All Things Wrong

Chapter 3100: Force

"Plop", St. Torrance gave it at the time, of course not from his own will, Li Huailin and he said nothing, but he still stunned, of course, Li Huailin used skills, this is not a skill name They all shouted.

"This...this..." The St. Torrance here is of course very embarrassing. After all, he didn't think about it, but he was not stupid. After all, he had seen the scene of the prince who gave Li Huailin himself. This situation seems to be what Li Huolin used in this area.

"It seems feasible." Li Huailin nodded, this is just a try, and then said to St. Torrance, "Come, you fly up."

"Okay, Your Majesty." St. Torrance probably understood. Li Huailin took his test skills. Although this skill is a skill that makes him squat, Li Huailin is their sire, as if to give him There is no problem with it. After all, it has been voluntarily passed before, and this kind of forced squatting skills will be eaten.

So St. Torrance also flew into the air and began to cooperate with Li Huailin's test. As a result, Li Huailin waved his hand and St. Torrance landed on the ground again. Of course, the gimmick continued. After a little two or three falls, Li Huailin also found a lot of problems.

First of all, Li Huailin’s previous guess was correct. The way down was really similar to the inoperable state. He also let St. Torrance try to resist and do something else, but it doesn’t work, according to St. Laurent. Si said, before you finish your head, you feel like you are uncontrollable. Not only can you not move actively, but skills and the like cannot be released.

Secondly, this ability is hurt to some extent. Yes, this damage is caused by the fall damage, but this does not seem to be useful, because St. Torrance fell and only dropped a little blood, the king of God ...not to mention that.

Finally, the time to resume action is at the end of the moment, when the head hits the ground, St. Torrance can act here.

Of course, after the completion of these basic tests, Li Huailin began an advanced test. The content of the test is whether it can stop the other party when the other party comes down. The first way is to let Xiaomi directly catch St. Torrance flying in the air. Yes, St. Torrance does not need to float here, and then Li Huailin keeps Xiaomi flying to see if he can catch it.

"Give your grandfather!" With Li Huailin's groan, a huge crash sounded, not only St. Torrance, but even the millet in the air was smashed down and squatted directly on the ground.

"Hey... seems to be a coercive force..." Li Huailin looked at the situation. The judgment of this depression was very high. He couldn’t hold it at all. Xiaomi didn’t insist on going down for a second. It seems that he wants Pulling is not acceptable.

Since the pull is unbearable, it is straightforward, I don’t know if it will work. Yes, this time Li Huailin let Xiaomi put it underneath, and when the skills are released, Li Huailin summons Xiaomi to appear under St. Torrance to see if he can stop the other side from landing.

The scream of "咩", the result of the test is this, the St. Torrance here is heavily squatting on Xiaomi's body, and then directly smashed his head on Xiaomi's body. Of course, Xiaomi is shackled. It hurts.

This result made Li Huailin a little surprised. Yes, he even thought of the situation where the other party was wearing Xiaomi, but he did not expect that he would actually squat on Xiaomi, so he gave birth to a new problem. "What is the specific concept? After all, Xiaomi's body completed this action, and the other party also judged Xiaomi as the ground."

So Li Huailin experimented a little bit. After St. Thorans’s madness a dozen times, I probably got the answer. Yes, the concept of "land" is equivalent to a place where people can stand. It can be judged as the ground, and at least three places can be contacted. It is the knees of the person being cast and the position under the head tribe. It is necessary to have something solid.

Of course, this is a few trials. Li Huailin also found that it is not the ground that can't stop the other person's whereabouts. For example, Li Huailin finds the iron pillar and points to the belly of St. Torrance to see if he can support him. Let him hang, but the iron bars here are directly crushed. After bending it, I flew out like a spring, and I couldn’t stop it.

Li Huailin also tried to find someone to try. It was called a few Protoss holding hands underneath. Of course, it was not the position of the knees and the head. However, after using the skills, it was found that several Protoss were directly pressed into the floor. Yes, they are really hard to use, and even use the power of God, but still can not stand, even if one second can not support, forced support is to push them into the ground.

So obviously, the result of the test is that after releasing the skill, there is a force that forces the victim's knees and forehead to directly touch the solid thing. As long as the three places are in contact with the solid thing, even if the action is completed, The activity, but the problem is that this process seems to be unable to stop.

"The judgment of this skill is very powerful, but it is too powerful. It is completely mandatory." Although the high skill judgment is a good thing, but now it becomes a trouble, this really can't stop it.

"What should I do?" Summon Jade Emperor did nothing, just watch Li Huailin doing the experiment next to him. The result of the experiment did not need Li Huailin to explain what she understood. It is obvious that this skill is a little hang, but it can't stop the King of God. .

"Well..." Li Huailin thought a little. "Since people can't make a fuss about it, why don't we change our perspective and try to make a fuss from the ground?"

"The ground?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Come, St. Torrance, you fly over there and try." Li Huailin pointed to the side and said.

Yes, Li Huailin refers to the place outside the scope of the temple. As I said before, the place where the temple is located really doesn't know where it is. I don't know if it is in another space. It is surrounded by white fog. Nothing can be seen except the temple. Underneath the shrine, there is nothing to see at all. Li Huailin curiously flies down and sees it, but how to fly is white fog, no vision at all, and I don’t know what it is in the distance. I don’t know if there is any bottom. So now, let's just say that it is not the bottom. If this is the case, if something goes down directly, what will happen, can it be said that the other party can fall indefinitely?

Summon the Jade Emperor to understand the meaning of Li Huailin, and St. Torrance understands this, and now Li Huailin’s skills are also almost understood. If he really falls down indefinitely, this is not finished. St. Torrance said it was a bit flustered.

"You can't go?" Li Huailin said directly to the other side.

"This..." It is obvious that Li Huailin is posing a threat. If you say no words, you must be dead. What should you do? Going though it is dangerous, but may not die, but not to die 100%, St. Torrance is helpless, but there is no way to refuse.

With a bitter face, St. Torrance flew to the side of the temple, which is where there is no ground below. Li Huailin waved his hand and directly launched his skills. However, what he did not expect was that St. Torrance in the air did not move.

Yes, the other party is still floating in the original position. Of course, St. Torrance still does not know that Li Huailin has used the skills. He still looks at Li Huailin with uneasiness.

"Hmmm?" Li Huailin squatted, and immediately looked at his battle bar, and found that this side of the prompt, his skills "to the grandfather" release failed.

"It turns out that." Li Huailin probably understands that this skill can't be released successfully when there is no ground below. It seems that there must be a skill that can be released immediately below.

"That... suddenly took the ground away?" Li Huailin suddenly thought of a way. Yes, after the skill was released, he suddenly pulled the ground below. Does the other party not fall down directly? Of course, this is also an experiment immediately, immediately engaged in a long-boarded rock, after all, these protoss around will not, the general magic will still, the ability to release a rock is very simple.

The rock was padded on the edge, and then St. Torrance flew directly over the rock. Li Huailin released the skill directly. When the St. Torrance began to fall, Li Huailin directly put the rock here. I got rid of it.

The next moment, Li Huailin saw that St. Torrance suddenly stopped here, and the other party stopped directly in the air. St. Torrance is also a glimpse of this, and then directly moved to find that they can move.

"Your Majesty, it seems to be moving," St. Torrance said immediately.

"It turns out that if there is no place to fall, will the skills be automatically cancelled? It is also an effect that will not be known without testing." Li Huailin said. The result is that the test is successful, but the problem is even bigger. Yes, this skill determination is really too strict, and it can't be stopped. He has to let the other party fall at the fastest speed and then squat.

"Wait..." Li Huailin suddenly thought of something, then said to St. Torrance, "Go again."

St. Torrance certainly did it, and Li Huailin still used this rock board to block the launching skills. However, Li Huailin did not choose to directly remove the board. Although he moved the board, this time it moved directly below.

"砰", the St. Torrance here still fell on the rock board, and then smashed his head, but Li Huailin’s eyes lit up. Yes, he found a bug that could be used. It is impossible to remove the board, but As long as there is a place to land below, this skill will not be canceled. Simply put, as long as you move down the place, you can slow down the landing time.

"What skill did you dig at the coordinate point last time? Let me teach you." Li Huailin said directly to Bryans, who was next to him.

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