All Things Wrong

Chapter 3099: test

"Hey?" Calling the Jade Emperor is of course a look. In her opinion, even the law of life has now expired. It seems that there is no good way to deal with the King of God, but Li Huailin is still happy. This does not know what is going on. Is there really a good way for this guy to summon the Jade Emperor here?

"Mainly this skill." Li Huailin immediately said that he summoned the expression of Jade Emperor. "It was really too small to look at this skill before. I didn't expect this skill to be so abnormal, and there are unexpected special effects."

"Special effect? ​​What is it?" Summon Jade Emperor does not understand more, after all, she saw this skill is very obvious gimmick, this effect seems to have no problem, did not see any other special effects. .

"You didn't find it? This skill has a hidden ability, just like the situation. I released this skill to the King of God. The King of God fell directly from the sky." Li Huailin said.

"Yeah, this is not a trial before you, just the prostate brake in front of it." The summoned Jade Emperor had been there before, and Li Huailin had certainly seen her before the King.

"No, no, the focus is not to shoot down, but... in the process of shooting down, it can seal the attribute of the other party's action." Li Huailin said.

"Well?" Summon the Jade Emperor a little, then suddenly understand. Yes, the problem that Li Huailin said is this problem, because it is obvious that if the **** king can counterattack before using it, he should counterattack at that time, and then attack Li Huailin while falling, but it is not. The king of God did not make any movements, so the situation is very obvious. After the successful release of this skill, the other party is unable to move freely before completing the specified action, that is, “squatting”. Simply put, it is directly Entered a situation where it could not be operated. This situation is particularly obvious when the other side is in the air, and at this time, the **** king is still flying in the sky.

Yes, Li Huailin also looked at it with the eyes of God. It turned out that the king of the king flew into the air again after completing the action. Of course, Li Huailin has already returned to the temple, so he can’t find anyone, and the other party will continue to start. Arranged the magical array, it is obvious that the King of God did not realize this at this time, so it is still flying in the air, it is estimated that Li Huai-lin will continue to sneak attack, but he is already prepared, this sneak attack is not too worried.

"" summoned the Jade Emperor to think about it, and then asked, yes, Li Huailin’s meaning, although she understood it, but now it is to stop the King of God, not to figure out the specific attributes of this skill. Just know that this can't solve the problem of the king of God.

"Oh... let's just say, the situation of this skill is that the other party can complete the free movement after completing the specified action. In this case, if we let the other party fail to complete the action, the other party will remain in an inoperable state. Yes, isn't it?" Li Huailin said.

"Well?" Summon the Jade Emperor slightly squatted, which is a bit reasonable. If she thinks about it, Li Huailin’s method will be understood. When the other party recruits the first time, it will fall to the ground. If the other party is not allowed to fall to the ground, the other party will not be able to complete the action. It is equal to saying that it is controlling the other party. Of course, the king of God cannot continue to complete the squad.

"But if we can do it, we still need to do some experimentation," Li Huailin said.

"Is still going to experiment?" summoned the Jade Emperor and said, now that I know that the King of God can kill myself, and summoning the Jade Emperor is reluctant to have this experience. After all, she is a good grade, it is really good to die once. What time is it?

"No, no, don't take the king of the king to do the experiment. Just try the king of the king. Can you leave the state by yourself? It seems that it is not possible. Otherwise, according to the angry situation of the other party, it will definitely be separated immediately." My, since there is no separation, it proves that even the king of God can't do it, and that's enough." Li Huailin said, "If you pick up the situation, you can find someone to cooperate with."

"Oh, this way." Summon the Jade Emperor nodded. "Would you like me to help?"

“Maybe.” Li Huailin said, “In general, find someone first.”

After talking about Li Huailin, I also walked to the square next to it. There are still many Protoss in the square here. It is true that the Protoss were directly connected when they were transferred to the King of God, but most of them were hung up. People are still safe to come back, and when they see Li Huailin coming over, these people are all worried. Now they are really a little afraid that Li Huailin will let them go out to die, although it is boring to stay here, but it is better than going out to die. These chauvinists under Li Huailin are not afraid of death, because those who are not afraid of death have been hacked to death by Li Huailin.

"Hey...Your..." When Li Huailin came over, the protoss here really worried that Li Huailin would let them go out to fight the king again. When it was time, it was really troublesome. Going out was death, not going out was betrayal, which made them What should I do. They still don't know that the King of God is drawing a magical array to invade the temple. After all, there is no eye of God in the square. If you want to know, they are more nervous.

"You, come and rebel against me." Li Huailin said with a wave.

“Hey?” All the Protoss are a glimpse. What is the situation? What is personal rebellion, is it... Li Huailin saw their minds and then doubted their loyalty? Yes, now, their old master, the **** king, has appeared. Li Huailin doubts that there is no problem. I figured this out, and a group of protoss here quickly said: "Your Majesty, we have no rebellious heart. You are our God, and we will never betray you."

This is what the Protoss said is true. After all, they can't go to the king of God, and the things that Li Huailin did before them also added a lot of good feelings, so I really didn't want to betray Li Huailin.

"Md, I said that you all have you." Li Huailin immediately said, "Hurry up to personal betrayal."

"Ha?" This is really scaring people, this protoss quickly continue to be loyal to Li Huailin, which makes Li Huailin a headache, yes, he just wants to test the skills, and this skill can only be used by the enemy. The party unit, their own people can't do it, so Li Huailin let them betray it, but they really thought that Li Huailin wanted to clean up the portal, so he was anxious to die.

"It's you, I command you to betray." Li Huailin directly pointed to one of the Protoss called St. Torrance, said. He is really too lazy to explain the cause and effect with this group of people, and the order is faster. As for why you chose this St. Torrance, just just pick it up.

"Your Majesty, I have no rebellious heart." The St. Torrance here is of course directly frightened.

"I don't listen to my orders. Is there still a rebellious heart?" Li Huailin said.

"Oh... this..." St. Torrance squatted a little, as if yeah, the order under Li Huailin didn't listen. Isn't this a rebellion? But the problem is that Li Huailin’s order is rebellious. It seems that no matter whether you listen or not, is this all right? This is not to make him embarrassed.

"In short, I need you to rebel now, hurry." Li Huailin said, "Don't listen to the order really kills you."

"Oh...Yes, Your Majesty." St. Torrance thought about it. Li Huailin did not seem to want to kill him. Could it be that the purpose was to pretend to be a rebel, and then to be a spy to join the king of the king to explore intelligence? Anyway, let’s take a look, let’s agree.

"Then you are rebelling against me now?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, I listened to His command and rebelled," said St. Thorans.

"Nothing is wrong." Li Huailin looked at the name on the head of St. Torrance, or the reality of green, and I don’t quite know what the judgment of this system is, but Li Huailin thought, "You Try to attack me."

"Attack?" asked St. Torrance.

"Just play it, the troops, while calling and calling me to rebel." Li Huailin said, "This is also an order."

"Oh... good, I... I started." I really don't know what Li Huailin is doing, but St. Torrance is still doing it. So St. Torrance here thought about it. He punched a fist directly on Li Huailin’s chest. Of course, it was very light. There was almost no attacking punch. And while playing, he did not have any strength to shout: "I want to rebel! I want to rebel!"

"Oh, yes." Li Huailin was pleasantly surprised to find that the color of the other party's name has changed. "Good job, St. Torrance."

"Yes, Your Majesty." St. Torrance here nodded immediately, although he did not know what Li Huailin was happy with, but Li Huailin was happy.

"Now there is something you need to cooperate with." Li Huailin said.

"Good sire." St. Torrance said immediately, he did not know that his name had changed color, and he did not feel that he was really rebellious. Anyway, Li Huailin asked him why he was doing it. "Your Majesty, what am I going to do?"

"You stand up," Li Huailin said.

"Yes, my Majesty." The St. Torrance here is of course standing right away.

"I will let you swear for a while, you don't worry," Li Huailin said.

"Ha?" St. Torrance looked arrogant, what is this order?

"Begin." Li Huailin said.

"Yes...Yes..." Although I still don't know what happened, St. Torrance nodded.

"Give your grandfather!"

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