All Things Wrong

Chapter 3009: analysis

Li Huailin’s current brain is really a bit messy. After all, the information received at once is really a bit more. Just the king of the king here does not know where to go, let him think about the situation a little bit.

So the first thing to judge first is naturally the identity of this "invader." Yes, the other party claims that he is the future self, or that the other is the future of another timeline, which means that it is similar to the parallel world. So, does Li Huailin want to believe it? After all, although the other party has appeared, it is also the state of the hidden appearance. If this is a pretend, anything left to say is ridiculed.

In this regard, Li Huailin’s current judgment is still believed by the other side. Yes, Li Huailin really believes in the identity of the other party. First of all, Li Huailin is a person who likes to doubt. As long as the dust is undecided, Li Huailin remains in a state of suspicion at any time. Therefore, it is difficult to believe that Li Huailin believes in this state, but this time Li Huailin really believes. Because, first of all, the tone of the other party's speech is really very similar to oneself, and the other party is really very natural. It is not like deliberately pretending it. This is a very certain point for Li Huailin.

Of course, this may also be a guy who is more like his own character, but there are other supporting evidences, such as the case of Li Huailin who passed the sword to his opponent. Yes, the Excalibur is directly bound to him. In theory, it cannot be given to others, but what if the other person is also his own? If it is the same person, the things that can be bound to the other party can also be explained, and there are some other places. In short, these supporting evidences make Li Huailin feel that the identity of the other person can be believed.

Since the identity of the other party can be believed, Li Huailin thinks that the other party should say that most of it should be convincing. First of all, I don't have to lie to myself. Li Huailin said that although he is more suspicious, it is too boring to lie to himself. This will not be done, so the other party can say that it should be true. But can not say, the other party did not say right, for example, what is the situation in the selection of people, the other side chose not to say, this makes Li Huailin feel that the other party said the words are not false.

Secondly, at least most of the words that the other party said are still quite logical. For example, if the status of the king is the same, Li Huailin has already deduced it. In this case, Li Huailin now treats what the other person said as the truth, and thinks about the current situation on a one-off basis.

First of all, there are several key points in the other party's words. First, the identity of the **** king is Liu Heyun. Of course, this is still very important. After all, Li Huailin always guessed the identity of the **** king. Now, there is finally the first doubt. The object is gone. If this identity is true and trustworthy, then the biggest problem left is... the purpose of the king. Yes, Liu Heyun’s coming here is certainly not for fun. It must have his purpose. What is the purpose? Listening to the previous "invaders", it seems that the choice of the timeline is also obtained by himself, so the purpose of the king is to return to the current point of time and then to win the choice? According to the statement of the former King of God, his own words, if he gets a choice, it will destroy the world, but from now on, this statement seems to be a bit untenable. After all, if the world is destroyed, how can it be? Come, and then come back, let him continue to get the position of the chosen person, just to destroy the world again? This can't be so stupid.

Of course, these are the words that when the king of God flicked his hands, this Li Huailin certainly can't believe it. In this part, Li Huailin hopes to ask the king directly and listen to the other party's statement. Although it is impossible not to believe the other, it can be used as a reference.

Of course, the identity of the **** king is Liu Heyun, and the impact on Li Huailin is not very big. Yes, although the identity of the other party is Liu Heyun, it is another timeline of Liu Heyun, and the relationship with Liu Heyun of this timeline...may not be big. As for why it is said that it may not be big, because Li Huailin himself cannot be completely sure.

Did Liu Heyun and the current **** king meet? Li Huailin didn't know, because Li Huailin had talked with Liu Heyun about this incident when he discovered Zhang Youdong. When Liu Heyun was not very interested in Zhang Youdong? Therefore, the other party did not say that they wanted to meet Zhang Youdong, so Li Huailin also provided several positions for the other party to open the door. After that, Liu Heyun seemed to be landing on the game to find it. According to his statement, he was directly killed by lightning when he arrived there. The result is that no one is seen. Looking at it now, Li Huailin is not sure whether these words are true. If he is killed by lightning, the person who swears at him may be the king of God. If he can die, the other party may meet with him before, so it may be Liu Heyun met with the **** king and was killed by what he said. If the other party colluded with the king of the king, then it is possible for the two to cooperate.

Therefore, Li Huailin will not continue to believe that Liu Heyun will at least 100% of his mind. Of course, when the task is over, Li Huailin will talk to Liu Heyun and try to see what the other party is. Of course, he will not tell him all the news he has received.

Second, the message provided by the "invaders" is about Zhang Youdong's situation. Yes, from the previous dialogue, this future self is very convinced of Zhang Youdong. It has been analyzed before. It seems that Zhang Youdong is replacing the position of Liu Heyun who is currently helping Li Huailin to make suggestions. After all, both of them are scientists. The aspect is still very similar. The question now is how to treat Zhang Youdong.

Li Huailin and Zhang Youdong are really unfamiliar. Although the other party is now in his own temple, Li Huailin and the other party basically have no communication. After all, the other party now always wants to study what is destroying the whole server, and Li Huailin is fundamental. I don't want to let him go out. However, it seems that Li Huailin has to communicate with the other party. Yes, Zhang Youdong and Li Huailin must use it a little bit when the identity of Liu Heyun is suspected. Therefore, after going out, Li Huailin must also look for Zhang Youdong to talk a little. How to talk, Li Huailin can only look at it.

Third, the information mentioned by the “invaders” is about strength. According to the other party's statement, first of all, he will soon be fighting with the king of God. This is what Li Huailin feels. At present, he seems to be unable to fight the king. This is judged by the "invaders", and Li Huailin feels that there should be no problem. Yes, from the current situation, the King of God is indeed stronger than he thought. In the short time before, Li Huailin understood a few things. First of all, the attack of the other party has at least a similar level of attack. After all, Directly break the aura of the life sword, second, the other party can even directly Io's ability, the specific attack means is not clear, but this is really a bit strong.

Originally, Li Huailin felt that he could still play with the other party, but the situation that he saw now seems to be a bit of a hit. It’s just a little troublesome. By the way, the current score of the King of God is already in the second position. Yes, Li Huailin just looked at the points a little. The score of the **** king has already exceeded 90,000, and he almost gave himself more than this. This is the little aftermath that just leaked out when he was fighting with the "invaders". The large-scale soldiers caused by the attack caused the casualties. Of course, this is not to say that the King of God is very hoisted. After all, Li Huailin can also casually serve the soldiers. It is mainly said that the King of God should be sure to pass this round, because the last round of voting, the possibility of casting him. It is actually relatively low. In this way, the confrontation between the two should be unavoidable.

In this case, Li Huailin wants to be a positive god, but also to improve his strength a little. It depends on the Excalibur that it cannot be directly killed by the King of Death, because according to the "invaders", the expression of the Excalibur on their side is fragmentation, but the ability of the "invaders" should not be fragmented. Ability, the ability of the other party to recommend to himself, he also mentioned a little before, called the source of the law.

Li Huailin certainly doesn't know what the ability is, but since it is recommended by the other party, it should be able to deal with the power of the gods, but... Li Huailin is a bit uncertain about whether this ability is really suitable for him. After all, this is his own. ... But a mage, I don't know what skills or equipment it is, but the ability of the Master and the Warrior is still very different. The other party will not forget to consider this. At that time, the other party said that he did not know that he was a warrior, but the other party knew it later and did not fix it... So, do you still have to check it out?

According to the other party's statement, let yourself go to the mainland of Therons, find what is the core of the transfer. On the mainland of Therons, Li Huailin felt a bit familiar when he first heard it. He seemed to feel where he had heard it. Now calm down and think a little, Li Huailin suddenly remembered.

Yes, before the "invaders" mentioned, now at the 100th level, the Cylons continent has just opened. When it comes to opening, Li Huailin thinks about it. When the previous version was upgraded, there were not four new maps. It seems that there is this Celon continent. Li Huailin can think of this, mainly because of this continent, other players have already been to, after all, is a new map, players are of course more willing to explore, so of course there is discussion about this in the forum.

Of course, it is discussion. Most of them are complaints, because now the average level of players is more than 80, 90 is not the same, and the continent of Therons is obviously a map of 100 or above, so according to the current player level, It is very difficult to explore, of course, many people are in the forum. There are so many people, and Li Huailin noticed this.

Li Huailin, of course, also mentioned the names of several people mentioned by the "invaders". Since the other party asked himself to go, he should know that time is too late, and Li Huailin is also ready to go. Of course, what is the medicine... Li Huailin is still exempted. After all, I still have a lot of ways to brush my feelings. There is no need to really take medicine.

As for the other party's handing over to the audience, the other party asked him to take a copy of the core and then hand it over to Zhang Youdong to study what it is. In this aspect of research, Li Huailin is also ready to hand over to Zhang Youdong, and he will talk to him for a while.

The situation mentioned by the other side is probably so much, and what Li Huailin is doing now is also certain. First of all, let's finish this trial first, then go to Liu Heyun and Zhang Youdong to ask about the situation, and then go to the mainland of Therons. The matter is really a bit more, and according to the other party's statement, only two days, Li Huailin said that it is a bit tight, but there is no way, only to look at it.

After analyzing all the information on this side, Li Huailin once again turned his attention to the trial side. First look at the current leaderboard, the first is still himself, and then the second is the king of God, the scores of the two are very close, and the distance opened behind. Yes, the three or four are Eofarm and the Savior, the score is more than 60,000 points, and the fifth is now summoning the Jade Emperor, and now the summoned Jade Emperor's score is catching up with the third and fourth.

Looking at the score, Li Huailin was a little surprised. Yes, this score is a bit problematic, and this problem is on Iofah. Yes, the savior has not yet arrived at the scene. Of course, the score is not changed. The summoned Jade Emperor is also brushing points. Of course, the score is also rising, but the question is... Why didn't the score of Iofam change?

Li Huailin looked to the side, the situation on the scene, summoned the Jade Emperor, of course, to brush the points there, the soldiers who did not know how to do it all around, and Li Huailin found that Iowam was really not there. Brushing, she actually stood there and did not move.

"What happened to you?" Li Huailin asked a little strangely to the side of Iofarm. "Don't you brush it?"

"Who is the one who just confronted the **** king?" asked Iofarm here. "Why is it so similar to you?"

"This...not very good explanation." Li Huailin did not know how to say it. "You should be the future."

"Is you in the future?" Iowam here obviously squatted a little, then looked up and down Li Huailin, "Can you beat the king of God?"

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