yes, Li Huailin’s meaning is to summon the Jade Emperor is not a spy. Then you are the spy. It will be obvious in a while. Proof that summoning Jade Emperor is not a spy, Li Huailin also wants to see how this guy named Li Huailin is fishing himself.

As I said, the seven channels were suddenly opened on the wall behind their seats. Yes, it was similar to the previous situation. It was obvious that they were allowed to enter. There is nothing to say, and the seven people went in separately. Of course, Li Huailin walked around and went to a new room.

There was another passage in the room. Li Huailin waited a little, and soon he came out of the passage again. This time, Li Huailin did not see any name on this person. This seems to be the discussion room of their spies, while others are expected to wait for them to vote in other rooms.

The two of them arrived, and there was a flash of light inside the room. A light ball directly said to them: "Now you will choose a person. The points of the selected person will be directly halved. You now have five minutes. Discuss the time, please tell me your final choice after five minutes."

After the completion of the ball of light, it went dark again, and then it was time for the two to discuss. Li Huailin looked at the other party and thought about it and said to the other party: "I think we need to discuss it a bit. If you don't talk forever, it would be of no benefit to both of us. After all, you know that we both If the votes are inconsistent, it will have no effect on this trial. You also know that the scores of the two of us are very difficult to brush. If we give up our only advantage in the current situation, neither of us can survive."

"I know." The opposite side thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "Do you have any way to talk about it."

"What we are going to discuss now is two things, the first is the ticket, and then the next wave, how do we brush the points." Li Huailin said.

"Yeah." The spy teammate opposite nodded. "You seem to have a solution."

"I need to hear what you mean now," Li Huailin said. "What I want to ask you is, do you want to live? You know that we all have camps. I mean if you will sacrifice if necessary." Your own life to ensure that others win?"

The spy teammates were silent for a while and then replied: "No, I want to survive."

"There are two choices now. First of all, we vote. In theory, of course, the more the scores are deducted, the better. Those who only have a few hundredths are halved and the same is true." Li Huailin said, "So these people don't have to think about it at all. The people we want to consider are the first few people. Then the first choice is the first person named Heaven."

"Yes." The spy teammates here nodded. The first reaction was of course to vote for the first place. What is so strange, but listening to Li Huailin’s meaning is just one of the choices. Who is the choice? Why is there a second option?

"I am almost certain that this person is called Li Huailin." Li Huailin suddenly said, "The thing that this guy got out is really too much."

"Yeah." The spy teammates here did not say much, but only a little, said that they agreed, did not express any opinions.

"I said before, my goal is Li Huailin." Li Huailin continued. "So in theory, I should vote for him directly, but there is a problem here. Now his score is a bit high, even if we let his score halved. The other party is still the first place, and this choice is not good for both of us."

"There is no benefit?" asked the spy teammate here.

"Yes, do you think you are coming to take the first place?" Li Huailin asked. "In the current situation, even if the other party deducted more than 30,000 copies, according to the efficiency of this guy's brushing, you feel that you can exceed each other. Is there even a chance to get the other person down from the first place? Of course, there is still a possibility that all three rounds of voting will be placed on this person, and it is still impossible to vote for him. He can only guarantee that he will not do the first. One, and if we do this, can we both survive? After all, the scores of other people are completely unaffected. Do you think that we can score more points than they can now?"

"..." The spy teammates here bowed their heads and then nodded. "You justified."

"If you want to live, the people we want to vote for are the ones we might surpass. I looked at it. There are not many two or four people in the number of people. You can choose." Li Huailin said, "So I asked you at the beginning whether you want to live or want to die. Although Li Huailin is my enemy, I don’t want to die. This Li Huailin, we can let him continue to the next round. Naturally, the **** king will kneel down to deal with him. We can help deal with his companions."

"Well..." The spy teammates here thought about it and nodded. "I agree with your plan. Your opinion is... We vote for the second?"

“Hmmm?” Li Huailin looked at him a little bit and looked at his teammates a little surprised. “Are you sure to vote for the second?”

"What's wrong?" asked the spy teammate here.

Li Huailin looked at the standings here. The name of the second person is called the **** king. This is a bit interesting. This guy actually proposed to vote for the **** king? Although Li Huailin does not know whether this **** king is really a **** king, but he is almost certain that this goods is a **** king, so it is really interesting to vote for him. Li Huailin looked at the other party. I don’t know if the other party is testing himself or really don’t know what the situation is, but really, although this guy is now saying that he wants to vote for the king, he can’t be sure. After all, it’s not The final decision, of course, is a very probable one.

"Okay, then I decided to vote for the second." Li Huailin said nothing.

The other party also nodded directly, and then said: "The following you should talk about the matter of brushing points, you seem to have a solution?"

"There is indeed a way," Li Huailin said. "But the time seems to be not allowed."

The spy teammates also nodded slightly, but the light ball here gave them five minutes, and it is almost now.

"In this way, after the next wave begins, you will find a way to come to the armory that was blown up." Li Huailin said, "I will tell you the way again."

"Well... yes." The spy teammates here thought about it and then nodded.

Just when the other party nodded, the ball of light here once again glowed: "The five-minute discussion time is over. Now start voting, please make your last choice."

After saying that Li Huailin also saw the code of several people in front of the light ball in front, of course, there are also 1-7 numbers next to the code.

"Now start voting, three, two, one, please vote."

Li Huailin directly raised his hand to a second. Of course, his eyes always looked at the spy teammates next to him. As a result, he found that the other party actually raised his hand at the same time, and then he also gestured a second.

"Oh?" Li Huailin really did not expect that the other party is really the second, and really voted for the second place? In this case, this guy may not really be a **** king?

However, after careful consideration, Li Huailin felt that it was not necessary to judge so quickly. Yes, although the other party has invested in the king of God, but after all, this is only the first round. It is not an important moment. If the person on the side of the king of God is able to show his identity after a few thousand points, it is still too easy. Li Huailin said that he can even deduct his own score of half to express his identity. Therefore, the other party’s statement can only say that it may be true, but it may also be a plan. Li Huailin feels that it is necessary to look at the situation.

"The choice is over, the participant god, the score is halved." The ball of light here also said, "Now go into trial again."

After that, Li Huailin also flashed white light, and then he came out outside. After looking at the situation, the position that I appeared was still on the way to the city, that is, where I left, and the surrounding situation did not seem to change much. It seems that when they left, the situation in this world may be suspended. .

Summon Jade Emperor is of course also by his side, but the other side obviously did not look at himself, Li Huailin certainly remembered the current situation, immediately looked at the standings here. The scoreboard has changed, and like Li Huailin thought, first of all, of course, he is still the first, and then the second place, now becomes the summoning of the Jade Emperor, more than 15,600 points can already make her sit on the second, Because the original second place is now deducted half of the score, and now summoned the position of the jade emperor, went to the fourth place.

"What?" Of course, other participants in this situation have also seen it, and everyone is unusually surprised.

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