All Things Wrong

Chapter 3052: Secret

"No, when you brought this item back, why didn't you just pick up the masked Queen?" Li Huailin said.

"I didn't see anyone at all? It's not that you have been messing around all the time. The scenes are messy. Can I find this guy already good?" Brians is also crazy with Li Huailin.

"Well, you two don't quarrel. Anyway, if you can't find Anna, I won't take you to get what you want." Gamma here also interrupted the two. If you say it directly, yes, of course, she is very worried in her heart, but I know that if I go to find it, there is nothing to find someone, or rely on these two guys, so I quickly found a way to help them.

"Hey, the **** king does not know if it is still outside. Now looking for someone is not looking for trouble, I see that you take me to get that thing first, I can help you swear the gods without any scruples. "How are you looking?" Li Huailin said.

"When are you Anna? If you are so deceiving and help you get that thing, I and Anna will have no use value. Will you still control us?" Gammiel said immediately.

"Hey..." Li Huailin said that the other party is really witty. If you can't go on, it seems that you still have to find the Queen of the Queen. However, now Li Huailin really does not want to touch the king of God, at least before getting something. What should I do? I need a good plan.

Li Huailin now has the mark of Anna, so it is relatively simple to send the past, but the question is how to get the guy back, can't carry it with someone. If you encounter the king of the gods in the past, it will be a little troublesome. After all, Li Huailin knows that the king of God does not seem to be working on Gamma, but he does not know whether the king of God will do anything to Anna, if he does not put people Brought back, Gamma here will not bother to go to the trouble, and maybe even blame the death of Anna, they have more headaches.

"Good to say, Anna is at least not dead now, but if we go to find her, it may bring danger to the other party. After all, the person who God pays attention to should be us, but Anna’s small role theory is too lazy to find And if we go to take her away now, it may cause the attention of the king of God." Li Huailin thought about it and said.

"There was such a big movement that you just made. But if Anna is in danger, or has been seriously injured and needs help? And you said that Anna is fine, this is lie to me." Mila immediately said, "In short, I have to go together, but if Anna is not there, I will not take you to get things."

"..." Li Huailin said that he had a headache and wondered if he would give Gamma a prescription. He knew that he should listen to the medicine he said in the future. In this case, the other party now estimates that he can believe what he said, and now the other party is completely Believe. But now this situation seems to be the next medicine does not solve the problem, after all, can not always do that kind of thing at this time.

"And, the king of God should not hurt Anna." Gamma here suddenly said.

“Hey?” Li Huailin asked briefly, “Why?”

"Because I told the guy, but Anna is his daughter." Gamma here said.

"Hey?" Both Li Huailin and Blaines jumped up in a slap in the face.

"Wait, wait, do you mean that God King has a daughter?" Brians can't help but confirm it again.

"No, no, this is obviously not right. God King is a player, why is there a daughter?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say.

"This is theoretically speaking, npc and the player can have a relationship, there is no possibility of future generations." Here, Brians said, "But the situation of the king of God is obviously a bit more... said that there is a daughter down It is not impossible."

"What do you mean by saying that they are similar to Zhang Youdong? No, no, no, really, the gods have come here for so long, in theory, they have already filled the world, I don't believe, I Do not believe." Li Huai-lin waved.

"But the previous behaviors are indeed very abnormal, but if this person is a woman of the **** king, and then there is a daughter, the previous behavior can be explained." Blaines said.

"This... a..." Li Huailin also hesitated. Yes, he didn't know why he didn't do anything about Gamma here. Is it really because of emotional problems? Indeed, Li Huailin also saw in some news that some people really want to use the npc in the game as a real person, and even have the kind to prepare to marry npc. Although Li Huailin cannot understand this behavior, he can’t say It doesn't exist, but if the **** king is Liu Heyun, the other party is a scientist. This is generally not the case.

"So you are the woman of the king of God?" Li Huailin asked directly to Gemila.

"It used to be." Gamma thought for a moment and said, "It was blinking at the time, but it was already over."

"Cushing trough...I almost gave the **** king a green hat?" Li Huailin helped the amount. "Is Anna only really the daughter of the **** king?"

"Of course... no," said Gamila here.

"Hey? Not what you just said..."

"What I just said is that I told God that Wang Anna is his daughter, and the other party should think so." Gammilla said, "But it is not, but Anna is the daughter of Vidra and me. But at that time, the guy sent someone to chase me and wanted to erase my existence. I subconsciously told the other party the news, and then the other party never sent someone."

"Oh, when I talk about this, I know it." Brians said here. "I didn't say that God King sent someone here. It is estimated that it was known at that time. After that, in order to conceal this matter, that The people sent in are estimated to have been dealt with by the king."

"Is it... is this the case?" Li Huailin lifted the amount and thought that there seemed to be no problem in logic. If so, the king of God did think that he had a daughter, so he let go of Gamma here. Still have nothing to do with Gaymila?

"You understand, that guy is such a ruthless person, but at the time I really blinked and he would be with him..." said Gammail here.

"Understood." Li Huailin thought for a moment, and Gamma said it might be true. Yes, he suddenly thought of a problem at this time, that is, he asked him to come to Anna in the future, and then let Anna take her to find Gemila, so it is obvious that the future self knows that Anna is the same person. If Anna is really the daughter of the king of God, his time and space should not have this person's existence. The other party should let him directly come to Gemila, but since the other party said it, then the existence of Anna and the king of God It doesn't matter, that is to say, the other party is really not the daughter of the **** king.

This analysis, Camilla's words are very credible, it is estimated that the king of God also knows how Li Huailin gained power, so he came here to find Gamma, and did not know how to do the two really. A little bit of feeling happened, and the result was the same as that of Gamila.

Of course, knowing that this matter does not seem to have any other use except for Li Huailin’s topic of ridiculing the god. But now that God does not know that Anna is not her daughter, the possibility of doing something to her is reduced.

"Speaking of it, this is really a good research project." Brians here is awesome. "I am also curious as to what will happen between the player and the npc."

"Don't make trouble? At most, the system is upgrading another baby system." Li Huailin said, "Now is not the time to discuss this. Is there any way to get that Anna?"

"If the king does not leave, he will definitely meet when he goes out." Brians said here. "I am not prepared to fight against him alone. See what you do."

Brians means that Li Huailin goes by himself, or he can go with Li Huailin. But if both of them leave, what about Gamma? Now Li Huailin still needs the help of the other side to lead the way, and it is absolutely earth-shattering to fight with the **** king. Before Gai Mila escaped, it was lucky. If you come again, you don’t know if you can live. And with her words... Of course, it is also a burden, although the **** king does not seem to do anything to her, but it is possible to accidentally hurt, there is no way before, but now let her face the **** king, this Not asking for trouble yourself.

After thinking about it for a little, Li Huailin felt as if he was going to see it alone. The best case of course is that the King of God has been repulsed by himself. After all, the movement has been quite big. However, once it happens, Li Huailin is not at least worried about death. He can still send it back to the city. He doesn’t have to worry about his death when he is back. The npc is also killed by the **** king. It’s worse, he is alone. Still can be mixed. Besides, I still seem to have some strength to fight against the King of God, although I am not very capable of manipulating.

"I will go and see." Li Huailin thought of this, but also said to Blaines, "You are optimistic about her."

"I don't want to be a demon king, but I dare to face the king of God," said Blaines.

"Required, I am incomparably inflated now." Li Huailin waved his hand and then disappeared directly into the spotlight. Yes, he directly sent it to the side of Anna, just restored his vision. Li Huailin felt bright around, yes. This is the light that shines on someone, and the king of God stands in front of himself.

"tf..." Li Huailin couldn't help but say.

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