All Things Wrong

Chapter 3010: Third wave end

Li Huailin did not know what happened to Eofarm here. Listening to the situation just now, the other party seems to be directly under the king of God. Is it because this thing has produced frustration? Li Huailin really has no time to comfort her, and now she has a lot of things.

I am guilty, and suddenly Ioaf is looking at the horizon. Seeing this situation, Li Huailin also looked directly at the past, and found that there was a figure in the place where Iopham looked. It was obvious that someone came over.

"Not him." Iofamu said immediately, of course, Li Huailin quickly understood the meaning of the other party. The person who came is not the king of God. Now Li Huailin does not know who the person is, after all, now People are all the same, you have to be close to see the name.

Now someone is coming over, of course, it’s a normal thing. Time has passed so long, and the rest of us should find it. Li Huailin has a little headache. After all, the situation is the same as before. The summoned Jade Emperor is now the fifth place, and it is useless to brush points. If someone is messing up now, it is really annoying.

But at this moment, Iofamu here suddenly said: "I will go."

"Well?" Li Huailin squatted a little, and Iofah was ready to stop the other person? This is very surprising to him. After all, according to the general situation, now Ioofam should also speed up the brushing. Now, although her score is ranked third, it is not very different from the fourth score. Far, and summoning the Jade Emperor is about to catch up with them. It is not stable at all. What I didn’t expect was that she actually intercepted the other person in the active zone? It seems that it was the case that it was affected by the previous influence.

Without waiting for Li Huai-lin to analyze anything, the Iofam here has already flew straight out, of course, directly toward the other side. Soon after the day, a lot of dragons were uploaded. Li Huailin also saw Iofam and the opposite hand. Although I haven’t seen which one the other party is, the situation on both sides seems to be similar, at least for a short time. other side.

Li Huailin also paid attention to the score again, mainly to see if there was any situation. As a result, he quickly noticed a situation that was not quite right. Yes, the place he noticed is that the score of one of the people has not changed. First of all, only one person on the field is still changing. The person is summoning the Jade Emperor. The scores of all others are not moving, but others. Fortunately, only one person's score did not move Li Huailin was very concerned about this person is a blasphemy.

Yes, the singer's score is now in the sixth position, the score is more than 40,000 points, and it is not very far from the previous one, but the problem is that the score of the other party has not changed. Li Huailin is very strange. If it is reasonable, this person’s score should not always stop here.

Yes, the scorpion is a spy, and then the score of the other party needs to be upgraded by killing the soldiers on the side of the camp. Now the soldiers on the bright side of the camp are completely killed. Some of the former troops were taken by the king. The other part was killed by Li Huailin’s aura, and the sorcerer was present at the time, but it seems that the other party does not have any particularly strong skills, so the brush score is not very fast, but now the problem is that his score is not moving. This is very strange.

Li Huailin saw that there were still remaining troops on the bright side of the camp. They should have escaped in the direction of the main city, and the blasphemy had chased them in the direction of the main city. In theory, the scorpio should be able to catch up with them all the way, so the score should be steadily increasing, but Li Huailin observed several times and found that the singer's score has not changed.

Say the other party gave up, it should not be ah, after all, the scores are not much different, not so desperate, but the other party does not seem to continue to increase points, is it ... can not find people? Of course, if you can't get people, it's better to do it. Li Huailin is worried about another situation. Now it is very important as a third-party singer. After all, there is a final round of voting. Li Huailin is worried. This guy is being fooled.

Yes, now people on their side are here, and Li Huailin, the person on the side of the king of the gods, sees this guy who is playing against Iofah. The rest of the people have not come here yet, maybe To do other things, Li Huailin is worried that these guys will use this time to brainwash the blasphemy. I have to say that the brainwashing skills of these people are still very powerful. If the gods are really being fooled, the result may be more troublesome.

However, although a little anxious, Li Huailin can't leave here now. God King does not know what is going on, is it really hurt or has any other plans. Li Huailin thought about it, the only way is to hurry to end, so as not to continue to have long night dreams.

Slightly summoned the call of the Jade Emperor, Li Huailin continued to help, that is, open the ring to reduce the blood volume of the soldiers around, this time calling the jade Emperor's brushing efficiency is really very low, after all, people around It started to run around, and she couldn't find those who looked particularly high in scores. This is really no good idea. It is better to open the halo directly to burn this group of people to a serious injury, so that the other party will not run at least.

However, the range of Li Huailin's aura is larger than that of the summoned Jade Emperor, so it is bound to brush a little more points. Of course, there is not much so much at the moment, so the two sides have once again cooperated. At this time a little further away, Iofar and the opposite king of the gods were playing in the dark, but it is clear that the two sides are still in a state of glue, and both of them can't take each other, so they also won for Li Huailin. a little time.

Under the cooperation of the two, the summoning of the Jade Emperor's brushing efficiency is slightly faster. Soon, the summoning of the Jade Emperor's score directly exceeds the fourth savior, not far from the third Eofomam. It is. Li Huailin has always been paying attention, but there is still no change in the scores of the sorcerer's side, which makes Li Huailin slightly a little premonition.

"Is it over now?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"You continue to brush it, anyway, it's almost the third." Li Huailin thought about it. Now it is impossible to summon the jade to the second. After all, the second king's score is really high, even if it is Everyone around can't get an estimate, but Eofar's score can still exceed. The last round of voting, in which seven people's votes can cause a change in rankings, this Li Huailin is not very operable, spy voting can also cause a change in rankings, but this Li Huailin is operational, so summon the Jade Emperor as long as Brush to the third, it should be able to stabilize the next round.

Summon Jade Emperor certainly knows this truth, but the problem is Iofarm, the other party is the third. If it becomes the fourth, it is not very stable, because there may be someone who scores more than she put her. Pulled to the fifth situation, so I asked again.

"Nothing, seeing her in this situation is also aware of this." Li Huailin said, if Eofarm wants to guarantee his position, then he will brush his own points, but the other person chooses to block the king. She also knows that she knows that this is in the protection of the call of the Jade Emperor, indicating that this is the choice of the other party. Li Huailin has a little understanding of the meaning of Iofam, and of course, according to the meaning of the other party.

Summon the Jade Emperor did not say anything here, continue to start brushing the soldiers around, but also after a while, summoning the Jade Emperor's score is also more than the score of Iopham, came to the third position, of course, at this time, Li Huailin chose to end the battle quickly.

The remaining soldiers here have been burnt down on the ground. If they did not summon the aura of the Jade Emperor, they would have died. Now that Li Huailin wants to end, it is good to summon the Jade Emperor to take up the aura. So a little operation, the rest of the soldiers have all become Li Huailin's score, and at the same time, the third wave of trials is over, Li Huailin's body flashed in a dark room.

There is still a passage in the room leading to the meeting room in front. Li Huailin also directly looked at the current score. His score of nearly 110,000 was ranked first, and the second was Shen Wang, with more than 90,000 points. The third place is to summon the Jade Emperor, more than 60,000, the fourth is Iopham, but also more than 60,000 points. The fifth place is the savior, the score is close to 60,000, and the blasphemy is ranked sixth. There is still no change in more than 40,000 points. The last one is the one with his own name, and the score is negligible.

At present, there are already 2 people who have decided to eliminate them. That is the goods with their own names and the gods. Yes, the score of this guy with his own name is too low, double is useless, 100% eliminated, and the sorcerer, although the score is not low, but because he is a spy identity, the score can not be turned Times, even if someone else's score is halved, he will rise one place at most, and he will not be able to reach the fourth, so he will be eliminated 100%.

The remaining five have the possibility of promotion, but there are also possibilities to be eliminated. Although four of the five people can advance, the person who is eliminated is really uncertain, and anyone has the possibility.

In this round of voting meetings, Li Huailin has to solve the problem of promotion, which is also the time for him to meet with the **** king. Yes, now he knows the identity of the **** king. Now the other party is waiting for himself in the room in front. Li Huailin also has many questions to ask the other party. (https:)

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